Well, I totally fucked THAT up. <bangs head on desk>

Here's a link to me trying to explain how it happened: https://conspiracies.win/p/12iNUtAA7y/x/c/4E0volCHacS

Regardless of my dumbassery, everything I said about the masks and the covid-1984 religion is true.

take it or leave it. I'm for real but I get why the suspicion. DS creating so much suspicion in the public sphere yet another reason to hate them.

Fuck the globohomos.

love, b

Masks ain't got shit to do with health. Whatever relatively minor flu underlying covid-1984 exists has become the nugget of truth for a full-blown religion, complete with false prophets, rapey priests, acolytes who want in on the con, mindless believers, and easily-triggered zealots willing to destroy unbelieving heathen.


The masks are an ineffective solution to a dubious threat. Those going batshit when seeing an unmasked face aren't really concerned about public health or safety. The behavior of the theoretically pro-mask Radio Shack clerk and franchise owner in the linked video was pretty much the opposite of what genuine concern for public health & safety would dictate. The behavior of the Radio Shack clerk and franchise owner actually put the customer at heightened risk of whatever diseases either of them might be incubating.

The virtue signaling over wearing the masks is all fear-based, Elan-school psychology. The harassment, haranguing, invective, and even physical assault was motivated 100% by having the identity & reality someone else has crafted for the two clerks threatened. The Radio Shack clerk and franchise owner went straight for the nuclear option that was programmed into their psyche by an MSM that is doing it's very best to turn people of normal good-will into vigilantes drooling for whatever commandments and doom porn Rachel Pavlov Maddow and her ilk might jizz forth next.

The MSM is destroying the United States. The decision makers at CNN, NYT, Newswrok, Time, CBS, etc. who choose to hype the covid-1984 scamdemic have gone well beyond fraud and are committing or have committed treason. I've no idea what their endgame is, though it is hard not to come to the conclusion civil war is involved.

And, also, surprisingly, yes, Radio Shack is still a thing. Some Radio Shacks even carry actual electronic parts.

Wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy in the back.

Past all the over-priced baubles & trinkets Sharper Image, Brookstone, and SkyMall laughed at the thought of carrying. But first, you have to find a clerk that can tell what an electronic component like a transistor or rf coil or a diode or IC chip is, and can grasp conceptually that those components can exist outside of cheap plastic tech shit from China.

If anyone knows a lawyer who wants to feed, applications are being accepted :)

edit: oh, fer fuck's sake... just read my reply to FortheGenerations.


I know there's some other self-publishers among conspiracy.win readers who are using Amazon's KDP/CreateSpace self-publishing platform. I had an EXTREMELY upsetting experience with Amazon/KDP that everyone who relies on Amazon for sales should know about, regardless of whether or not one publishes with Amazon/KDP.

It's also worth noting, Amazon has a history of copying people's product ideas, manufacturing a look-alike, and crushing the original person's sales. Amazon is not REMOTELY an honest company with everyone's best interests at heart, so it wouldn't surprise me at all if the experience I just had wasn't because of some deeper shenanigans on Amazon's part. Is Amazon/KDP hijacking authors' works somehow?

Or does Amazon target self-publishers with views outside the mainstream narrative? I had a previous experience with search terms to a previous book suddenly not working after spending a weekend on political activism. With their infrastructure and size, Amazon inconveniencing or outright hassling users with inconvenient or incorrect political views leads to a stochastic effect of those views being overall restricted as those users have less time or resources to support or prosyletize wrong-think. Given Amazon/KDP is mucking about with not updating edits, how can anyone be sure Amazon/KDP isn't making stealth edits of their own with politically charged works?

I have a book published thru KDP. I edited one word; a credit to someone's name. So, pretty stinkin' important, right? The edit was approved. I can see it in preview mode on my KDP account. I ordered AUTHOR copies, thinking AUTHOR copies would be up-to-date. I had plans to leave today on a road trip to market the books.

Stupid fucking me.

Amazon/KDP sent copies of the old version.

Rather dismayed and very angry, I contacted Amazon/KDP. “Ganesh” pretty much told me I was S.O.L. until the printed stock of the old edition ran out. However, I've done 3 prior edits to this book, ordered AUTHOR copies, and had no prob. That doesn't seem to matter to “Ganesh”.

So... If you are a self-publisher with Amazon, be warned you might not be able to get an accurate copy of your own fucking book. And, according to “Ganesh” there's not a fucking thing you can do. Except, I guess, buy out the old print run...

Every content creator should be dismayed. Whether or not there's an innocentn inherent sloppiness in Amazon/KDP's ability to distribute authors' work or something more malicious and targeted going on behind the scenes, self-publishers on Amazon/KDP should be alarmed and concerned that their audiences aren't getting the work readers intend to buy when orders are placed.

Anyone who links to or relies in any way on Amazon infrastructure for their website's sales should be concerned, as well.

I'm looking at other self-publishing platforms and will be moving content ASAP. Any suggestions?

also, Epstein didn't kill himself.

also, also, if you haven't seen it, this is a GREAT way to spend a Sunday afternoon. totally unrelated to this post, but, still...


So, now Texas and a bunch of states are freezing.


Plans to bring down the Towers first began under GHWB. However, the STEM of building implosion/demolition wasn't quite as well understood in the early 90's. Blowing up a truck bomb in the twin towers would have been a great way to gather data on how force, energy, and waves travel thru the same structure. And, since they're going thru the effort of blowing up one of their own federal buildings in OKC, might as well take the time and put in some extra monitoring equipment. There might be evidence of such equip in some of the photos from either site. Researching the evolution of the tech related to building demolition might give some clues as to who would be in on such a thing from the academic side. Almost certainly Israelli or significantly connected to Israel somehow.


Did KDC die or something? Given how much he tweeted during '16 re: SR & WL, shouldn't he have something to say about at least one or two things going on in the news? For real or not, the guy self-promotes.


I don't know if this platform can do sidebars, but if so, here's all the featured docs from r/conspiracy. Probably prudent for individuals to download these.

One less reason to send traffic to reddit.

The following posts have been removed, though I don't know by whom.

American Moon

YT link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpuKu3F0BvY

Dear Wolfgang & We Need to Talk About Sandy Hook

The Money Masters

YT link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkKwcXSbDK4

Out of Shadows

vimeo - https://vimeo.com/406393714

Inner Earth Civilizations Exist & I Can Prove It

Head of the Snake: Epstein, Wexner, Maxwell’s, Mossad & Mega Group Exposed


newswars - https://www.newswars.com/shadowgate-full-film/

Follows are the docs with links still available.

The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz

Argentina's Economic Collapse

Resonance: Beings of Frequency

September 11: The New Pearl Harbor

Human Resources

The Trap: What Happened to Our Dream of Freedom

  1. Fuck You Buddy

  2. The Lonely Robot

  3. We Will Force You to Be Free

The Greatest Story Never Told

All Wars Are Bankers' Wars (on youtube)

and, also, https://www.whatreallyhappened.com/

All 4 episodes from topdocumentaryfilms/vimeo

Stop Monsanto From Poisoning Hawai'i: Genetic Engineering Chemical Warfare

Everybody's Gotta Learn SometimeUSS Liberty: Dead in the Water

Top Documentary Films

Conspiracy of Silence

September 11: A New Pearl Harbor

Confessions of an Economic Hitman (Interview with John Perkins)

The Mena Connection: Exposing the CIA, Bush, Clinton, Iran Contra, and Drug Running

Connecting the Dots

A Noble Lie: Oklahoma City 1995


this speech by Dr. Robert Wilner who injects "HIV" into himself on TV.

Why Big Oil Conquered the World

And be sure to watch part 1, How Big Oil Conquered the World.

Honorable mention goes to An Open Secret.

JFK to 9/11: Everything Is a Rich Man's Trick

The Revelation of the Pyramids

The Secret Life of Timothy McVeigh

Waco: The Rules of Engagement

Belgium's X-Files: An Olenka Frenkiel Investigation Link

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon link

Idiocracy link

Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe link

Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup link


The Origins of AIDS link

Mirage Men link


The WWI Conspiracy Part One: To Start a War

Part Two: The American Front

Part Three: A New World Order

Imperium: Volume 1

Imperium: Volume 2

The Minds of Men: Official Documentary

An Open Secret

Ring of Power II: The Zion King bitchute link

youtube link

COVID: A Vector for the Great Reset Youtube

