For as long as I’ve been alive, this country has more or less had plenty of resources. Whatever you wanted or needed, it was there. Not to see you could necessarily afford it or you didn’t settle for this short vs a cheaper one, etc. But store shelves were stocked. Gas stations had fuel. Consumers had options and were able to cover their needs and wants. The market provided what society demanded.

Ever since the plandemic, the economy has been trending towards shortages. While it was reasonable to say that shutdowns and the misguided quarantines disrupted supply chains to create shortages, we would expect things to ramp up over time and a return to normalcy.

Yet we still see industrial and retail supply chains tightening all over the place. Food factories are burning down at seemingly unprecedented rate. I’m not sure if it is or is not historical in nature, because I’ve never bothered to track down source material and do my own analysis. But I think it’s safe to say that it seems odd and elevated.

There’s a push to move society towards unreliable energy generation, yet no infrastructure to store the energy in a way that gives on demand transmission. Hydrocarbons are being restricted by massive amounts, both in supply and ability to consume.

I could go on about scarcity, but it’s all to make this point: In a market or abundance, what support would the government have to regulate much? They wouldn’t! But once you introduce the problem of scarcity, society will demand an “equitable” distribute them.

Now…what political system believes resources are best managed from a central authority? Who are the people and organizations pursuing actions that reduce supply? What things are try trying to restrict?

It looks to me like there is an intentional plan to seize control over society and introduce a new system of government through scarcity.