Really...lin wood is fun, and has won cases for defamation before...but seriously did someone hack his twitter account? When was the last time he was seen in person? I have no doubts about blackmail for God knows what, but rape murder? Is ghislaine talking? Does she even exist? Is this just some mossad disinfo campaign?
I doubt they are just meant for trafficking. Several older cities have under grounds. These were previously locations for brothels and less desirable businesses. I wouldn't doubt the tunnels still exist and could be used for anything. But why for that? Seems easier to just operate above ground.
If that was true trump would of won. Unless congress rams it through and forces his hand. I don't see why trump would bother unless it's all the "election stolen" justification. Not sure how that would make a difference. Unless we were invaded.
So mchammer and vanilla ice didn't suck? Really curious how master p went from selling cds with songs called "make crack like this" and had complete directions on how to make crack. Then few years later him and his son have a disney show.
Exactly. Saw it was "omg dead man switch kappy!" But the video is old.