sandsmith 18 points ago +18 / -0

Time to buy some refurbished laptops and accelerate my linux study.

Talking freely is going to be the greatest form of resistance coming soon.

sandsmith 4 points ago +4 / -0

I am definitely at the never forgive, never forget point now. Even before I was aware I at least had the decency not to attack others about their opinions. Now though, the well has been so poisoned that I do not believe it is recoverable.

sandsmith 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think the insane push is what leads a lot of this credence. 4g I can stream shit tons of data, enough for the vast majority of normies to satiate their dopamine demands, But pushing so hard that you force airlines to cancel flights...something doesnt add up.

Not to mention how this mirrors the vax push,..

Somehow mind control is so much more horrible than straight genocide. I hope Im wrong.

sandsmith 1 point ago +1 / -0

Once they have everyone enslaved, they are now picking quiet types of punishment. If they don't scare the sheep, they can keep them isolated and afraid forever.

In countries that fall to this, it is going to be a horror beyond imagination.

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