Thru 2021/g research facilities stated they requested and persistently never received CoVID samples.
Also, the only way to determine what strain is to cycle up rtPCR which we showed endlessly thru the hoax, that this method is so fatally flawed that the predetermined virus is what is always found, so when the CDC DB uploads sequences for influenza, they need only change the label. Medical resesech is a tightly protected industry and also hilariously flawed.
What if there were multiple scripts ready in advance.... And not just these 2...
The one they gave us, because they were able to: convid 19
And if, somehow, they lost control over the mainstream narrative: blame it on Iran. Say Iran launched a bio/nano war campaign on the West/Israel.
Earliest reports, true or false, included a disproportionate number of nCoV2019 'cases' in Iran. This was then blamed, by alt media outlets, on 5G activation in the country. I disproved the latter, at that time, through GSMA data.
September 11, 2001 (USA, 9/11)
March 11, 2011 (JAPAN, 3/11)
March 11, 2020 (GLOBAL, 3/11)
At the very least, there is pattern here.
In all 3 cases, the jewish mafia is involved, to say the least, and all 3 cases have advanced the political communitarian agenda on a global scale. All 3 cases are still impacting everyone's lives today.
In February 2020, my friend traveled to Iran, for a family visit. He lived in the Philippines at that time. He traveled back through Hong Kong about 3 weeks later.
After he returned and came to meet me, I started to develop a throat infection. The way I experienced this infection, it was unlike any other ever before. It was a very distinct feeling.
He did bring something back from Hong Kong or Iran.
I was already paying attention to convid at that time.
Both Iran and Hong Kong are interesting places, if one would want to launch an international bio attack. Which they did.
Hong Kong, obviously, for being a major international travel hub.
Iran, because wars don't necessarily require bombs to attack or kill an enemy population. Hence convid.
The fact that Yamagata was no longer introduced through injections in 2018-2019 may indicate that it would be used for another purpose, a year later. Again seemingly indicating a planned event.
The fact that influenza was not being tracked in 2020, or fewer cases were reported, not only in the U.S. but also in Belgium and the Philippines for instance, serves as another indicator for a planned event. Because there's no scientific reason why such tracking would be stopped or reduced. Unless something was deliberately being introduced that is extremely similar to influenza/Yamagata.
In fact, I remember vividly the mainstream announcements in 2020 of convid and influenza being too similar, which was one of the reasons then that was given for changing or halting the tracking of influenza.
NASA's 2011 claim/research/programming about (novel) bio/nano warfare to be introduced in 2020 (literally), too, indicates a planned event. On even a much bigger scale than 9/11. Which also took them more than a decade of planning, at least, to pull off.
Add to this the political communitarian agenda "Community 2020", and you've convinced me that convid was a war campaign against all enemies of the jewish/communitarian mafia headquartered in Israel.
You've, then, also convinced me that convid actually is part of a world war. Officially a 3rd then, which was declared on March 11, 2020. By the WHO and WEF - both communitarian assets.
Thru 2021/g research facilities stated they requested and persistently never received CoVID samples.
Also, the only way to determine what strain is to cycle up rtPCR which we showed endlessly thru the hoax, that this method is so fatally flawed that the predetermined virus is what is always found, so when the CDC DB uploads sequences for influenza, they need only change the label. Medical resesech is a tightly protected industry and also hilariously flawed.
What if there were multiple scripts ready in advance.... And not just these 2...
The one they gave us, because they were able to: convid 19
And if, somehow, they lost control over the mainstream narrative: blame it on Iran. Say Iran launched a bio/nano war campaign on the West/Israel.
Earliest reports, true or false, included a disproportionate number of nCoV2019 'cases' in Iran. This was then blamed, by alt media outlets, on 5G activation in the country. I disproved the latter, at that time, through GSMA data.
September 11, 2001 (USA, 9/11) March 11, 2011 (JAPAN, 3/11) March 11, 2020 (GLOBAL, 3/11)
At the very least, there is pattern here.
In all 3 cases, the jewish mafia is involved, to say the least, and all 3 cases have advanced the political communitarian agenda on a global scale. All 3 cases are still impacting everyone's lives today.
From personal experience:
In February 2020, my friend traveled to Iran, for a family visit. He lived in the Philippines at that time. He traveled back through Hong Kong about 3 weeks later.
After he returned and came to meet me, I started to develop a throat infection. The way I experienced this infection, it was unlike any other ever before. It was a very distinct feeling.
He did bring something back from Hong Kong or Iran.
I was already paying attention to convid at that time.
Both Iran and Hong Kong are interesting places, if one would want to launch an international bio attack. Which they did.
Hong Kong, obviously, for being a major international travel hub.
Iran, because wars don't necessarily require bombs to attack or kill an enemy population. Hence convid.
The fact that Yamagata was no longer introduced through injections in 2018-2019 may indicate that it would be used for another purpose, a year later. Again seemingly indicating a planned event.
The fact that influenza was not being tracked in 2020, or fewer cases were reported, not only in the U.S. but also in Belgium and the Philippines for instance, serves as another indicator for a planned event. Because there's no scientific reason why such tracking would be stopped or reduced. Unless something was deliberately being introduced that is extremely similar to influenza/Yamagata.
In fact, I remember vividly the mainstream announcements in 2020 of convid and influenza being too similar, which was one of the reasons then that was given for changing or halting the tracking of influenza.
NASA's 2011 claim/research/programming about (novel) bio/nano warfare to be introduced in 2020 (literally), too, indicates a planned event. On even a much bigger scale than 9/11. Which also took them more than a decade of planning, at least, to pull off.
Add to this the political communitarian agenda "Community 2020", and you've convinced me that convid was a war campaign against all enemies of the jewish/communitarian mafia headquartered in Israel.
You've, then, also convinced me that convid actually is part of a world war. Officially a 3rd then, which was declared on March 11, 2020. By the WHO and WEF - both communitarian assets.