maisyrusselswart 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh yea, I guess thats why they give out sippy cups on flights, bc when the plane turns everyone's drinks go everywhere.

maisyrusselswart 2 points ago +2 / -0

How is this even a real conspiracy theory? Just talk to an airline mechanic for 5 mins and this all goes away.

Fuel sloshing in wings? When was the last time your drink sloshed out of the cup on a flight?

maisyrusselswart 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is this for real? There are Asian Americans lol

maisyrusselswart 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think a big problem with the absence of free time in western liberal states is inflationary monetary policy. In order to fund the war machine and welfare state with reasonably low taxes, deficit spending is required or new money must be injected into the economy. This undermines the value of labor and drives up cost of living (which isn't reflected in official inflation metrics). Decades of doing this means more work for fewer goods that one needs to survive (e.g. housing, energy, and food). Increasing the number of goods in the economy hides the nominal increase in inflation in other goods and people don't realize their savings are being eroded. When new products enter a market with no inflation prices of old goods should go down. Instead we see differential increases in price for all goods.