looknohands -1 points ago +1 / -2

How come I have to point out the Chaldean/Egyptian winged orb on the Heinz/Trump mausoleum. Two wings of the same bird.

looknohands -2 points ago +1 / -3

Every prominent male has a female skull shape. And the conspiracy theorists are like "Nothing to see here. Move along."

looknohands -1 points ago +1 / -2

Legit symbolism. Another psycho trannish psyop. Winged orbs and obelisks are their favourites but even that misdirects. They are every religion and political movement. The are every symbol. Everything you see, hear and read.

Albert Pike - psycho trannish hoaxer

Altiyan Childs Satanic Freemason Symbolism Psyop

Sean Hross Psycho Trannish Symbolism Disinfo Agent

looknohands -2 points ago +1 / -3

NO. I hate them intensely. Asperger is genetic. It is the trannish but with the "extreme male brain". Asperger has a deficiency in non-verbal communication and typically an intense sense of justice. The Asperger forum site wrongplanet.net has perma banned me and keeps a lookout. Would like to wake them up. They have skin in the game because they are betrayed by their own families as I have been.

Not one prominent or historical figure has Aspergers. They are all trannish psychos. Even youtubers with 10k subs will be hive. Check out their vids for the finger gestures, usually the thumbnail, beginning or end.


Susan Boyle Susan Boyle claims to have Aspergers. This is a lie. She is a lying psycho trannish finger gesturer. Look at left hand, two fingers promoted.

Susan Boyles grandson - All the family

Everyone you, see, hear and read. Put on the glasses.

looknohands -2 points ago +1 / -3

"So if you recognize it doesn't that mean we shouldn't trust you?"

Excellent question. How did I wake up?

First a short story

They Live Fight Scene This is about how hard it is to get people to put on the glasses. Just put on the glasses.

Should you trust me. Trust no-one. Experiment and see if you can verify for yourself. Do some experiments with charity grifters, religious types or politicians. Watch the look they give when you stare at their fingers and catch them.

. So how did I wake up? Long story. I explained some of it on the BOGNs telegram.. Here is a clue Aspergers

looknohands -2 points ago +1 / -3

Their parents train them from birth. It's genetic. So that is inter-generational. So it's not "the masons" or any group you can join. I should do a baby photo montage. Easy to test for yourself. Get on pinterest or google and search for celebrity or politician baby pics. Also family pic of them. The Kennedys yep. All trannish with soft tissue not matching skeletal.

Donald Trump pinterest

Leonado DiCaprio

Hilary Clinton That is not normal.


JFK 2 Put on the glasses and look.

Judy Garland and Liza Minelli

Judy Garland - Frances Gumm Not normal.


JonBenet Ramsey

Everyone you see, hear and read. Put on the glasses - George Nada

looknohands -2 points ago +1 / -3

Any finger gesture means the same. "Im one of you. I might be lying. Back up my lies. Join my psyop." That is how hoaxes, psyops and fake protests are organized. Its any conscious or non-random finger gesture. The are trained from birth so they may do them automatically. And the mind memory means they pick them up like a flash. Including very subtle ones that look "normal". One finger separated from the others. Hand rotated a little. Wrist flexed so the phalanges are more prominent. Frist knuckle not bent as much as normal. Knuckle or two promoted a little. V for victory was one. Thumbs up. Hand in pocket or behind back. So much plausible denial because many are normal. Some are the same as Freemasons etc. Look at their faces with the smug dead looks. Look at the mismatch between soft tissue and skeleton. Consider the situation of the gestures. Look at enough pics and you will see the monsters.

Finger gestures

This is what the movie They Live is about. Special glasses to see the monsters. You dont need glasses, you just need to realize that they are monsters. BOGNs BOGNs chat

looknohands -3 points ago +1 / -4

Watch their fingers. There are obvious hive comms in both pictures. That's how they know to promote and oppose the story. They play both sides.

Any finger gesture means the same. "Im one of you. I might be lying. Back up my lies. Join my psyop." That is how hoaxes, psyops and fake protests are organized. Its any conscious or non-random finger gesture. The are trained from birth so they may do them automatically. And the mind memory means they pick them up like a flash. Including very subtle ones that look "normal". One finger separated from the others. Hand rotated a little. Wrist flexed so the phalanges are more prominent. Frist knuckle not bent as much as normal. Knuckle or two promoted a little. V for victory was one. Thumbs up. Hand in pocket or behind back. So much plausible denial because many are normal. Some are the same as Freemasons etc. Look at their faces with the smug dead looks. Look at the mismatch between soft tissue and skeleton. Consider the situation of the gestures. Look at enough pics and you will see the monsters.

Finger gestures

This is what the movie They Live is about. Special glasses to see the monsters. You dont need glasses, you just need to realize that they are monsters. BOGNs BOGNs chat

looknohands -1 points ago +1 / -2

The father will have a female skeletal features. The mother will have male skeletal features. There seems some natural attraction. The soft-tissue, skeletal mismatch is present in all of them. Every politician, elite sports, church leader, local hive.

looknohands -1 points ago +1 / -2

Any finger gesture means the same. "Im one of you. I might be lying. Back up my lies. Join my psyop." That is how hoaxes, psyops and fake protests are organized. Its any conscious or non-random finger gesture. The are trained from birth so they may do them automatically. And the mind memory means they pick them up like a flash. Including very subtle ones that look "normal". One finger separated from the others. Hand rotated a little. Wrist flexed so the phalanges are more prominent. Frist knuckle not bent as much as normal. Knuckle or two promoted a little. V for victory was one. Thumbs up. Hand in pocket or behind back. So much plausible denial because many are normal. Some are the same as Freemasons etc. Look at their faces with the smug dead looks. Look at the mismatch between soft tissue and skeleton. Consider the situation of the gestures. Look at enough pics and you will see the monsters.

Finger gestures

This is what the movie They Live is about. Special glasses to see the monsters. You dont need glasses, you just need to realize that they are monsters. BOGNs BOGNs chat

looknohands 0 points ago +1 / -1

Any finger gesture means the same. "Im one of you. I might be lying. Back up my lies. Join my psyop." That is how hoaxes, psyops and fake protests are organized. Its any conscious or non-random finger gesture. The are trained from birth so they may do them automatically. And the mind memory means they pick them up like a flash. Including very subtle ones that look "normal". One finger separated from the others. Hand rotated a little. Wrist flexed so the phalanges are more prominent. Frist knuckle not bent as much as normal. Knuckle or two promoted a little. V for victory was one. Thumbs up. Hand in pocket or behind back. So much plausible denial because many are normal. Some are the same as Freemasons etc. Look at their faces with the smug dead looks. Look at the mismatch between soft tissue and skeleton. Consider the situation of the gestures. Look at enough pics and you will see the monsters.

Finger gestures

This is what the movie They Live is about. Special glasses to see the monsters. You dont need glasses, you just need to realize that they are monsters. BOGNs BOGNs chat

looknohands 1 point ago +3 / -2

Any finger gesture means the same. "Im one of you. I might be lying. Back up my lies. Join my psyop." That is how hoaxes, psyops and fake protests are organized. Its any conscious or non-random finger gesture. The are trained from birth so they may do them automatically. And the mind memory means they pick them up like a flash. Including very subtle ones that look "normal". One finger separated from the others. Hand rotated a little. Wrist flexed so the phalanges are more prominent. Frist knuckle not bent as much as normal. Knuckle or two promoted a little. V for victory was one. Thumbs up. Hand in pocket or behind back. So much plausible denial because many are normal. Some are the same as Freemasons etc. Look at their faces with the smug dead looks. Look at the mismatch between soft tissue and skeleton. Consider the situation of the gestures. Look at enough pics and you will see the monsters.

Finger gestures

This is what the movie They Live is about. Special glasses to see the monsters. You dont need glasses, you just need to realize that they are monsters. BOGNs BOGNs chat

looknohands -1 points ago +1 / -2

Correct the key is psychopathic lying. The trans is a marker that is muddied by recent propaganda. Imagine if everyone you see, hear and read was left handed. You would know something is up. Well everyone you see, hear and read is trans. That is their soft tissue does not match their skeletal. The deduction is a genetic connection with a type of psychopathic lying. They see themselves as another species. Keep each others lies and back them up. Even oppose them so you think one of them is telling the truth.

Psychopathic Hive

Salk was probably lying about AIDS when he was laughing. AIDS is very likely a hoax. There is no limit to their lies.

looknohands 1 point ago +3 / -2

Andrew Bridgen - Designated Maverick

Every country has a couple of these. I'm told this one draw huge adoring crowds in the UK. Time to wake up. They are all psycho, trannish, finger gesturing HIVE.


BOGNs chat

looknohands -3 points ago +1 / -4

If you are genuinely trying to decipher the conspiracy because you know something is wrong consider the comments here. This forum seems tolerant of many theories, some of them not very likely. Ask your self why all the hate for what I have posted? Is it because this is right over the target. The hive is widespread and has lots of low level "digital soldiers".

Why not assess the observations for yourself? The movie They Live is about someone waking up from the hypnosis.

They Live Fight Scene - Put on the glasses.

Truth about John Carpenters They Live

BOGNs BOGNs chat

looknohands -1 points ago +1 / -2

This key takes down the entire Jenga tower.

The Key - Psycho Trannish Hive

Insurrection HOAX



You can do this with everyone you, see, hear and read.

BOGNs BOGNs chat

looknohands -1 points ago +1 / -2

The Hive disinfo agents are triggered. This is General Flynn's army of digital soldiers.

looknohands 0 points ago +1 / -1

Smedley Butler's warning to congress ran in movie theaters across the country. So people were convinced their was a plot by fascists to stage a coup where Smedley Butler would lead the bonus army. It was called The Business Plot. His wife has a male skull, look at it, take your time. The current media made a comparison between the Insurrection HOAX and the Business Plot.

World War II - Psycho Trannish Traitors

Yes that is Hirohito with the knuckle out. Traitor Roosevelt. Traitor Churchill. Traitor Hitler. Every world leader is a psycho, trannish, finger gesturing traitor.

Prove me wrong. Find me one male politician with a male skull shape. Find me a female with a female skull shape.

looknohands -1 points ago +1 / -2

I think it is more than a coincidence that Sister Elizabeth Kenny looks male. It's due to her male skull shape. A 1839 engraving of Edward Jenner with the two fingers prominent. Man next to the iron lung doing the finger down. People were terrified of polio. Every child at Sister Kenny's clinic in Brisbane is trans looking. The children getting the vaccine are doing the finger comms. Salk's skull is female. As is every politician and sports persons. Everyone you see, hear and read.

looknohands 1 point ago +2 / -1

Communist Threat HOAX

Join BOGNs and discuss. More stuff there.

deleted -1 points ago +3 / -4
looknohands 0 points ago +1 / -1

Assuming you are genuine, check out the channel. It is subtle so there is always plausible denial. They do this from birth so the minds can spot them. Subtle things like hand turned so the phalanges are more prominent. Or first knuckle straighter than normal forming a claw. Fingers adjusting glasses. Ever noticed how many vids start or end with them adjusting glasses or microphone to show their fingers. This way they know whats a psyop and whats not. They can take either side.

Look how Jenna Ellis is holding the mic. The promoted knuckle from Sidney Powell.

The opposite of a lie can still be a lie.

looknohands 0 points ago +1 / -1

MTG and Tucker Carlson

They are not transitioned. Its genetic. Their soft tissue does not match their skeletal. It is associated with psychopathic hive mind. Finger gestures coordinate their psyops. They are effectively a different species. You are in a fight for survival.


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