You know how they store a block of metal and assign a printable value to it based on what-ever?
That is why ayh insist on calling it the Kingdom of Israel bcz there is no denying that their influence on the world has come full circle in to me what seems like a millennias old revenge plot. They are building an empire via oligarchs in Europe and US and Israel is their proxy capital and banner.
Ayh honestly think we are past spreading. Ayh think we are in the tumor growing larger to where then a doctor has to be consulted to look at this weird growth. Which then the doctor says, here are some treatment plans.
Question is truly how long we as peasants intend to ignore the growth.
Chatbot functionality for calculators has existed for a long time. Yes the complexities of results has improved but its not novel.
AI is absolutely a manipulation of marketing about improving knowledge when in fact it is the process of isolating knowledge.
No need for search -- ask AI
No need for friends -- ask AI
No need for ordering -- ask AI
No need for driving bcz AI just told you you don't have enough credits.
AI is not a thing -- its a method.
Its TPTB in your pocket.
It is not even remotely the same thing. We have had years of Siri and Alexa and no one cares. Boomers use it.. that's it.
We have had decades of autogenerated content and no one cares. Only retards shilling tech on podcasts care right now.
We have had decades of automation, that is only now renamed AI for branding and marketing. No one cares about your toaster being claimed to have AI except cunts who think Wired is a good rag.
AI is not a thing. It is a methodology.
It is a method to provoke a sense of function that is in fact an isolation of information and control.
You don't need search engines.. ask AI
You don't need to order stuff.. ask AI
You don't need to look for dates.. ask AI
It is 100% about controlling information, NOT advancing knowledge. The proof of that is right now where the claim is that the amount of data aggregated has been peaked and the "AI"s can't create more or come up with better variations.
AI is not as advertised.
Some user named pkvi who back in 2022(g) pointed out the timing of the $, the sudden chatbot surge despite its fake utility and 10 year old documents, all aligning to a sequence of events to isolate information after information was vilified during cohoax.
The same as Zion Don claiming WEF is bad but then praising Klaus.
..or claiming to favor farmers then gives 1B$ to blacks only
..or claiming to want US out of interfering the world then interferes in the world
..or claiming to prosecute Hillary then "she's suffered enough"
..or claiming vaccines cause autism then signing the largest multi B$ deployment of untested vaccines ever
He is a narcissistic moron and that's who TPTB love to exploit bcz they can say one thing and flip and they don't care -- and the public will consume bcz they are cowards.
Every thing they do no is about promoting more surveillance and controls. And when they claim they are removing restrictions, they are only taking down an older version so as to replace it with an updated version --> ie Patriot Act
You are naive. Sex is natural and innately desired. Pornography has exists in abundance thru all human history. Difference between then and now is with video, people escape need without going to brothels, which was the common.
Strategic globalism for the jewish empire?
My perspective has changed a lot to see the western world as vassal states now to the centuries old avenging growing jewish empire -- and that wanting land like Mexico, Ukraine, etc, as being strategic maneuvers long term.
SARS-2 maybe lasted and was as weakly potent as SARS-1 but then rebranding it shd have been the clue.
CoVID was never CoVID