posted ago by raven9 ago by raven9 +8 / -1

I hardly ever used Twitter until recently I posted a few comments on the Amber Heard trial threads and now I see how it happens.

So Amber Heard's attourney says Johnny Depp dragged Amber Heard across the floor with broken glass on it. Someone on Twitter claims if she was dragged across broken glass she would have serious injury that required medical attention so it must be a lie. So on Twitter they give that hundreds of likes and scores of retweets in under an hour. So apply some critical thought. Is that what would really happen?

If you break a glass bottle then sure there would be some glass on the floor. But its not freaking Die Hard. The floor would not become a carpet of jagged glass. There would probably be a few large pieces and the rest would be small and spread thinly around a wide area. If she was being dragged you might assume she would be trying to get to her feet so if she was unlucky she might get poked or scratched by a piece of glass or feel a piece under her foot. If she were barefoot she might even get get a glass splinter but she would have to be really unlucky to receive an actual cut that even required a bandaid and the chances of anything occuring that required medical attention would be slim to none.

So the thing is, how many intelligent people are even going to bother arguing about that with the idiots on Twitter? Maybe one or even none because with the 180 character limit it would be hard to explain all that so with little to no opposition, the clown world consensus is formed: Amber must be lying because the broken glass on the floor did not slice her all up and put her in hospital.

Makes me wonder how much of the nonsense we see presented by the mainstream media is based on such Twitter consensus because they all seem to be on there every day, or is it that Twitter taught TPTB how stupid and easily mislead the majority of the people are?