pkvi_apostate 0 points ago +2 / -2

Boogeyman China

Did you check under your bed for China last night?

pkvi_apostate 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ayh do prescribe to what Carlin simplified, they all come the same places and thus all have the same vested interests -- but every grouping has a hierarchy.. and no one on the stage has appeared as total authority. Closest was finger poking Rothschild.. who is dead now, so...

pkvi_apostate 7 points ago +11 / -4

So what?

The issue is not if Israel wants to conquer its neighbors bcz AYH DO NOT CARE -- the issue is that the Israel Empire has infiltrated other countries who serve as vassal states.

Let Israel attack who ever -- then let Arab nations retaliate -- frankly ayh support genocide ...but domestically. We shd have such policies.

pkvi_apostate 0 points ago +1 / -1

activists do some thing

"How dare they react while we watch nationalism die and meme."

Fuck off with this complaining about activists -- at least they do some thing. Ayh hope they sabotage every sport and art and festival and more.

pkvi_apostate 2 points ago +4 / -2

Too small of thinking -- Republicans wanted the same thing too. They are not different parties -- they both want to keep programming peasants to be non-resistant to the system. To fear it.

Saying "democrats want" is just being a member of this process.

pkvi_apostate 4 points ago +4 / -0

Remember all the heroics immediately in the beginning? Island defense to the last man. The ace pilot. All lies in the end. Sadly it worked on western morons.

pkvi_apostate 1 point ago +1 / -0

Many such cases during the beginning of accidentally showing their own bombs. Was caught on the chans several times.

pkvi_apostate 1 point ago +1 / -0

During AIDS it was artificial drug abuse exploding in gay communities during the late 70's

During CoHoax it was drug abuse exploding from antidepressants and SSRIs and vaccine cocktails and artificial diets and pollution and... then a cold.

95% of our problems are inflammation. 95% of the blame is disease.

pkvi_apostate 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ayh do not think that is it -- obviously some one like Klaus was too significant in the cause to become "useless" when he retires. He was Kissinger's puppy. It sets a bad precedence to other aspiring TPTBers and puppets. Ayh genuinely think its solely a maneuver to average the ploys bcz the only people who would care to think negative about them already do -- and nothing will happen to them any ways. Ayh definitely do not seeing it as "paying any price".

pkvi_apostate 1 point ago +1 / -0

Toxins aka foreign minerals or proteins exist -- and can harm the delicate balance of our systems which causes irregularities and bacterial infections.

What is the flu? Symptoms of the "flu" can match dozens of other infections -- and we only know we had the "flu" after the infection and we suffer from inflammation symptoms. So is "flu" a virus? Doubtful.

pkvi_apostate 2 points ago +2 / -0

Its 'remarkable' how little research bacteria gets in public presentation when ALL the major diseases for thousands of recorded years were bacterial plagues. And the fact is that most diseases were eradicated at the turn of the 20th century thanks to hygiene protocols BUT reemerged upon the advent of antibiotics and other medicinal to "treat" infections -- which led to what we immediately ignored with CoHoax --> superbugs aka antibiotic resistance bacteria aka mutations.

And yes we know bacteria exists in our bodies and in most of natural habitats as collaborators -- and when you get sick -- these bacteria that help might die off and you get sicker OR they become more prevalent and get assigned as cause -- staph is a huge example of this. It is a natural bacteria that helps us, but when sick, it becomes an infectious agent and gets blamed -- and then we take antibiotics and create even worse imbalance -- rinse repeat.

And bacteria makes sense -- the mechanisms make sense -- and more so WE CAN SEE THEM make sense -- as opposed to viruses which are so abstract in behavior that some people suggest they are alien bcz they make no natural sense -- and we never get to see them -- even the Wikipedia page for "virus" is just illustrations.

As a mechanical person -- viruses are not in the realm of functional reality.

You mention parasites and ayh wish ayh have done more study on parasites bcz many people point to those as cause of things -- but ayh tend to focus on toxins aka foreign minerals or proteins as cause for so much -- bcz its inarguable that we poison ourselves every moment of every day.

pkvi_apostate 1 point ago +1 / -0

His question was "do viruses exist" not do toxins exist.

pkvi_apostate 3 points ago +3 / -0

No virus.

The problem is the artificial perception of bacteria versus protein mutations -- and what happens when you get an infection in general.

Did you know that one of the theories on where viruses come from is a mutation from bacteria. Another errant issue with virus origins is that the first "virus" discovered was on the tobacco plant, which was so large that it was first labeled a bacteriophage bcz the bacteria was the isolation. This was right before Rockefeller then went full pharma and they assigned what ever they could to diseases while in the real world diseases declines from simply washing your hands and flushing a toilet bcz that is how bacteria NOT viruses spread.

Thing is that no one discusses how bacteria mutate, positive or negative. And what happens to bacteria during in infection or co-infection or in an auto-immunological ailed host. AIDS was a great example of what happens when you create a situation (drug abuse) that causes elevated bacterial and protein mutations -- which then get labeled some thing else (HIV).

Then there is fungus and cancer (cellular decay) and...

Ayh just don't buy the viral model as this molecular agenda to infect cells with this complex sequence in such a broad array of hosts that it can be transmitted so easily over the millions of years of diverse life in such a symmetrical manner. And then bear in mind it does it with the supposed intent to not kill the host so as to spread further or even "hide" in the host "until later". They had "HIV" timed down to specific years before causing further infection bcz that makes sense GTFO

That is aside from the obvious "spread" lies like in CoHoax where the whole world was "infected" in 3 months -- which shd have put it down as the most virulent thing ever ever -- but we know it was the tests.

Any who -- ayh need more proof but my analysis is bacteria and protein mutations and jewish profiteering. :)

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