oculusprimenumber 2 points ago +2 / -0

I gots uh head enginuree from blass bak n irak.

my momma my momma say “Don take it so hard its a post not a dik”.

oculusprimenumber 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lots of hogs, owls, deer, coyote, I post on homesteading, but the comms is pretty dead.

oculusprimenumber 2 points ago +3 / -1

I don’t know what it is. more of a tongue in cheek post and I thought it looked creepy. And you can tell it’s not a bug on the cam bc it’s behind the tree. I just looks too black. Usually if a hog shows up it’s gray. Thanks for the story! lol blair witch shows up I’ll just start blastin’. 😂

oculusprimenumber 4 points ago +4 / -0

it was my game cam. it was really foggy this morning. I just thought it looked creepy…might be a hog. Definitely something killing hogs in the area. They scream loud. Might be coyotes but what can take down big hogs other than a pack and you usually hear them (coyotes) yipping when they get prey…all i heard was a screaming hog.

oculusprimenumber 1 point ago +2 / -1

that blows dicks. I am ultra nuclear maga and don’t trust joos or any politicians for that matter. The only elections that matter are local and maybe state. everything else is rigged to nwo zionist bull shit.

oculusprimenumber 2 points ago +2 / -0

The comments on this subject were thought provoking and appreciated. It’s good to chat with people that can look at things from a “30k mile view” as well as know details. I tend to focus on minute details.


Kind of on the same topic there are a few things I notice in the ms media recently ie music/movies and religious artifacts/symbolism that reveal hidden intentions or secrets of the “beast system” 🌏 . For example people in the spotlight and the meaning of their names usually reveals what role they play in clown world. Almost like they are given a name like a “character” in a novel and it gives away the ending of a book or movie (Ie Darth “Vader” means father and John “Nada” means regular guy or “just another nobody”). 😂 More details on meanings of names in last paragraph.

BUGS in media, religion and art:

There is a large bug eating a dead sheep at the vatican on the largest altar in the world. You might say “that’s a stretch”. But wait “THERE’S More”.

In nearly every lady gaga video she either gives birth to or is wearing an insect warning: image is not for sensitive eyes on her clothing. “birthing a new race within the race of humanity” (her quote). Lady GaGa transliterated is a Female Gadfly. This could be a reference to locusts (like the match dot com advert) from the pit (again).

There is another guy that does decoding videos of music/ads/movies (bugs/locusts/hidden serpent race/scorpion king etc). He led me to do my own work and at times I will steal/take or use his visions and spin my own take on a video. He gets banned ALOT so I have to find him again.

Another BUG reference: Davinci did a sculpture of a “bug” coming out of the top of a soldier’s (?) head. WHAT’S WITH THE BUG SYMBOLISM LOL

The DOUBLE YOU and the HIVE MIND (referenced in match dot com advert, many other adverts, vatican, united nations building, cern building, so many examples):

In the davinci code, they mixed lies with truth (bc that’s what they do). The last supper painting is clearly (to me) the greatest secret of humanity. A hidden “W” or double you. A good you and a bad you (twins=cain/abel). WE ARE ALL CONNECTED TO 2 HIVES and you have to kill the connection to one of the hives else you are DOUBLE MINDED. (not sure if that explains it well enough). The secret meaning of christ calling peter a disciple and satan in nearly the same breath, crucified between a good and a “bad” guy. Peter crucified upside down/Christ rightside up. One reason why celebrities do twin rituals such as eating a cake that looks like them or killing their twin in a music video (the elite kill their good twin so they can do vile acts without emotion (for fame and fortune). Some of the content in media/music/movies is subtle other times it is pretty blatant (i could write a book on twins and killing the good you in advertising).

There ARE so MANY false flag or black swan events that revolve around TWINS. ie twin towers, Floyd killed under the twins astrological sign in the twin cities.

I rambled on a little more than I wanted to lol. but last few points:

Vaxsheen ritual 💉 👯‍♀️:

The vaxsheen bs that we have been dragged through is also a “twin” ritual. coviD/Divoc (di=two or twin and voc=summon). Then there is the characters W.H.O. and fauci, and of course luciferase in the jab as well (really? lol). seems forced like you mentioned. Fauci means harvester or death sickle (another revelation reference) and the head of the W.H.O. name translates to “Gift of God” (Tedros) servant of Jesus (Gebreyesus). 😂🤪💉


oculusprimenumber 1 point ago +1 / -0

there are differences between gentiles (the goyim/christians) and joos (zionists).

One (gentiles) wants borders the other (joos) only wants borders around “their nation”. Everyone else OPEN BORDERS muh DIVERSITY (and let’s gay everyone up so the goyim stop breeding while we’re at it).

One (gentiles) wants big families the other (joos) only wants big families for “their nation”. Everyone else “PLANNED PARENTHOOD” ON EVERY BLOCK…

One (gentiles) wants the doctor to leave their dicks alone the other (joos) wants to snip every newborn’s dick off and make it into a lotion.

One (gentiles) pays nearly 60% in taxes can barely afford a home without 2 people working full time the other (joos) own all the banks and real estate, you’ll have nothing and like it!

There’s a reason why they sell poison disguised as food at 7-11. Go-yum brand foods for the GOYIM.

Mods said i am allowed one goyim post a day.

oculusprimenumber 3 points ago +3 / -0

it is interesting. It explains how the entire twin beast system works. thanks for the feedback. I am just getting into it, i admit I am green and have found that when you put info like this out there, the normies’ foundation is shifted and it triggers alot of people. I don’t really mean to. 😂

oculusprimenumber 3 points ago +3 / -0

when did I attribute it all to the number 11? I just mentioned it has 11 sides. Wow triggered. I have no idea who Damon Brand is. 😂

too bad these people waste a teaching moment tho…don’t want to share knowledge just call everyone stupid for disagreeing or having a different view. Reminds me of my 3rd grade teacher..”what are you stupid?” “no i’m dyslexic”. 🤣

oculusprimenumber 1 point ago +1 / -0

Here’s a video if you have time to listen to it like background music. “Why Uncle Sam?” goes over the general aspects of the zohar, talmud, kabalah aspects of why the zionist war mongering pedovores chose the name “Sam” in their twisted psychotic system (reminded me of serial killer “Son of Sam”).


oculusprimenumber 3 points ago +3 / -0

WOW DERP 😂 I never mentioned SAMUEL. can you read? You think the JEWS named their PRIMARY WAR MONGERING PROPAGANDA after samuel, God has listened or SAMAEL, the angel of DEATH. Just think about it for atleast 1 minute.

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