How many of you, had you been in Trump's shoes, would have fought to the death over the stolen election, covid, and the vaccine? Would you not have known going in that you may have to make the ultimate sacrifice? With millions of people waiting to rise up and change the world, would you punk out like a little bitch?


Anyone that still thinks Trump is not part of the cabal is just as deluded as the Qtards trusting the plan. It's the same thing, just a different version.

As long as you are sitting on our ass waiting for the next dose of hopium, they will have no problem ending this country. In fact, it's already over.

Fuck Trump and anyone stupid enough to still be playing along with it all.

Biden will never give a SOTU address. They are planning to assassinate him in the next few days. They will use the assassination as a way to criminalize the populace; take away guns and arrest dissenters. This will be the highlight of Harris' SOTU address.


After Cobain was murdered, I hypothesize that Grohl was approached by by TPTB and made an offer he couldn't refuse. He claims to have written and recorded the first Foo Fighters album on his own. Does anyone buy that shit?

The psyop is that music is a huge part of bread and circuses and they wanted to capture as many sheeple as possible. Dave Grohl was a perfect opportunity to do this.


I hypothesize that the reason that music, entertainment, and creativity are shit is because (they) no longer care to provide quality. They give us shit that promotes mental illness and stupidity because the jig is about up and they don't give a fuck what we think about it.


The power outages in Texas, and just about every other moronic problem in society, is because low IQ faggots have been put in charge, intentionally. These narcissist are more concerned with how they look to others and how much profit they can make from their situation then they are about doing a good job and doing the right thing. These morons were hired by other morons and now the entirety of society is run by fucking idiots.

And what do we do about to? Nothing. We make excuses for the little faggots instead of stringing them up and holding them accountable for their stupidity. There are very few men left in society. The rest are beta faggots.

The continuing Trump theatrics are just the way they memory hole the things we should really care about. Trump was the Trojan horse for Covid and as long as they keep the deluded narcissists focused on Trump, there will be no chance to fight against what is really coming.


It's no coincidence that the people who are the most bought-in to the covid farce are also the most narcissistic;

Liberals, Social Media Fiends, Homosexuals, and people who are willing to do anything for attention and validation.

They have them in a catch-22. They can't acknowledge that they are stupid and fell for a ridiculous lie, and they are unwilling to give up all of the narcissistic supply they receive from buying-in.

We can thank social media for putting the final nail in the coffin.


...is because they don't want you to think too hard when they feed you some unbelievable BS through the news or social media. If the created entertainment that required critical thinking, we would all see right through the matrix.

It's pretty simple. TPTB overestimated their ability to brainwash the masses into believing there is a pandemic, accepting a fake "vaccine," and willfully accepting a fraudulent election.

TPTB actually thought the sheeple might try to stand up for themselves so they needed the barricades and the military to come in to prevent a revolution that never happened. It turns out that the US is overpopulated with beta-cuck pussies who will accept whatever fate their masters bestow upon them.

Enjoy your enslavement. You deserve it.

Your posts are propaganda. My posts are propaganda. Everything that we consume is propaganda, even our-real world conversations with people about the propaganda we saw on TV or social media.

The Matrix has consumed the real-world and the only way to escape is to eliminate all external inputs from your life. Be willfully ignorant of the fake reality everyone is desperate to play a part in.

Our narcissistic need to be liked, validated, and to have friends is what is keeping us in the matrix.

Ask any Christian for evidence of the validity of the Bible and they will point to the Dead Sea scrolls. The Dead Sea scrolls were conveniently found in 1946-47, in what is now Israel. Convenient. They were supposedly hidden in caves that no one had entered for thousands of years. Right.

The Dead Sea scrolls were written by Hebrews, who are modern day Zionists and The Bible tells Christians to accept their slavery under a one world (Zionist) government, or else Jesus won't return. That's weird, right?

Even more interesting is that parts of the Bible were stolen from the Epic of Gilgamesh, proving it to be a work of Fiction.

It might be hard to wrap your head around, but the Bible and Christianity are simply a tool of the satanic cabal to pacify Christians as they are slowly killed off and enslaved by the one world government, AND IT WORKED!

Let's think about this logically. Why would you wait around, refusing to fight back, in the hopes that you'll meet Jesus, when all you have to do is stand up and fight. If you die in the process, you go to heaven, right? To see Jesus, right? So, why wait around for some BS Hebrew prophecy to come true?

It's the biggest Psyop of all time and the lemmings refuse to wake up.

The world would be a lot easier if everyone had to take the same IQ test, and the results were made public.


I'm sure this analogy has been made before, but masks are not worn because the person wearing them is intelligent and has educated themselves on the science surrounding the "virus" and masks.

Masks are their way to advertise their allegiance to the New Nazi Party. If you don't buy into the stupidity of these fucking morons, you'll soon find yourself in a camp.


Consider that we are forced (for the most part) to invest our retirement savings, and company match %, into the stock market in some form. If you try to withdraw before they've had a chance to steal it form you when you retire, you have to pay a heavy tax penalty.

We are nothing but slaves. A bunch of stupid, weak, cowardly slaves.

They were only relieved of the criticism they deserve for being traitorous cowards. Removing them from social media was a gift and part of the plan all along so that they don't have to answer for their treasonous behavior. It was all theater and Jack, Biden, and Trump are all on the same (team).


If the Covid vaccine is going to kill off or prevent the people who take it from procreating, then I'm on board because they have made it as obvious as possible that the pandemic is complete bullshit. So if anyone is stupid enough to take the vaccine, then they get what they deserve.

Perhaps society will be a better place with the less intelligent folks out of the way?


You know how Bernie Sanders has rolled over twice without actually putting up a fight. Almost as if he is just a player in a much bigger game. A puppet of the powers that be. Well, if you look at Trump, he never actually did anything to fight back either. In spite of having mountains of evidence. Covid is BS, but he supports the vaccine. Biden is compromised and Trump has the evidence, but crickets. It's the same story with everything else people were so hopeful he would expose. Trump is a traitor to this country and a puppet, just like Bernie. They both serve the same master. Trump will not prove me wrong.

These people are all the trash of society but the sheeple have been convinced that they should idolize them, and now society and the people in it are trash too. Don't be trash.

Has anyone heard from these snake oil salesmen since it all went to shit? For a group of people that were so passionate about Trump making a move, they sure have disappeared in unison. Almost like they were all part of the same plan. Weird.

They both require you to trust the plan in the hopes that a savior will come and fix things, while your rights are being stolen and a one world government is being formed.

They are both the creations of Zionists with the intent of leading the sheep to slaughter.

They both require you to disregard you intellect and join the herd. They're a from of brainwashing.

And believers in either one will attack you for pointing our the obvious flaws in their belief system.

To understand what Trump's real role was here, we have to go back to the 2016 election. The media convinced nearly everyone that Hillary was going to win by a landslide. Her supporters were celebrating days in advance. When she lost they were all completely demoralized.

They lost their shit and continued to lose it for 4 years. This became known as Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). It's a form of narcissism that TPTB used to stir liberals into a narcissistic frenzy in which they would do anything to get revenge for Hillary's loss and to get Trump out of office. They were desperate, by design.

Along comes Covid-19, which anyone with an IQ over 75 can see is a hoax, and they welcome it with open arms and zero intelligence. It's easy to see that there is no pandemic and the existence of the virus is highly doubtful. But, these losers were so deep in their TDS that they were willing to accept anything, including masking up, destroying the economy/society, hating their neighbors, and ushering in the great reset.

Trump was a part of this plan all along. He made no effort to really defend himself or to drain the swamp. He just rolled over and drug his feet for 4 years. All part of his role in the plan. He lead his supporters on and surrounded himself with incompetent fools (Rudy 9/11 G anyone?) that perpetuated the idea that he was going to do something amazing for the country and the world. Nope, that was part of the plan to demoralize the other half of the country, and it worked. When nothing happened a lot of people stopped caring about this country. It's essentially dead now. By design.

Trump is a traitor. He works for the Zionist Cabal who have just cemented their control over the world through their proxy China. If you bought into Covid, YOU are to blame. Ir doesn't matter if you are a Biden supporter, Trump supporter, or apolitical. This was ALL ABOUT COVID and ushering in your enslavement. Welcome to the New Normal.

I'm back and forth on Trump and Q, but IF Q were a LARP and the intention was to get Biden into office and to screw patriots, wouldn't Q still be posting and encouraging patriots to look to 2024 or something to continue the ruse and allow the cabal to become fully seated? It doesn't really make sense for the LARP to end when it did.

For this reason, I now think Trump IS going to pull the trigger and that Q may have some basis in reality.

I've been pro-trump ever since CNN convinced me that they were trying to rig it for Hillary, but now that I look back on it all, I think it's been big charade that started with Trump's 2016 election.

Hillary could have had the election rigged for her, just like it was for Biden, but they didn't want that. They wanted to demoralize all of the Hillary's supporters. All we heard was that Hillary had a 95% chance of winning so when she lost, they were completely demoralized and desperate to get Trump, at any cost.

During his term we had the parade of anti-Trump activities, which were also a show. Russia, impeachment, and all of the other BS. These diversions were intended to sow further division in the country, and it worked. Trump played along and never actually stood up for himself appropriately. He just acted spent all of his time acting like he was going to do something, but never actually did.

The demoralized Hillary voters are the key to covid acceptance. These people were so demoralized that in spite of irrefutable evidence that covid is complete BS, they were/are willing to destroy lives and businesses to get Trump. Trump claimed that it was a Dem plot against him, which it appeared to be, but if it was he does nothing about it. He lets the vaccines roll out and people are currently getting sick and dying from them. All part of "the plan," I suppose? No, he's part of the vaccine plan too.

Lastly, the election was rigged. Trump knows it and everyone else knows it, but does Trump fight to the death to maintain the integrity of our Republic? Nope, he drags his feet and slow walks every piece of evidence he gets until it's too late to do anything. He's currently scapegoating his partner in crime Rudy G (a 9/11 conspirator) so he can employ plausible deniability as to why he didn't get it done. Also consider that he hired Rudy, Jenna whateverhernameis, Lin Wood, and Sidney Powell. All colossal failures and fuck ups. This was on purpose.

The ultimate point for Trump exposing the fraud and all of the corruption is to demoralize patriots once they realize Trump is not a Patriot himself and that nothing will ever be done about it, because we're just slaves, not citizens. Trump is a globalist and he was just playing a role. Notice how he's no longer acting like the dumb patriotic oaf. Instead, he's acting like he's completed his mission.

The second impeachment isn't to prevent Trump from holding office again, it was part of his deal so he has an excuse not to run again. His deal/mission was for one term and he needs a way out.

Ultimately, there is no purpose in waiting until the very last minute, torturing his followers, ruining families, and allowing the vaccine/covid hoax to continue. The only reason is to completely demoralize half the country. The only half willing to fight for their freedom. The reason that Q knew a few of the specifics of the plan is because it was their plan all along. They just leaked bits and pieces to make the larp look legit. The social media restrictions/blackout was coordinated. Notice how all of the big players are gone. Gen. Flynn, silent. Joe M, poof. And all of the rest too. They are all disappearing because their mission is complete. If the republic had a fighting chance they would be leading the way, but instead they've cashed their checks and will be joining "the club." Alex Jones will disappear/retire too. His job is complete.

Also consider all of his horrible choices for his staff and cabinet. These weren't accidents, they were 4 years of plausible deniability and delay tactics so he could run out the clock. Think about it. The man isn't stupid. He chose everyone for a specific reason and that reason was that they were in on it too.

As a last piece of evidence I will point to this bill (https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/bill-announcement-011321/) signed today which has the first item listed as "H.R. 221, the “Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism Act,” which elevates the Special Envoy for Monitoring and Combating Anti-Semitism;" which seems odd for someone that is about to destroy the Zionist Cabal. One possibility is that he wants to protect regular jewish folks from the fallout of a mass awakening.

Okay, that's it. Love it or hate it, that's what I'm seeing go down. I wish my analysis pointed the other way, and there's still a sliver of hope in me that it will go that way, but I am wholly prepared for the worst. Don't let them catch you off guard and completely demoralize you.

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