donpon -5 points ago +2 / -7

This is correct. They will twist creation into nonscientific insanity like living on a spinning ball with water sticking to it, that came about because nothing exploded just to keep people in a subservient state to them as they portray themselves as gods conquering "space" when in reality they are pathetic clowns with video tricks.

donpon -2 points ago +4 / -6

DrLeaks2's content is very mainline template, trying to pull people back into the irrelevant waste of time known as national/international politics.

I have found that those addicted to porn will fight flat earth intensely because once you know the earth is flat then you know there is a creator you have to put away the porn and other degenerate empty pleasure seeking activity.

Anyone pushing fear based narratives like, viruses, bio/nuclear weapons, asteroids or other globe related BS is most likely paid or retarded.

donpon 1 point ago +1 / -0

Celestial appearances can look like something they are not, this is not something you want to base your concept of the earth on. It is like looking at the moon and believing we live on a moon. It is ridiculous, childish, and fallacious.

Besides concentric star trails are not possible on a spinning orbiting sphere anyway, so your point is moot.

Globe religion proponents always want to point to the sky then expound their theories about the earth. This is called redirection.

How about we focus on the earth since we are talking about the earth. Water cannot bend or curve and since the earth is mostly covered in water that means it cannot be a ball, it is flat and level, period.

Nothing can explain southern star trails except this video that explains it perfectly.


donpon 0 points ago +1 / -1

I implore you to think about the impossible concept of living on a sphere.

Then think to yourself, could there be a possible way stars would appear to rotate in different directions based on where I am looking at them from. The answer to this is of course yes.

donpon 2 points ago +3 / -1

If you think the stars would rotate in a uniform fashion being observed from a spinning sphere that is also flying through space you have been hit with heavy mind control.

donpon 1 point ago +2 / -1

I just debunked that you clown, how are you still pushing this stars BS?

You have no idea what stars are or how far they are or what they are doing and your are believing in impossible concepts to explain star rotation when I already showed you a realistic explanation that can be demonstrated with experiment.

donpon 0 points ago +1 / -1

You will hinge your whole believe system of a totally impossible and idiotic idea of living on a spinning sphere because star rotation? You cannot go and verify anything about the star rotation and I just showed you a perfectly possible explanation.

Yet you still hold on to standing upside down as the only reason stars may appear to rotate not the way you expect on a place. You are a religious zealot my friend.

donpon 1 point ago +1 / -0

The guy literally has fake video produced by pedophile Jews in the background. He is an obvious agent reading a script. He spews out all the "based" buzzwords within 2 minutes into the video to pretend he is "on your side".

The ISS is 100% fake. NASA is hebrew for "deception"



please wake up

donpon -1 points ago +1 / -2

You have a simplistic understanding of reality that was hammered into you before you could think critically. You have no comprehension of perspective and optical phenomena over vast distances on a celestial level. You rather believe people are standing upside down then spend some effort figuring out how reality works. If you are willing to take the time then you can know.

How the Southern Stars Work on Flat Earth


Welcome to flat earth

donpon -1 points ago +1 / -2

have you heard of sarcasm?

donpon -1 points ago +1 / -2

I spread flat earth because it is the truth. The globe is a Jew backed Jesuit creation to detach you from reality.

Zion Don is not your friend and no one is standing upside down.

donpon 0 points ago +2 / -2

4d chess all day, good job Germany

donpon 2 points ago +2 / -0

people still use google? their results are trash

donpon 1 point ago +1 / -0

Every year the flu kills enough people to create a pandemic if hyped by the media. Flu deaths dropped to almost nothing during "covid". It was an obvious trick.

All documented here:

Fluvid-19 - https://odysee.com/@QuantumRhino:9/Fluvid-19-(2022):d

donpon 1 point ago +1 / -0

They were all bad. COVID was a hoax. Virology is a fraud and all vaccines are useless and harmful.

donpon 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dengue Vaccine Kills 3 Children, Many Others at Risk in Philippines


Virology is a fraud designed to allow tyrannical oppression and massive pharma profits.

The End of Germ Theory


donpon 8 points ago +8 / -0

One thing is for sure, anyone who tells you to take poison injections should be viewed with suspicion. :Side glance at Trump:

donpon 7 points ago +7 / -0

As if we need any of the documents to know they carried out the whole op.

donpon 1 point ago +1 / -0

What? What does altitude have to do with time of travel.

Address the point instead of trying to defame me because of an edit.

donpon 1 point ago +1 / -0

One small problem. The earth is a level plane and the rocket is just arcing over and falling back to the earth.

If it was actually doing what you say it is doing you would lose sight of it way before you saw any arc happen as this would be thousands of miles away from you.

Your religion is obviously false, give it up.

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