Oh you're gonna be EXHAUSTED with all the winning. Just two more weeks.
Global warming.
They're coming at us with something else.
This is scary and you're right. If Trump wins, historic shit is going to go down.
They stole the election from his last time and not only did no one really do anything but they jailed the few people FOR YEARS who shouted about it to cameras at the capital. Even anti-establishment hawks like Michael Malice and Dave Smith were completely denying it. They can do it again. They have the might to force it into being and the establishment to gaslight you into believing it the next day.
But Voldemort didn't have a nose.
Centralized power is always going to be a problem for individual liberty.
All AI bot post and comments. This isn't real. Why am I even bothering to come here?
Remember when Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, so we'd take over?