muhammedfat 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'd like to mention something small, just an opinion. Not sure if any of you have kids, but I do. I assure you, in the midst of something so tragic, if there are 20 kids in one class, at minimum, 8 students are recording. They are so programmed (yes including my own), to ignore reality, even if its danger.

Lets say you assume I am a POS father for allowing my children to own a cellphone, ok cool. That still doesn't excuse the fact that the rest of the children that are not my own, are STILL recording.

What is my point?

My point: If the parents are allowing these children to interview, rather than immediately brining them home, they should be asking same child for video proof of the situation if it has not already been uploaded to snap/social media. I can guarantee NO video from ANY child has been released, because this is how false flags happen, proving this is a false flag, anytime the only video released is "controlled" & rehearsed media narratives.

But, I could be completely off.

muhammedfat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ex-Seventh Day Adventist here. Where do I begin...

Short Story: Ellen G. White is a known Freemason. Ellen G. White & a known eugenicist by the name of Dr. John Harvey Kellogg (yes the "Cereal" Killer), were great friends. She even stayed overnight in his home at one point. "She even stayed in his home during the 1901 General Conference session, while still writing her appeals to him."

Long Story: Every vegan that you and I know of, has health issues. It is so bad, that if a woman were to get pregnant, any/every/all doctors advise not to breastfeed the child, even the corrupt doctors recommend this. Ellen is against meats, yet the bible refutes this. Growing up, we, and when I mean “we”, I mean the SDA church, all the way to attending Oakwood College (now University), were all pumped up with Morning Star, Worthington & Loma Linda soy products which all caused respiratory issues, IBS, OBS, ulcers, eczema, and general inflammatory related issues. Which, of course, as we all know, is a cash cow for someone like Dr. Kellogg to swoop right in, and provide a cure for such patients, when he was also friends with people like John D. Rockefeller & 33 Degree Freemason Admiral Richard E. Byrd. We will be here all day trying to explain all the connected dots, as I know all of you intelligent people (no sarcasm), are fully equipped on people like Rockefeller and Byrd.

The reason I have no religion, is because I realized that all religions have about 75% truth, and 25% B.S. And that 25%, is what is always overlooked by the congregation, because if the majority is truth, it must mean it is ALL truth. Quick example:

SDA’s used to preach heavy on sorcery in the world, the Vatican’s influence on America, Lucifer being a shape shifter & things like staying away from vaccines. But in the same breath, they taught that God, Jesus & The Holy Spirit are three separate people, when the bible clearly states: 'I and my Father are one. ' John 10:30. The bible also teaches that woman are not allowed to preach/teach, yet, she completely disregarded this and became an evangelist.

Now, lets just say everything I have said was a lie, even though you can research everything I have said to be true…..here are her own words: “The man Christ Jesus was not the Lord God Almighty, yet Christ and the Father are one.” (https://media2.egwwritings.org/pdf/en_5BC.pdf) You can also just copy and paste this quote into google and it will take you directly to her writings. Once again, we would be here for centuries trying to explain exactly what she means in all of her teachings, as there are so many contradictions, proving her + the SDA church to be false prophets & teachers. My advice is to stay away from religion, and simply have a personal relationship with the Father in Heaven above, because The Most High is not the author of confusion.

I am not looking for you to agree with me, however just here to post information from personal, first hand experiences. I am also not here to sell you anything either.

Lastly, one thing that I have learned in life so far is spotting out a demon. This is kind of random, but a little nugget. If you quote anything with 100% truth in it, and let’s say you bring it up to someone, see how they react to it. Example: I know for a fact my brother is under demonic influence when I brought up abortion is an abomination, and if a pregnant woman gets into a car crash and dies, the death count is two.

He paces, sweats, gets angry and finds every reason to refute this, rather than focusing on the truth. When I mean angry, he becomes irate. Why? Because Satan, Apollyon, Moloch (Specifically Him), Baal & Beelzebub hate human life, and their mission is to destroy it. When you read the bible, anytime Jesus, a Disciple and/or notable figure casts out a demon, the result is always frantic. It is not a “calming” experience.

Another: If I mention to anyone that Trump, Biden, Clinton, Obama & Pelosi are all friends, who serve and answer to the Synagogue of Satan (False Hebrews known as the Jews), die hard Trump fans react the same way as my brother, and will do everything in their power to defend Trump, almost die for the man & his cause.

I hope you all are well, and take care.