posted ago by oculusprimenumber ago by oculusprimenumber +5 / -0

AT&T (double cross) bombing in nASHville, Tennessee on CHRISTmass at CHURCH st. Suspect Anthony Quinn WARNER, was the “WARNER” that the bomb would detonate downtown (at the end of a song called DOWNTOWN). Suspect was from ANTIOCH (book of ACTS) his full name equals “The Society of Jesus”.

Venus/the morning star aka Lucifer/Jesus in the constellation “Serpent Bearer” at the time of the “christ mass” bombing ritual during a waxing Moon phase witch/which was a (bewitching) time for finallizing a process, such as destroying dominion voting data (“just a conspiracy” according to msm).

ATT merged with Time-WARNER and Anthony (the) WARNER sent a WARNING thru the RV speakers that the ATT/WARNER building was about to be destroyed.

“The actor ‘Anthony Quinn’ (same as suspect’s name) starred in a movie that also had a Christmas bombing, in “downtown” (petula clark song that played thru rv loudspeakers before detonating bomb as a WARNING).” (couldn’t find a source for this but wouldn’t be surprised if it was true)

"The Double-Cross (at&t) of Lorraine is, in our estimation, a composite symbol indicating Jesus the Christ and the Christ before him, namely - Akhenaton - symbolized by the lions and the crown at the top. Akhenaton is the ‘Phoenix’ who rose from the ASHES (nASHville) after the banishment from Egypt.”

So there’s a DOUBLE CROSS (a T & T aka a double cross) ASH ritual Event in nASHville at CHURCH street, on CHRISTmass. Suspect lived in ANTIOCH (another “resurrection” bible city reference ie the book of ACTS) and his last name was “WARNER” and gave warning of the blast.

CHRIST died between a DOUBLE CROSS (a T and a T or two Taos) and he was “Double Crossed” by Judas.

Venus (the morning star from Isaiah in the Torah and “Lucifer” from the incorrect interpretation of isaiah in the masonic KJV) was in “Ophiuchus” (the SERPENT WRESTLER constellation) on December 25th 2020 at 6:30am when the bomb detonated at the ATT WARNER Building aka the DOUBLE CROSS building.

Event “bombing” was coded with 13 and 41, 41 is the 13th prime number:

Ophiuchus (the 13th sign) is the SERPENT Wrestler Sign, Jesus is a serpent wrestler (Mount Hermon) and was raised up “Like a serpent” just like Moses raised a serpent on a staff (torah). “The son of man must be lifted up like a serpent”. (Crowned serpent symbolism all over the Vatican)

Ophiuchus (serpent wrestler) was according to Greek mythology a man called Asclepius (aka a SON OF GOD/apollo). Asclepius is the parallel character to the hebrew Joseph (king of dreams) and the egyptian IMhotep (god of medicine and art). He was the son of Apollo and Coronis (CORONA or CROWN) and killed by lightning (Sayten fell like lightning) then he RESURRECTED from hell/hades (just like Jesus aka the Healer and IMhotep in “The Mummy” also known as an Egyptian deified “healer”).

Again, OPHIUCHUS is the 13th zodiac sign, 13 the number of rebellion also considered “unlucky”. (ie the age of rebellion in children is 13, the disciples plus Jesus=13).

The event was coded with 41 (13th prime) like ATT, TENNESSEE and terrorism equals 41 and the date 12/25/2020 equals 41.

Nashville Mayor: 41 Businesses 'Materially Damaged' in Blast

41 in the torah is “3 people”, the number of people injured in the blast. 41 in hebrew equals “to burn” or “make ash” (nASHville).