T. JOHN’S, N.L. — The Roman Catholic Church has been ordered to pay settlements totalling $104 million to 292 survivors of historical abuse in Newfoundland and Labrador, including those at the now infamous Mount Cashel orphanage in St. John’s.

The decision Friday was met with relief, hurt and even grief by survivors who’ve endured a decades-long fight for justice, said lawyer Geoff Budden. His firm represents more than 200 survivors of abuse at the former Mount Cashel orphanage from the 1940s to the early 1960s.

But remember they werent doing it to native americans just to steal their land. Thats a hoax to make the average white person feel guilty for being white.


Prolly no point in posting this, but this shit is hilariously transparent.


Meetc's comment.

"Locking new comments until us mods have had some time to review everything that has been reported here."

Anytime anyone calls this guy out, oh no its not him controlling the narrative, hes just controlling the hate and anger.

EDIT: I’m wrong about this subs mods fr, they got the post back up from Reddit auto moderation taking it down. My point still stands on Reddit moderation and fringe left thinking in general.

Locked and deleted in 3…2…

Reddit sub mods -They care so little about LGBTQ, are more terrified of even the thought of slightly appearing to look bigoted. Even at the cost of a few gay citizens getting stomped out by a mob.

Do a google search on this, include Reddit and sub and you’ll see they are working overtime to bury this.

Meetc's comment in reply to this.

We aren't burying anything about LGBTQ users or issues. We are removing those who are AGAINST LGBTQ people, those threatening violence, and those who are suggesting retaliation. Its easy to blame us when things are silenced, but you really need to see the bigger picture of WHAT is being removed, and by WHO.

Lol, yes they are burying shit, just like how he buried my topics about being poisoned with freon back when he ran under the handle hfx_redditor.

This is so obviously a money controlled interest.

Controlled by people like this guy.


“She told me ‘I can’t even get a job at Target,'” Nader Nadernejad, the founder of Nadernejad Media, recalled in an interview with Huddle. “It was a horrible, silly, mistake.”

Nadernejad is a unique Halifax entrepreneur who specializes in fixing people’s online reputations. If your name or your business gets negative results when it’s Googled, Nadernejad Media can push those results further down the page.


Id say he gets paid BIG BIG bucks for what he does to help cover up the governments crimes.


Yeah, he definitely vibes as meetc/hfx_redditor.

The idiots in the thread cant see it either lmao. This comment is what the average person thinks about there.

I think the mods are in an unenviable position; every time this stuff gets brought up the shit-flinging monkey brigade comes out. While there is certainly a good deal of cognitive dissonance with regards to the left when it comes to going in circles to avoid looking like they are comitting the original sin of racism, these threads also attract a certain type of nasty anti-immigrant commenter. If I want to see that, I would just hop on over to r/canada, lol.

They cant see its being run like a business with a very small input of what is allowed to be talked about. Ill never get over fucking hfx_redditor/meetc taking over a dead subreddit just to delete my post about the labor board. The only way it really makes sense to me anyway, is hes getting paid for it.

Maybe im seeing patterns in nothing, but I dont think this guy woulda been ordering ubereats with my email and name and tagging my residence as a tourist attraction which again is exactly what a classic narcissistic sociopath piece of shit would do. Do I have proof, no, but I got a good gut feeling about it. Same type of feeling I get when im about to snipe someone behind a door/wall in counter strike...

I was kinda shocked to find this article, or one like it, a few months after the event. It's funny how they didn't say at the time why he set himself on fire. They essentially negated his death, what a waste.


There was no indication Azzarello had any specific grievances related to Trump or his trial. Instead, police described him as a “conspiracy theorist.” A New York Times photographer took a picture of Azzarello holding a sign that read, “Trump is with Biden and they’re about to fascist coup us.”

About 1:30 p.m. Eastern time, Azzarello walked to the center of the park, pulled pamphlets from a book bag, threw them into the air, then doused himself with liquid, New York Police Chief Jeffrey Maddrey said. Officials said the liquid was an alcohol-based cleaning solution.

Police said Azzarello did not appear to have targeted anyone else in the incident. He appeared to have reached out to several news outlets beforehand to announce the planned self-immolation.

Writing on Substack, he described himself as an “investigative researcher” and rambled about conspiracy theories.

He referred to cryptocurrency as a Ponzi scheme that was engineered to bring about a worldwide coup and described “The Simpsons” as propaganda for the mafia.

Sounds like he was a regular here. Lmao we have heard from axolotl_peyotl since then right? I doubt its him, and I doubt the self immolator visited this space, and I certainly hope he did not get the idea to self immolate from me.

But I get it. Sadly I do. I never believe in suicide as thats a long term solution to a short term problem. But when your life is over, and has been for years. I get it.


My mother’s self-immolation was the prologue to my life. Every time another instance of self-immolation occurs, as happened earlier this month outside a courthouse in New York City, I wonder about the people and where they sit in the lineage of the act. The inevitable think pieces after a high-profile self-immolation often sound the same, because what can one say? It’s an incredibly contextual act. It’s personal, and political. The act is the message, and vice versa. You cannot understand what it means without knowing the person’s story. And sometimes not even then.

I’ve always been reluctant to link my mother’s story to any sort of protest. It felt both sensational and inaccurate to place her suicide attempt into the political history of self-immolation. Because of our cultural tendency toward binary thinking, people are quick to pick a label to understand this act: protest or illness. To accept an act as protest neither negates nor implies mental illness. Both things could be true at once, and other factors altogether could be in play. Implying that mental illness precludes taking a stance is infantilizing.

In a 1965 letter to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Vietnamese monk Thích Nhất Hạnh wrote about how difficult it is for the Western Christian conscience to understand the self-​immolation of Vietnamese monks. He explained that the actions were neither suicide nor protest, but were devotional: "During the ceremony of ordination, as practiced in the Mahayana [Buddhist] tradition, the monk-candidate is required to burn one, or more, small spots on his body in taking the vow to observe the 250 rules of a bhikshu, to live the life of a monk, to attain enlightenment and to devote his life to the salvation of all beings. … The importance is not to take one’s life, but to burn. What he really aims at is the expression of his will and determination, not death."

For me, like I said, when your life has been over, and it has been for years.

The last thing you can do is go out the way you want to, im sure we have all felt powerless at one point or another, I remember as a kid feeling completely powerless, and as a adult when being poisoned with the freon.

No one in my family has ever had heart attacks, they all died from heart failure at the end. But since the freon triggered the arrythmias in my mid 30's, im sure ill be having heart attacks at 50. Its some real bullshit to go from having some palpitations to full blown pvc's and irregular heart rhythms. The hyper parathryoidism is likely contributing to the damage.

I get a little preview at night lately when I lay down. My heart will start flipping out of rythym and I cant get oxygen in me properly. Nothing worse than trying to breath two times to get one breath. This has to be what copd feels like.

Whats worse? Dying quickly through self immolating, and I imagine the first few minutes are eternity, but at a certain point the pain receptors just turn off and your body is flooded with dmt and other hormones.

Or dying from multiple heart attacks over years while a bunch of strangers snicker and laugh at you.

Or dying from running out of phosphorous because I am homeless and cant afford pop lmao.

Self immolation suddenly just looks better to me, I dont know why. Id love to do it right in front of wcbs building too.

Azzarello, you will be missed.


Former CSIS director Richard Fadden says Canada can’t allow allegations that parliamentarians are colluding with foreign powers to remain unresolved.

“Foreign interference by anybody is serious but the fact that parliamentarians might be involved makes it doubly serious,” Mr. Fadden said. “And we need to do something about it before the next federal election.”

“I don’t believe that a person’s career and life should be ruined on the basis of some piece of intelligence,” he said. Those accused should be given a chance to explain themselves in private. “In this country, we believe people are innocent until proven guilty, and we believe in the right to privacy,” he said.

Privacy, yes thats why my phone is STILL connected to the department of defence, privacy for me, not for thee!

Mr. Fadden said that if the Canadian political system can’t resolve the matter of alleged collaborators, “I think it will be proof positive of the relative lack of priority the government attaches to national security, and it’s going to hurt the credibility of our institutions.”

Yes, lets not make more people realize their personal grievances are with the government, not native americans, not indians, not the anti vaccinators, etc.


Threats against politicians have become "increasingly normalized" due to extremist narratives prompted by personal grievances and fuelled by misinformation or deliberate lies, warns a newly released intelligence report.

I dont know what the FUCK our leaders expect. Like WCB fucking me over, did they think it would be ok to fuck me like that and leave me alone to deal with my injuries. Talk about personal grievances.

Read this article to remind me that the local leaders in nova scotia are fucking idiots.


Could have gave that money to some kids for college grants, or paid for the poors energy bills, or done anything else to actually help people.

Theyd rather burn money planting fucking palm trees in a place they would never survive.

I feel it was a good euphemism for the state of things. Invest nothing in your people.

You reap what you sow. God damned criminals.


Got to hand it to the pysops team, they did good with this one.

I seen two threads on the residential school hoax yesterday, one was nuked, the other was allowed to stay. If anyone else seen it, they could easily tell you what the difference was.

I should have bookmarked the original thread, I knew it. I was starting to see some light at the end of the tunnel there, but this new thread, is total darkness.

In the original thread, many comments were calling out the top comments, the questionability of the blog it was posted from. How this is bigger than just one residential school.

And sometimes I am sad I left freecanada for such a stupid thing, I dont agree with people about much, but this really lights my fire. Perhaps its because my ancestors tried to adopt part of their society, and it still lives on through me today. Perhaps its because I feel some kinship after being screwed by the canadian government. Maybe its just because I feel plain bad that rich people nearly obliterated a entire people and their culture because they wanted their land. I cant explain why I get so butthurt over this.


In the old thread, where the truth was coming out, I seen someone make a comment along the lines of "Even at its peak, not many children were in these schools.", this tells me right here your average person has never done any kind of research or independent reading into this subject, other than what their politicians and the box tells them to believe.

For one, indians were required to give up children by law, or go to prison. And two, the rcmp would show up in gunboats to take the kids, I don think a "few kids" were enrolled in these schools, they all were.

Again, there isnt a question of "is there graves", the question is, where are the graves at, and exactly how many are there. Ive said this all before in other posts, and this is easily verifiable information if you just research it yourself.

But for some reason people think of kids being lined up around a pit and shot in the head. There are no mass graves like this, maybe a few full of scarlett fever, small pox, tuberculosis though. Mostly adults with the odd children in them.

Most of the kids died the same way, they would intentionally stuff infected children into the crowded classrooms and dormitories during a time that quarantining was a thing, many of them were beaten, raped, like most good catholic/Christian run schools lmao. Buried with a wooden cross, if they were lucky because "animals dont deserve stones" I dont even really doubt the stories about babies from the little girls and priests being thrown into the firepit.

These kids should be dug up, and returned to their ancestral homes though, its a travesty to leave them in unmarked plots, ill bet money the site with "anonmalies" becomes a parking lot in another year. Apparently most of the farm where pickton ran his parties and murdered indigenous girls has been developed. The RCMP did a good job destroying most of the evidence there. Again, NOTHING TO SEE FOLKS.


They didnt want the public knowing about anything that really happened, and most people did not care. If they didnt see it, it wasnt happening, seems familiar huh. But we wanted their shit, and destroying them and their culture was the way to do it.

But oh no, its all fake, just to make people feel bad about being white or something. Ignore the fact your government is complicit in crimes against humanity committed by the church for their unholy god lmao. Your free of course to believe what you want, but I think its a hard thing to deny when there is so much evidence out there. They destroyed people like kevin annett for his quest for the truth.

Trust the police when they say there is nothing to see here. Its just anomalies, they are fake. Dont worry about it. We certainly arent still doing this bullshit today.

Ill leave this off with a gem from one of freecanadas fine members.

You know what, I hope they find dead kids. I honestly hope they're right and a bunch of fucking injuns were massacred. I would love that as much as them.

Stay classy freecanada! Keep the hate and division going.

Should be banding with the FN to forge a new government, not keep the old one run by old criminal crony boomers and their brainwashed underlings.


Take workers compensation for example, came across this article tonight.


The province’s time-loss injury rate improved to 1.40 injuries per 100 covered workers in 2023, down from 1.54 the previous year. This number has been steadily declining for decades, and is half what it was in 2003.

2024 marks the first year of WCB’s new seven-year strategic plan. It’s a road map to protecting more Nova Scotians from workplace injury, supporting safe and timely return to work, and, providing exceptional service.

I dont believe work injury's are down, but the approved claims are. Before any lurkers start thinking I am "hysterical" again, let me provide some facts to chew on.


Ontario’s compensation system has received a lot of attention in recent weeks, after an Ontario Federation of Labour study revealed that the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) is rebating millions of dollars to companies that have been found guilty of safety violations that resulted in workplace fatalities.

According to the OFL, more than 50 per cent of the offending employers received millions of dollars in rebates in the same year they committed their offences. In many of these cases, the rebates received by the companies exceeded the fines they were levied as a result of their conviction.

As shocking as these revelations have been, they are not unique to Ontario.


With David Marshall being re-appointed to another two years as CEO of Ontario’s WSIB, various public servant heavyweights have chimed in with praise for the man’s work in whittling down the agency’s unfunded liability. At $14.2 billion in 2012, it’s now apparently closer to $9-billion. That’s quite a turnaround.

Great news and responsible fiscal management, right?

Well, how you feel about the WSIB’s spending decreases depends on whether you are on the receiving end of a $400,000 bonus for effecting them, as David Marshall is, or whether you’re an injured worker who has been denied benefits.

Payouts to injured workers by the WSIB went down by $700-million between 2009 and 2013 – from $3.2-billion to $2.5-billion. The vast number of stories of workers being kicked off of apparently fully-legitimate benefits are all over the media, all over the web, all over the industry.


This month the Ford government announced a plan to redistribute surplus funds from the WSIB to “safe employers.”

The massive handout will come from the WSIB’s current $6.1-billion reserve, which has been collected off the backs of injured workers denied adequate compensation by the board for sometimes serious and debilitating injuries.

“What’s not being asked by the WSIB or the Ministry of Labour is ‘how is this surplus accumulated?’” said David Arruda, a community legal aid worker with IAVGO.

“It was accumulated because the WSIB denies so many claims that the premiums are not being paid out.”

The WSIB is implementing a “cost-saving agenda,” reminiscent of a large insurance company, instead of ensuring that injuries are justly compensated, he added.

To add further insult to injury, the Ford government plans to cut employer-paid premiums in 2022 by $168 million, which will bring total premium reductions since 2018 to $2.4 billion, according to the government.


“After decades of working, these workers have been abandoned not only by these employers but by the workers’ compensation system that was supposed to provide for them,” said Gates.

The ODRA has the support of unions and the Ontario Federation of Labour and community interest from the Ontario Network of Injured Workers.

Pretty sure this woman got maid'ed because she was tired of the delays they kept throwing at her. This is how these fuckers work. In my case I am still in shock they can lie to me, feels fucking intentional. Nah man, freon cant do that. Nah we dont need to test the air, its just like, anxiety man.


A Cape Breton woman who has been fighting for more than a decade for benefits from Nova Scotia's Workers' Compensation Board says she will continue to push ahead as long as she can.

But Melissa Ellsworth said she can't wait any longer for pain relief and has applied for medical assistance in dying, also known as MAID.

Ellsworth said workplace injuries while nursing in 2006 and working as a corrections officer in 2009 have left her with constant pain and unable to eat properly.

And then to add insult to injury. Exactly WHAT THE FUCK do our leaders think is going to happen when they treat people as disposable? The same thing that always happens. The poor eat the rich.

Which is why I had to have another laugh at this article.


Like others have pointed out, uttering death threats and hate speech are already punishable by law, so what exactly is this bill for? The part that got me, and this is the second time I have seen the CSIS report saying.

An intelligence report released in March said threats against politicians had become “increasingly normalized” due to extremist narratives prompted by personal grievances and fuelled by misinformation or deliberate lies.

Yes, being poisoned and denied medical care has a way of fucking alienating/jading someone all to fuck. Then to paint me as a schizophrenic.

Oh fuck, I hope jesus is real, I say a prayer every now and then just in case.

Yeah, our leaders dont give a flying fuck about us, your a absolute fool to believe otherwise.


I suppose this isnt a conspiracy per say, other than to swindle rich idiots. But we really do live in clown world.

Came across this article.


So we have a american site convincing american retirees to retire in canada. What I dont understand, is how they can straight up LIE.

Halifax, Nova Scotia

As the capital of Nova Scotia, this coastal city is known for its friendly community and high standard of living. You’ll find access to world-class health care here, including top-rated hospitals and clinics. There is also a vibrant cultural scene, with plenty of festivals, museums and galleries to explore year-round.

Halifax seniors can keep active in the area’s many parks and take advantage of the local coastline for biking or water-related activities. Its popularity among retirees means a thriving social setting for seniors looking for ways to connect with other retirees.

Welcome to the boomer capital of atlantic canada!!!

World class healthcare, what a joke. These are the idiots that told me over and over freon cant cause irregular heartbeat, it would be laughable if it werent so fucking serious. (yes yes, I know some of you are laughing, hows it feel to sell your soul to the devil?)

Read this article five minutes later....


"world class healthcare"

“It’s not just a local issue, where we’re routinely now seeing patients who are diagnosed with cancer in the emergency department,” she said. “My colleagues across Canada are seeing this as well.” The proportion of patients facing a cancer diagnosis in an emergency department appears to have increased since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, said Grewal, who has received funding to investigate this issue in Ontario.

She said the family medicine crisis that’s left one in five Canadians without regular access to primary care, is likely one of the reasons for the concerning trend. In Ontario, an estimated 2.3 million people don’t have a family doctor, a number that’s projected to grow to 4.4 million by 2026, according to the Ontario College of Family Physicians.

This has been a very long time in the making. Article from five years ago.


Of the approximately 1,000 lung cancer cases, a third were diagnosed in the emergency room. Of those patients, three-quarters died within one year.

"I worry a little bit that these results will be scary for Nova Scotians," said Manos, who is hoping that the awareness will drive people to have their symptoms checked sooner.

Family doctors? I can barely access any walkins because they keep closing!


Dr. Mohamed Alzrighe said the four doctors who worked at the clinic felt undervalued and underpaid for the service they were providing.

"Our staff was stretched to the max," Alzrighe said Wednesday. "When it comes to patient care and safety, there is no compromise there for us, so we decided we could not really keep going and provide the same standard of care."

He said the clinic, which opened in 2009 and operated from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., was seeing more and more patients with complex health issues.

Yeah, maybe the boomers get the healthcare they need. But ive been suffering from the phosphorous bullshit ever since I was poisoned with freon. No one will do shit.

Fucking funny as hell.


Alberta Premier Danielle Smith says it's a good idea to have a physician who accused the province of exaggerating COVID-19's impact on hospitals now lead a review of pandemic-era health data.

Smith says Dr. Gary Davidson was selected to lead the data review because she wants to hear a range of viewpoints, including from those "shouted down in the public sphere."

"I needed somebody who was going to look at everything that happened with some fresh eyes and maybe with a little bit of a contrarian perspective because we've only ever been given one perspective," Smith told reporters at the legislature Tuesday.

"I left it to [Davidson] to assemble the panel with the guidance that I would like to have a broad range of perspectives."


Smith said Tuesday she wanted it to look at how to better analyze public health data and to fact-check concerns about vaccine side-effects.


Opposition New Democrat Leader Rachel Notley lambasted the panel and Smith, calling it a waste of public money to launch a secret consultation led by someone with "fringe views."

Notley said, "I believe the Earth is round, and I don't think that the people of Alberta should be paying for people who believe it's flat to be engaging in the conversation."

The comments are entertaining. I dont understand how having multiple view points is such a terrible sin nowadays. People cant admit they were duped by their corrupt politicians and corporations whos only goal is to make more and more money. These people really do deserve everything they get lmao.




When Wil Krotenko got his first part time job in the meat department of the local Co-op grocery store last summer, the then 14-year-old couldn't wait to start making his own money — never imagining the job could kill him a few months later.

The teen, who lives in Canora, Sask., about 235 kilometres northeast of Regina, says he started feeling sick soon after starting his shift on Oct. 23 when his manager tasked him with cleaning enclosed areas of the meat department with a gas-powered pressure washer.

"I started feeling lightheaded and dizzy," Wil told Go Public. He says he staggered to the front of the store. "And I guess that's when I collapsed."

His condition was so serious that Wil had to be airlifted to Misericordia Community Hospital in Edmonton with severe carbon monoxide poisoning.

His mom says he spent hours in a hyperbaric chamber, used in the most serious poisoning cases, so the high levels of carbon monoxide in his blood could be replaced with oxygen.

According to the Occupational Health and Safety report, carbon monoxide levels in the confined space where Wil was working were up to 60 times higher than what's considered safe over an eight hour period under Saskatchewan's occupational health regulations.

Despite all of that, the employer faced no consequences, aside from being told to fix the problems.

The lack of severe consequences for employers who put workers like Wil in danger is a longstanding problem in Canada, according to a workplace safety expert.

Sean Tucker, a professor of occupational health and safety at the University of Regina says that's because many provinces don't have the ability to issue hefty fines directly to workplaces that put employees in harm's way.

At the bottom of this article is another article.


A new survey suggests almost 20 per cent of Canadian businesses do not offer safety and orientation programs that are legally required for new workers in much of the country — a finding one labour law expert calls "shocking" and evidence of "widespread lawbreaking."

Yeah, this is perfect for canada. They can import temp workers and when they are maimed or killed, deport them or their family and be done with it. So AWESOME.

Hey at least for the teen they bothered to measure the air in the workplace. To this day I am still told by nova scotias WCB and their labor board that they dont have to test the air in the back of arcas shop where they decommission old fridges and freezers. At this point I dont even care if they hurt someone else, im dealing with my own problems. I warned them, no one cared.

Fucking canada, home of the criminals!



After my experiences in this country, I dont really doubt this womans story. Want to see a dumpster fire of comments though?


She’s not paralyzed by the Covid vaccine. That’s a ridiculous take with no logic, medical evidence or reasoning behind it. She’s a right wing wackjob so clearly lost down her “truth” that even you believe it. Her page is full of bullshit rage bait that your buying hook line and sinker.

Fake, while I personally had complications with the vaccine I know it does not cause these side effects. This is brainrot for boomers on Facebook and Twitter. I saw a video of some dude having a seizure and they said it was vaccine related, the video was recorded 5 years prior to Covid.

Do any of you even know how MAID works? Its not forced and there are months of tests and evaluations to assess if you qualify and if YOU want it. Absolutely nobody can make you do it, but if your quality of life is so severe, and verified, then its an option. Living in constant pain is torture.


On March 25, Justice Colin Feasby ruled that the 27-year-old — whose name has been withheld by the courts, and who was identified by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation only as M.V. — could pursue her plan to end her life through Canada’s law on “medical assistance in dying,” or MAID.

Calgary-based Amanda Achtman, who works to end MAID, told OSV News that discrimination against those with autism and other disabilities is at the heart of the ruling, which amounts to “the blatant devaluing of persons with disabilities.”

Why are canadians so fucking oblivious, its soul crushing.

Like I said I dont doubt it, I had dozens of idiot doctors parrot me the line "Freon cannot damage your heart.". Absolute retards, or criminals, proably both.

I like this tool, trys to prove its false, but ends up having to do mental gymnastics to convince himself it was covid instead.

I found this person on FB. She seems very real and seems to have become paralyzed sometime in 2022. I can't find any information on her profile that suggests she has some sort of real confirmation that her situation is linked to the shot, but she seems to have developed Transverse Myelitis. What is interesting, transverse myelitis is linked to COVID-19, there have been a total of 10 acute cases and this is being tracked by the National Library of Medicine in the US. It is important to note, that COVID causes the situation. There has been another case of temporary paralysis after a covid infection as a result of this. But... this person did receive a visit from Tamara Lich in early 2023... since then she has been very vocal that the shot caused this.

Anyway... in Canada, depending on your condition, it is common to be INFORMED that assisted suicide is an OPTION. That isn't news or alarming here in Canada. I have family members who have developed various issues related to substance abuse including severe depression. They are all aware of this option and it is their right to be informed of this option.

EDIT: seems she may have had diabetes prior to all of this. Not sure if that matters, but she had pre-existing health conditions.

Edit2: More digging confirms that she was told by her doctor that it was the result of the vaccine. Further looking around suggests this is real but very rare. I still fail to see a conspiracy here. I will note it is interesting that the media isn't picking this up, but also doesn't seem to warrant a public outcry or panic. It is an unfortunate situation and I hope she and her family find a path that works for them through this. Going through her FB, she seems like a really nice person with a lot of family support, and until Tamara came along she wasn't really screaming murder about the situation. Being vocal seems to have helped her fundraising efforts with a certain groups here in Canada.


I'm sure most of you here have seen in the news about the girl Kaylee Gain's. Well I made the mistake of googling/youtubing stuff about it and I wish I hadnt.

I was actually trying to find the video to gauge for intent to kill. But I dont think I need to see it from the descriptions of redditors. Sounds like this girl got caught up in the moment, set her targets on Kaylee and set out to destroy her.

The family is trying real hard to paint the attacker as some kinda of saint. Since they want to charge her as an adult. Even publishing a gofundme where it was deleted and then a petition, explaining that she speaks 4 different languages and is very smart and has a super bright future ahead of her. Well she would definitely fit in with the rest of the pyschopath/socipaths on wallstreet, thats for sure.

Most youtube results are black males trying to defend what she did.

This one really got me.


This guy may even have a point about the DEI stuff, kinda. But hes allowed to believe what he wants.

But how the fuck are people so delusional, this shit is insane. I wish MLK was still around, pimp slapping these mother fuckers. This was the exact kinda shit he preached against. MLK understand that racism has no place in the modern world, and that racism is racism, it doesnt matter if your black, or white.


I like morgan freemans answer about black history month.

How do we stop racism? "We stop talking about it." Then he goes onto explain how racism works both ways. He is from that era when MLK was still alive.

Anyway, video is semi short. At 1:16 calls the governor a saltine lmao.

Says Im evil because I do think DEI policy's indirectly played a role in this girls death about a minute later.

Yeah ok, lol, talks about ashli being shot by the black security guard, who was absolved of any wrong doing lmao. Yes lets talk being singled out because hes black lmao.

Goes onto to talk about how if Kaylee had impulse control she wouldnt have got the shit beat out of her, and by the way its ok because she and her friend were "bullying" the black girl almost 2 times her size.

Impulse CONTROL?! SERIOUSLY LOL, man this is on the level of wcb painting me as schizophrenic to help deny my claim. Like oh man,

Impulse control would be not using your fists to smash someone's skull and then fight over their convulsing body. HOLY SHIT.

And then goes onto talk about TAKING RESPONSIBILITY.

You mean like kaylees attacker should do for what likely is going to alter/change her quality of life, like FOREVER.

I just cant take the hypocrisy. Our leaders are destroying america with this divisive/inclusive bullshit. To any lurkers out there, inclusiveness is racism.

All this talk bout white privilege, as a appalachian, ive never seen it.


This is a post I have wanted to make for a while, but have refrained from doing for obvious reasons. I however think it is worth sharing.

Ive talked quite a few times how the american military is quite interested in it for military applications.


“We have to understand what gives rise to this so-called ‘sixth sense,’ says Peter Squire, a program officer in ONR’s Expeditionary Maneuver Warfare and Combating Terrorism department. Today’s Navy scientists place less emphasis on trying to understand the phenomena theoretically and more on using technology to examine the mysterious process, which Navy scientists assure the public is not based on superstition. “If the researchers understand the process, there may be ways to accelerate it — and possibly spread the powers of intuition throughout military units,” says Dr. Squire. The Pentagon’s focus is to maximize the power of the sixth sense for operational use. “If we can characterize this intuitive decision-making process and model it, then the hope is to accelerate the acquisition of these skills,” says Lieutenant Commander Brent Olde of ONR’s Warfighter Performance Department for Human and Bioengineered Systems. “[Are] there ways to improve premonition through training?” he asks.

Because of the stigma of ESP and PK, the nomenclature has changed, allowing the Defense Department to distance itself from its remote-viewing past. Under the Perceptual Training Systems and Tools banner, extrasensory perception has a new name in the modern era: “sensemaking.” In official Defense Department literature sensemaking is defined as “a motivated continuous effort to understand connections (which can be among people, places, and events) in order to anticipate their trajectories and act effectively.”

Fifty years ago in Vietnam, Joe McMoneagle used his sixth sense to avoid stepping on booby traps, falling into punji pits, and walking into Viet Cong ambushes. His ability to sense danger was not lost on his fellow soldiers, and the power of his intuitive capabilities spread throughout his military unit. Other soldiers had confidence in this subconscious ability and followed McMoneagle’s lead. In a life-or-death environment there was no room for skepticism or ignominy. If it saved lives, it was real. Since 1972, CIA and DoD research indicates that premonition, or precognition, appears to be weak in some, strong in others, and extraordinary in a rare few. Will the Navy’s contemporary work on “sensemaking,” the continuous effort to understand the connections among people, places, and events, finally unlock the mystery of ESP?

This article explains it away more rationally.


The Navy expects the research will offer insight into the scientific basis of intuition, a concept that many in the general public confuse with the supernatural. It also hopes the findings will eventually allow military scientists and planners to build sophisticated computer models of how intuition works and to design training programs to help troops learn to better use their intuitive ability.

“The term ‘sixth sense’ is evocative, but risks conveying the idea that intuition is a psychic or paranormal phenomenon,” he said. When an idea appears as an “aha” moment, Mr. Kounios added, “people often think that this is a psychic phenomenon because they don’t know where the idea came from. But it’s the product of unconscious information processing.” Some studies suggest that the neural and cognitive processes involved in intuitive decision-making actually share many similarities with those involved in “implicit learning,” or learning that happens without the learner being aware of what was learned or how, the Navy said.

So we already have two conflicting sources on the subject. What do you believe?

I believe that most of it is as they say, your subconscious reacting to things on a different level. I always wondered if your subconscious is actually just the middleman between you and, something else. Who knows.

I mention this phrase alot, low latency inhibition. What is it? We all have it, but some of us have it worse than others, it has also driven many men and women I imagine mad.


Is a good resource if you dont know about it. I suspect many of us here and even many of the lurkers suffer from this.

Came across this interesting article which is kinda why I went ahead and wrote this post.


It isn’t that having schizotypal personality predisposes one to creativity, Carson clarifies in the article. It’s more complex than that. Instead, a cognitive mechanism called cognitive disinhibition may underlie eccentricity.

Cognitive disinhibition occurs when we’re unable to ignore irrelevant or extraneous information. Think of it this way: Every day, every minute, we’re bombarded by data — lots of data. It’s impossible to attend to all this information. Fortunately, we have mental filters that block this information from reaching our conscious awareness and take care of the behind-the-scenes processing, Carson writes.

One of these filters is called latent inhibition (LI). In a 2003 study in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Carson and colleagues defined LI as: “the varying capacity of the brain to screen from current attentional focus stimuli previously experienced as irrelevant.”

She posits that some of the biological vulnerabilities that predispose individuals to disorders like schizophrenia are shared by some highly creative individuals. These individuals are more open — thanks to latent inhibition, for instance — to novel, creative ideas than folks whose mental filters do suppress scores of irrelevant information. However, they’re protected from psychopathology by traits such as high IQ and increased working memory capacity.

Well Im fucked haha.

Thankfully I can differentiate between reality and fantasy. I know what is real and what is not, the rest I can only take educated guesses on. I dont know if space is real, but I think it likely is, etc.

But however, my views on this reality, are unusual and people really dislike me for it.

Carson cited various studies that found that creative people tend to score higher on schizotypal surveys. For instance, her research has revealed that some creative students tend to report magical thinking and odd perceptual experiences.

What is magical thinking? you may wonder? Well things like esp, or sharing dreams. Basically believing in anything more than what we are told to believe in.

“In my research at Harvard, done in part with my colleague Cynthia A. Meyersburg, I have found that study participants who score high in a measure of creative achievement in the arts are more likely to endorse magical thinking — such as belief in telepathic communication, dreams that portend the future, and memories of past lives. These participants are also more likely to attest to unusual perceptual experiences, such as having frequent déjà vu and hearing voices whispering in the wind.”

Hearing voices whispering in the wind sounds alot like musical ear to me, which can be a symptom of a brain injury or going deaf lol. But to compare deja vu, beliefs in esp, or past lives to hearing voices, LOL. Fucking idiots.


Musical Ear Syndrome is a relatively common phenomenon where you hear non-tinnitus, phantom sounds that are not of a psychiatric nature. Typically, you would hear what sounds like music, singing or voices. If you hear music or singing, it may be vague or clear. If you hear voices, typically they sound vague—like a TV playing in another room. For example, you might “know” it is an man announcing a game, but you can’t understand any/many words.

Now here’s where it gets really interesting. There are two categories of MES. In the first category, there is no apparent external stimulus for the phantom sounds your are hearing (a truly phantom sound). However, in the second category, the phantom music or singing is triggered by an unrelated external background sound whether the person is aware of this sound or not.

For example, you begin hearing music when you are near a fan. The fan is not producing music. It is just producing fan noise. However, your brain modifies this fan noise so you perceive it as music.

This happens because your brain is a pattern recognition machine. In other words, your brain tries to find meaning in all the sensory input it receives. (Here, we are just talking about auditory input, but the same applies to our other senses as well.)

So now that I have explained both sides of the situation. Watch this clip.


Link expires in 2 days, im working on a longer video but its taking me a while to go through the matches so im not worried about a permanent link. I dont play anymore because to many people are hacking lol. Been back to work learning raytracing. Also if you think im hacking im sorry. There is proably nothing I can say to change your mind. I wouldnt hack and make a post like this. I used to have an entire lab of people who would watch me play back in college but that was along time ago. It was nice when people on the internet would accuse me of hacking and I would have 10 people saying, no hes not lol.

You can argue that im using low latency inhibition here. Running timers in the back of my head, statistically speaking chances are good of shots connecting if you know where to aim.

But there is more to it than that. Most of these shots are the results of low latency, but some of them. I shoot when I get a "feeling" thats all I can say.

My whole life I have believed there is more than we can see/hear/taste/smell/feel. And I have always had good intuition, I thought anyway haha, I let myself get poisoned. But for whatever reason its alot stronger lately. I surely am not the only one. Hopefully im not dying, but who knows.

Could you guys imagine what this world could be like if we didnt let greedy close minded fools run everything. I can, and it kills me. If I had to guess they are desperate to keep this phenomena suppressed as long as possible.

I dont know why you guys think this is fake, your worse than the Canadians who think that the government is trying to make them feel bad for being white. Unless your parents were part of the church or government, you have no reason to feel guilt about what happened, but that doesnt mean you should just pretend like it never existed. It should be your responsibility as a human being to make sure shit like this never happens again. Big fail there.

America isnt innocent either, but the crown is a entirely different evil.

They never found a grave! In the last 5 or 10 years.

The biggest site they found was in 1974, at the battleford industrial school, where the bodies were dug up and given proper burials and rites.


When the Battleford school closed in 1914, Principal E. Matheson reminded Indian Affairs that there was a school cemetery that contained the bodies of seventy to eighty individuals, most of whom were former students. He worried that unless the government took steps to care for the cemetery, it would be overrun by stray cattle. Matheson had good reason for wishing to see the cemetery maintained: several of his family members were buried there. These concerns proved prophetic, since the location of this cemetery is not recorded in the available historical documentation, and neither does it appear in an internet search of Battleford cemeteries

Werent worth having their names recoded on a stone, just a bunch of heathens anyway right?


I like this article I come across today, someone in the comments saying,

This site is located on the reserve. Are they saying that they didn't know about a cemetery on their own reserve.

Well it says communal pit, and im guessing that means there were adult bodies in there as well. But alot of people did die of tb and scarlet fever, but the difference here is they were shoving infected kids into rooms with the uninfected. Not much different than what america did with blankets and smallpox. And why? Because they wanted their shit.

Anyway, where am I pulling this 5000 number from, am I just making this up too!


The Commission has identified 3,200 deaths on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Register of Confirmed Deaths of Named Residential School Students and the Register of Confirmed Deaths of Unnamed Residential School Students. • For just under one-third of these deaths (32%), the government and the schools did not record the name of the student who died. • For just under one-quarter of these deaths (23%), the government and the schools did not record the gender of the student who died. • For just under one-half of these deaths (49%), the government and the schools did not record the cause of death. • Aboriginal children in residential schools died at a far higher rate than schoolaged children in the general population. • For most of the history of the schools, the practice was not to send the bodies of students who died at schools to their home communities. • For the most part, the cemeteries that the Commission documented are abandoned, disused, and vulnerable to accidental disturbance. • The federal government never established an adequate set of standards and regulations to guarantee the health and safety of residential school students. • The federal government never adequately enforced the minimal standards and regulations that it did establish. • The failure to establish and enforce adequate regulations was largely a function of the government’s determination to keep residential school costs to a minimum.

Even here they are sugar coating it, it was just a "cost saving" measure. Yeah ok ^^. 3200 deaths is on the low end.

The effort to fully document the children that never returned home from the schools remains ongoing. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission identified 1,953 children, 477 where additional investigation is required and an additional 1,242 students who have known to have died but their names are not yet known. The National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR) has conducted further review of the records and has added an additional 471 students to the memorial. This number is expected to climb as additional work is conducted. In total there are presently 4,126 children within the national student memorial register.[15

Ahh so it is closer to 5000, I guess I am over exaggerating a little.

Man, you guys need to just put yourself in their shoes for a minute. Get ripped from your parents at a very young age, get punished for speaking or singing in your native tongue, told your a savage and ignorant, denied medical treatment, beaten, raped. After all ive been through in this life, it dont take much for me to imagine.

We even know these sick fucks were running experiments on them.


Im surprised this much has even leaked out. One of the first things that king trudeau did when he got into office? Slapped gag orders on other victims of medical experimentation. The mk ultra experiments.


And you guys think they would tell the truth if they did happen to find a mass burial pit, hahahah, thats a good one.

Money is all that matters to the crown, I know.

Ill leave you guys with this great comment I seen about the rona vaccine. This is just to show you the average canadians intelligence.


Having the vaccine reduces your health risk to others, yes. It reduces your viral load, it reduces the amount of time you're sick and can spread the disease to others, etc.

Does it prevent you from ever contracting it or ever carrying the pathogen completely? No. No vaccine does, that isn't how they have ever worked.

Is a vaccinated person therefore less of a threat to people around them that can be killed by that disease? Yes. Absolutely.

This isn't a narrative, this is a scientific fact, and I'm not the one that bought into propaganda and misinformation, you are, my scientifically illiterate friend.

These are the same people who are trying to tell you the residential school deaths are fake. God these people are peak fucking retarded.

Two doses of measles vaccine are about 97% effective at preventing measles if exposed to the virus.

That's literally how vaccines work you dumbasses. Claims were scientifically illiterate, but they can only repeat billion dollar pharma adverts.


Was doing my daily read of the bullshit that is r/conspiracy these days and came across this gem of a comment in the thread about the miami incident. I still dont think it was aliens lmao.

I just watched a whistleblower video on Antarctica’s IceCube Neutrino Observatory (on Sean Ryan Show on yt), where he states that it is a directed energy weapon, the telescope can send and receive signals, and it has a lot more power and functionality than what they tell us and there are things going on that we can’t even begin to comprehend.

So I went and found this video in question. This is the kinda stuff that fascinates me. What I found was way more interesting than the earthquake capabilities. Havent even watched the entire video yet.


The part that is blowing my mind is he says around 9 minutes in. This, platform, can certainly detect neutrinos. I really like his comparison to weapons of old like the gun, where it has one primary purpose. These toys they have now, are nothing like that. They can be used for anything you can think of really. Scary.

Anyway, he mentions at 10 minutes in. That they are tracking neutrino's from exotic ship engines. Whether they are alien or backward engineered craft he doesnt know.

I dont think this guy is telling a 100% of the truth, but some of the things he is saying is striking a chord somewhere in me. Im actually humored that the host cant even wrap his head around what this guy is saying, you can tell its all a little to far out for him. Id feel the same way too, except ive seen ufos, ive also done alot of reading about it in the last 30 years. You dont have to convince me they exist.

Instantly reminded me of those strange radar anomaly's from years ago. Took some yandexing but I eventually found a link.


Proally worth mentioning also, raytheon while they are a huge part of the military industrial complex, so I dont trust them, they are the ones who boast of having taken the first legit picture of a ufo. With their flir system that can track things moving up to 2000 mph or maybe its even higher.

I thought it was worth sharing. Whether you believe in the whole ufo thing or not.

Despite what the users of freecanada.win would have you believe. I think the school deaths were very much real and as kevin arnett said, that same system that did that is still in operation today. Nothing has really changed. The implications of this are huge and people wonder why some of us are dumb enough to believe in Q when he talks about things no one else wants to talk about. I believe Q is a psyop, meant to flush dissidents out of all levels of government, and its already happened. Many years ago.

Interview with Kevin Annett




Unrepentant Documentary


This man lost his livelihood, his family, for trying to tell people the truth, and yet people in freecanada will claim its fake. I dont get it. I think all canadians are like this. Living in their own reality bubble, threatened by anyone who could pop it. Maybe its a mainstream thing, I dont know.

I was talking to a local the other day, white person whos mom was in the orphanage here in nova scotia. Literally sexually, physically, mentally abused on a near daily basis. If they did this to white children, what the fuck do you think was happening to the "savages" who need to be "taught". Indians are some of the most highly spiritual people on this planet and I feel more in relation to them then I do white people and their mainstream bullshit. A "system" as keven annett says, thats used to justify exploiting and killing anything for resources and money. A society built on foundations like that cant last.

That same system is still being used today to control and silence people. I know. After being poisoned by work, denied healthcare, having the entire fucking thing covered up by nova scotia. I know, more than most.

Came across this thread the other day. I wonder if its the same person. Or someone claiming to be him.


Then come across this thread today. In the thread on r/canada, people are trying to claim it was other indigenous that killed this girl. It's possible, but I dont buy it. The media trys awfully hard to paint indians as women killers but the numbers dont really add up.



What are the causes of such high rates of mortality? It could be several things alone or in combination: lack of access to health care, domestic violence and abuse, or poverty. Activists and First Nations communities have been voicing these concerns for some time: the National Women’s Association of Canada’s Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women movement, Amnesty International’s No More Stolen Sisters campaign, and survivors of the Canadian Residential School system (Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC), 2015, p 161) have all focused on the disproportionate abuse and deaths of Indigenous women in Canada.


Nearly half (47%) of Indigenous women aged 15 and older who were murdered between 2015 and 2020 were killed by an intimate partner, a proportion similar to that of non-Indigenous women (49%), but much higher than for Indigenous men (7.3%) and non-Indigenous men (4.6%).

No mention of actual numbers and then they just casually mention about the same rate as mainstream (less actually). Men are substantially higher deathrate though. Does appear women hold the power in their culture.

How can someone take the time to research all this and decide that everything was fake. I dont get it. It kills me to see the users in freecanada calling them drunks and savages.

As an appalachian I know, if all you expect is a loser, then all your gonna get is one. Holy fuck man have a higher standard for god sakes. When you pass from this life do you not want to go with some pride?

I dont think I have much time left myself, parathyroid or kidney is fucked, canadian healthcare is fucked, so I guess im fucked. Ive resolved myself to it. Kinda scares me to think about not waking up one morning, but fuck if it aint a relief at the same time too.

Never forget.


Spyware normally associated with the intelligence world is being used by 13 federal departments and agencies, according to contracts obtained under access to information legislation and shared with Radio-Canada.

Radio-Canada has also learned those departments' use of the spyware did not undergo a privacy impact assessment as required by federal government directive.

The tools in question can be used to recover and analyze data found on computers, tablets and mobile phones, including information that has been encrypted and password-protected. This can include text messages, contacts, photos and travel history.

Certain software can also be used to access a user's cloud-based data, reveal their internet search history, deleted content and social media activity.

Radio-Canada has learned other departments have obtained some of these tools in the past, but say they no longer use them.

Evan Light, associate professor of communications at York University's Glendon campus in Toronto and an expert in privacy and surveillance technology, said he's shocked by the widespread use of such spyware within the federal government.

"It's worrisome and dangerous," said Light, who filed the original access to information request to find out more about how police agencies in Canada are using the technology.

"I thought I would just find the usual suspects using these devices, like police, whether it's the RCMP or [Canada Border Services Agency]. But it's being used by a bunch of bizarre departments," he said.

According to the documents Light shared with Radio-Canada, Shared Services Canada purchased the equipment and software for the end users from suppliers Cellebrite, Magnet Forensics and Grayshift. (The latter two companies merged earlier this year).

The companies say they have developed strict controls to ensure that their technologies are used in accordance with the law, according to their websites.

'Normalization' of surveillance A directive from the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) requires that all federal institutions carry out what it calls a privacy impact assessment (PIA) prior to any activity that involves the collection or handling of personal information, with the goal of identifying privacy risks and ways of mitigating or eliminating them.

According to the directive, which took effect in 2002 and was revised in 2010, federal departments must then provide a copy of their PIA to the TBS and the Office of the Privacy Commissioner.

Radio-Canada asked each of the federal institutions using the spyware if they had first conducted privacy impact assessments. According to their written responses, none did. The Department of Fisheries and Oceans said it intends to do so.

The fact that these assessments were never done "shows that it's just become normalized, that it's not a big deal to get into somebody's cell phone," said Light. "There's been a normalization of this really extreme capability of surveillance."

Some departments said a PIA wasn't necessary because they had already obtained judicial authorizations such as search warrants, which impose strict conditions on the seizure of electronic devices.

Others said they only use the material on government-owned devices — for example, in cases involving employees suspected of harassment.

Privacy 'not an abstract concept' Treasury Board President Anita Anand declined Radio-Canada's request for an interview.

According to her office, each federal institution is responsible for enforcing privacy laws and policies, but her office did not say what happens when these institutions fail to fulfil those obligations.

Privacy protection should be a key element "before adopting high-risk technological tools to collect personal information," the privacy commissioner wrote in an email to Radio-Canada.

Dufresne also reiterated that he wishes the federal government made PIAs "a binding legal obligation" under the Privacy Act.

Light said he's disappointed no one in the federal government seems accountable for the use of spyware that could have a "dramatic" impact on people's lives.

"We have a right to privacy. It's not an abstract concept," he said.

Considering my phone is still connected to the department of defense in england, I have to assume its the military that tapped my phone, turns out it could be anyone. Truth and justice in Canada are a joke. I dont get the weird cryptic emails anymore, so thats good, I guess.

Only more proof that America is/was the only bastion of free democracy.

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