by pkvi
captainbollocks 5 points ago +5 / -0

You can make a realistic argument that Bitcoin and all of crypto, as with many other asset classes, are currently inflated and manipulated. I can't prove whether or not fraud has happened, but the Tether stuff is indeed shady feeling and I think has contributed a lot to the recent volatility.

Here's what you can't argue, however.

  • It is mathematically impossible for there to ever be more than 21 million Bitcoins.

  • The global economy is not sustainable. Centrally Managed currencies have beeen printed like mad and there will come a time soon when the global economy hits the shitter and they won't be able to hide the inflation.

Anything can happen of course, but I'd bet on Bitcoin to be positioned much better than any existing currency in the long-run.

PS: Jacobin Mag is a fucking awful source.