How can $600 show up in my bank account? Creating money out of thin air?

I want your thoughts on this part

Patrick Byrne met with Trump on Friday night last week. At the end when leaving he and a few other people realized Trump hasn't been told something that Patrick thinks is really important.

One thought is Patrick Byrne bribed Hillary Clinton with 18 million dollars with the help of the FBI.

Hillary Clinton was going to win and then FBI arrests her and then Obama ends up back in as President.

If you continue listening Patrick thinks there were 3 plans in case some failed. Trump spoiled everything and Patrick thinks Trump isn't aware of what the big plan was.

What do you think?


What's everyone thinking about the SolarWinds hack? MSM and compromised USA Government employees pushing the Russia angle.

Read this

"As with networking management software by SolarWinds, Microsoft’s own products were then used to further the attacks on others, the people said.

It was not immediately clear how many Microsoft users were affected by the tainted products. The Department of Homeland Security, which said earlier Thursday that the hackers used multiple methods of entry, is continuing to investigate."

and I read

"At least three states were hacked as part of a suspected Russian cyber-attack that breached several U.S. government agencies, sources say"


"The Energy Department and National Nuclear Security Administration, which maintains the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile, have evidence that hackers accessed their networks, officials directly familiar with the matter said."

Do you think these hackers downloaded tons of data and will have to look through it all?

Will we ever know who did it and who has the information accessed and stolen? Big secrets?

Fall out may be huge.