oculusprimenumber 1 point ago +1 / -0

numbers are “used” for positive and negative, but they are neutral (not sure how else to explain). ie 666 is the number of creation and man, obviously 666 is also used for evil purposes. Gen 1:1 = 666+666+666+703

Much like I could use numbers to win bets for financial gain. If I do that it brings bad joojoo. 😂

Gen 1:1 triangle

Similar to 322 (Genesis 3:22).

oculusprimenumber 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think they do use gem. remember “acab” in seattle all that nonsense with the no go zone? Defund the police etc? There is a jacket you can buy with acab/1312 (a=1, c=3, etc) on the back. 1312 means decay (of society) in the bible. They may not know what they are doing, it could be organic (numbers). That whole thing was about removing the salt (order) from the earth. That ritual spawned more chaos. Now if you steal 999 worth of merchandise you don’t go to jail (in many cities).

oculusprimenumber 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ok this is weird that you commented about this on a 322 post. Here it goes…

Caitlyn’s first and last name equals 223, her first middle and last name equals 322 (same ciphers), also same cipher Quisnel BC (where she went missing) equals 223 just like “prime numbers” (same cipher). I recall that Trudeau’s wife was tested positive for covid 322 days after her bday.

Justin Trudeau’s first and last name and his full name equals 3226/3227 (in mathematical ciphers). If the moon was in leo (it was) then it would be a leadership / royalty ritual. Didn’t he get booed / heckled in Quisnel (?) recently? If he did have something to do with the disappearance in 2013 sounds like there was a good alignment for him or his handlers.

I obviously don’t pretend to know if something happened to her so disclaimer, just reporting what i found.

oculusprimenumber 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’m one of those pyschos that believes Yeshua exists. One reason I get along with atheists, muslims, buddhists ETC is bc I don’t care what YOU believe. I also beLIEve when G-d split the languages in Babylon the numbers were CLEARLY still a backdrop to all languages. I also beLIEve Aleister changed the spelling of his name (after studying the “mystery” religion) so it equals 369 in the 369 aka satanic cipher. I have read many books including the satanic bible and the keys of OCAT (necromancy). There is clearly a reason that taco/ocat bell has the all seeing eye in their logo. The company that manages their franchises is called OCAT….and my biological father is a mason.

I have all the books on masonry (several are over a hundred years old) and a few on how sacred gematria and REVERSE SPEECH is used to cast spells on the masses using ENGLISH (the CURSE-ive/cursed language). For example there are many meanings of covid/di (twins) voc (summon). Just like floyd was “killed” under the sign of gemini (twins) in the twin city.

Thanks for sharing your knowledge.

oculusprimenumber 1 point ago +1 / -0

jews and zionists aren’t the same. kabbalah hides very well behind the fake jews who claim to be jewish, but are not (ahem, revelation 2:9). The hebrew language is not the enemy, it’s hidden knowledge for a reason, they don’t want the goyim/cattle/vacci (YOU) (vacci-nation means cow) to understand the mystery religions. There are many reasons why they teach kabbalah to only certain people/elites. Don’t be haughty, if you have knowledge to share, share it..instead of being a divisive dick.

oculusprimenumber 1 point ago +2 / -1

heard that before. that’s 🐮 💩. the first language was numbers. all language has a matrix (of numbers) backdrop since babylon. for example the english word god equals 17 and 26 just like the value of the Name YHVH (Yod, Hey, Vav, Hey) is 1+5+6+5 = 17 a variation of this method renders the value of the Name YHVH (Yod, Hey, Vav, Hey) as 5+6+5+10 = 26 (standard gematria) but removes the zeros to form 2+6 = 8.

oculusprimenumber 2 points ago +2 / -0

i live next to a tesla experimental facility. There is plenty of evidence to suggest that he was a die hard 369 number fan. If you graph 369 in 3d it’s a tesla coil. Not sure why you would think otherwise. There are plenty of mathematicians fascinated with numbers, pi, prime numbers, the golden ratio. why would he be any different? Being fascinated with numbers doesn’t mean he was an occultist. However we know Hitler was an occultist, which was one of the reasons why the VW logo and the broken cross were adopted in Germany. The 369 maps a 2d VW and a broken cross. Same with hinduism and the chant of AUM additionally hindis ALSO use the broken cross. THERE IS ABSOLUTE PROOF of this in hindi and german culture. Maybe you are conflating numerology with mathematics.

oculusprimenumber 2 points ago +2 / -0

do you have more info on that statement? I traveled the world a couple of times, been to places he (allegedly) has been and his choices in his daily routine, places he traveled, rooms he stayed in were legendary. He seemed to have ocd around those numbers and I can relate. I assume you aren’t an old person so how did you come to that conclusion? Have you been to places in europe/slavic areas where he lived and worked or are you just youtubing it/phoning it in? Thanks for the input.

oculusprimenumber 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am very familiar with Zack. lol. some say he’s a joo plant that points people away from actual truth others say he is a bonified sooth sayer. I lived about 10 miles from him when I was stationed in wa when he claimed a car ran into his house. I stopped watching him only because of the nasally joo voice. I couldn’t take it anymore. 😂 otherwise he had some good insights. I’m not against capitalism but the dude needs a real job. I think the other thing that really annoyed me was that he was a legit elementary teacher and he calls his followers/students stupid retards. It’s no wonder he is not a teacher anymore. 🤣

oculusprimenumber 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hey just wanted to say thanks for the chat. AND I don’t believe there are any “accidents”. Perhaps I look for the good and that is why I perceive good before bad. You sound almost psychic. 😂 Maybe you’re just more plugged in than most people.

oculusprimenumber 3 points ago +3 / -0

I get what you are saying. sometimes I dream about ppl that I have not seen or talked to in YEARS and they call me the next day. Talk about what the actual fuck. happened more than thrice. I have similar experiences with numbers. I will “ocd” on a number for days and the receipt at the drug store just happens to be 444, the same number I spent hours dissecting the previous day. It has happened with even license plates, employee number, time just happens to be synced to my numbers research. It happens ALL THE TIME.

But other weird syncs as well (last one), got married at a lighthouse because the ferry broke down and there was no way to get to the location on another island/beach. We guided everyone to lighthouse and had a short informal ceremony (like we wanted). Went to a restaurant on the mainland since we couldn’t go to the restaurant where we planned. Walked in and in the CENTER of the waiting room was a large photograph of an aircraft carrier that i was assigned to going past the lighthouse where we got married. The photo was dated the day we met and I was on the carrier on that same date. Since we both came from past shitty marriages, she was pretty reluctant and prayed for a sign. I pointed at the photo HERE’S YOUR SIGN. 😂 It was overwhelming. Just walked my daughter down the aisle. I won’t get into that. similar story.

oculusprimenumber 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wow your line of thinking is above me, admittedly. Always good to hear coherent like minded people explain their take. I learn so much from ppl like you and love this group (sometimes). 😂

I tend to believe there is a background we don’t see, similar to a matrix, numbers were the first language and I believe a basis for all events. This (numbers/language & etymology of names) may be organic and not planned at all (crimes, news, black swan events). However when I look at events like 9/11 and the jfk assassination for example, there is just too many numeric coincidences to deny that these events were not purposely engineered (by man or an entity).

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