b0ss 5 points ago +5 / -0

Folks need to be informed. There is still lot of people who didn't know when they took the shoot that it was experimental - mostly because government, services and other groups of folks have misinformed them.

If the government can't do it's job, to properly inform their citizens then it is the obligation of the informed to share the knowledge.

I suggest you to do the same.

by pkvi
b0ss 4 points ago +4 / -0

Wasn't Jake Paul accused of looting with BLM last year?

b0ss 5 points ago +5 / -0

Probably go back to nothing, but when I mean nothing, it's actually ancient darkness itself. You probably won't notice but "feel" the peace around you because you become one with the world itself. Some people who have been eventually clinical dead and returned by some miracle, told they see the light or god itself, because the way they feel is like never ending light of peace. I personally believe that eden exist, but not the way we do think it actually is.