pkvi_sacrum 0 points ago +1 / -1

Take it easy -- occasionally she borders on questioning the narratives WHICH is a rarity in science channels bcz the more common talking heads are people like Nye, Tyson, etc. There is no doubt she then also sits firmly with the cult -- but at the very least she presents distrust far more often than others. Ayh do not follow her content with ambition bcz she is just witty banter. She has however recently tried to break down papers by going thru them.. so credit to her for that.

She is a German and her propped up by Jews shows an incomplete assessment by you. So thanks for demonstrating that occasionally she are reactionarydigger.

pkvi_sacrum 1 point ago +2 / -1

Scyence is spelled scyence bcz we spent the last 5 years living in a world of scyence -- but do fixate on qualifying your life when you your self can not keep up with known and common purposeful misspellings, hero.

pkvi_sacrum 2 points ago +2 / -0

Note how you said every one rather than just "will kill immediately"

Which it did do.

And then in 2 weeks.

And then in 2 months.

And then in 2 years.

And will especially in 2 more years thru 7 years.

But keep thinking the reeningeered mystery flu-salve that you have literally no idea of its components but side effects were efforted to be hidden for 75 years and then when revealed focused on heart damage (and everyyyyything else possible) -- is safe and effective.

pkvi_sacrum 1 point ago +1 / -0

If we could only communicate to radical leftists who are willing to use a firearm and burn buildings -- to redirect their focus on pylons and towers.

Oh wait.. we are ;)

pkvi_sacrum 1 point ago +1 / -0

They have collaborated with Europe and China on CBDC, and besides, CBDC is not nearly as complex, encrypted or "blockchained" as advertised.

pkvi_sacrum 1 point ago +1 / -0

The goal of demonizing passwords over the last 10 years has been about promoting biometrics but sure, tell me how suddenly we went from be forced in to 12+ characters, one special, one capital.. to nah, its fine. Yes brute force does not exist and yes 95% of all hacking is social engineering, but prevention of brute force IS BCZ TOUGH PASSWORDS. It shd not be birthdates, names, password123, hometown, pets... bcz brute comes in degrees

pkvi_sacrum 1 point ago +1 / -0

They are not, so aym glad to inform you that your gay hope is quashed.

pkvi_sacrum 1 point ago +1 / -0

It happened long before tiktok.

People died from trends long before tiktok

Tiktok is just the latest trend

Do remember to blame consumers as much if not more than conspirators. Consumers CAN say no or refrain.. but humans are primarily garbage en mass.