Seriously, we have few Memes, we know where they are online. We know they are very aggressive. We know a lot of them are mad at Israel. Let’s give them more ammo / memes. Turn the Jews weapon on themselves.


They are destroying our history and culture: physically by destroying it, and replacing whites with blacks in all media, while they are actively genociding the white race. They are afraid of us. They want us so beaten down, so self loathing, to allow them to rule us for a hundred years. And They Will and it will all slowly collapse. But we will remember who we were and our weak will die off, and it will take centuries for us to rise again. But we will, and we will destroy them with a racial hatred they created in us. We will cleanse them from our homelands. Then, We will have our 1000 yrs of peace and prosperity.


I have a theory, Jury selections are mostly democrats, the government intentionally pools from mostly democrat voters to get their desired results. Up until 2016, I was never selected for Jury duty. January 2016 I registered as a Democrat so I could legally vote against Hillary twice. I changed to Independent August 2017. During those 18 months I received two jury selection notifications. None since.

They need a military willing to take arms against US citizens is the reason they are pushing for more Diversity in the military. A large portion of Blacks, Hispanics, transgenders are more prone to violence (to the point of enjoying it) and lack empathy. I believe those groups would have no problems turning their weapons on American citizens. I don't believe the push is about creating a more diverse military. I believe it is creating a military the government can use against its citizens.