quesadalejandro 1 point ago +1 / -0

hanging by piano wire, make them earn the rope by singing like a bird!

quesadalejandro 3 points ago +3 / -0

HCQ can be used both preventively and as a treatment.

It works with a number of viral diseases even the 2003 SARS-COV

'Prescription' may depend on where you live, not just the country, but also it may differ between states if you live in the US... Here's the accepted preventive protocol to follow if you can get your hands on HCQ, but if not you can try to find Quercetin which requires no doctor's note

quesadalejandro 1 point ago +1 / -0

Conspiracies l want to see discussed on this website some day: Back in February/March, people began to realize how Hydroxychloroquine could actually be pretty effective against the Wuhan flu as it has been in past coronaviruses and thus a certain group (l don't want to have to use the broad term of 'big pharma' here) published a few huge papers "proving" how HCQ was terrible against the Wuhan flu (because they used 5x the normal initial daily dose of it for some reason or because they blatantly faked the data from it) Linkdump l made with more info Harry and Louis from One Direction were not just friends, but romantically involved and Modesto (or whatever is the name of whoever wrote their 1D contract) saw this as potentially bad for bussiness and thus told them something in the ballpark of "Don't... Your feelings for eachother will pass, but 1D is a one in a century oportunity", but they tried to stay together on the DL with Modesto arranging them to have "Girlfriends" to paint a different picture of them... even to the conjecture of some that they got married on the 28th of September of 2013. Two conspiracies standing very far away from eachother in the conspiracy spectrum. XD