axolotl_peyotl 18 points ago +18 / -0

The narrative pushers are trying to claim that the conspiracy theorists were "freaking out" about COVID in the beginning. In fact, WE were the ones calling out the "falling bodies" as fake and gay. We also called out the "millions of missing cell phones" scam from China that was meant to fuel the rumors of a "deadly" disease. We saw it immediately.

All of the accounts, on reddit at least, that were pushing these fantasies were fake accounts. They were really obvious about it, too.

This thread from January obliterates their talking points. The fact that it received thousands of upvotes and the comments generally agreed is all the proof you need that the veteran conspiracy theorists called it right away.

I remember seeing "alternative" media like Zero Hedge spazzing out about the "lab leak" theory. That made it even more obvious that the fix was in. The false dichotomy was set in motion early on.

There's a reason that folks like me needed to be removed from the equation. We were right about "COVID" from day 1, and they need to erase this fact from history as the house of cards continues to collapse.

axolotl_peyotl 7 points ago +7 / -0

The Damar event was likely staged in this scenario...2023 is the year of the vaccine rug pull...it's why the MSM is breathlessly reporting these deaths, but they're doing so deceptively because it's not quite time for the big reveal. They're priming the normies with these headlines.

axolotl_peyotl 2 points ago +2 / -0

There's a very odd story that many of you spotted and passed along, and it concerns all those antennae strangely sprouting and growing in Utah, in and around Salt Lake City. The phenomenon, as we shall see, may have a mundane purpose, one that, in fact, was entirely predictable and one that is fraught with much deeper implications. In the meantime, the antennae continue to sprout and grow like wild asparagus, and they're not nearly as beneficial, and they're certainly not edible. So what, indeed, is going on with all these antennae?

As I was watching the articles about this story piling into my email inbox, one in particular grabbed my attention, from our frequent contributor and article-sharer, V.T., from our friends at Zero Hedge:

Mysterious Antennas Found In Utah's Hills; Some Speculate 'Decentralized' Blockchain Network

Now this explanation - that the antennae have to do with hard blockchain networks - makes sense to me:

As first reported by KSLTV 5 in Utah, the mysterious devices consist of a battery box, a solar panel, and an antenna.

"These towers have been bolted into different peaks and summits and ridges around the foothills," Tyler Fonarow, the city's recreational trails manager, explained, "and it started with one or two, and now it might be as much as a dozen."

Fonarow speculated the devices could be part of a decentralized wireless connectivity platform:

"It might be related to cryptocurrency and relaying networks and being able to make money off that," he said, "so that's another reason we want to stop it now before it becomes a dumping ground for dozens and dozens of more antennas."

Some people who replied to the Facebook post speculated the devices could be part of the Helium network.

"Probably helium network like several have posted. Or some kind of mesh network repeaters? I don't understand why they are being torn down and huge effort to take them off public lands, when if it is a mesh network repeater, can be used by the public, and is very important in emergency/communication failure situations," one person said.

"Those are very clearly off-grid Helium miners," another person said.

Someone asked: "Ham radio repeater?"

If the speculation is correct, these mysterious antennas could be hotspots connecting to a wireless blockchain-based network for Helium. This entirely new incentive model allows people to set up hotspots that act as Helium miners and serve data to devices. People can earn money by simply buying a hotspot and plugging it in.

And to drive the point home, the article speculates that these antennae arrays are small "hotspots" for mining the crypto-"currency" Helium. And with that, the article presents a picture showing the concentrations of such antennae nationwide:

There are nearly a million hotspots nationwide.

"Mining HNT is done by installing a simple device on your home or office window," Helium wrote on their website, adding these "hotspots provide miles of wireless network coverage for millions of devices around you using Helium LongFi, and you are rewarded in HNT for doing this. And because of an innovative proof-of-work model (we call it "Proof-of-Coverage"), your Hotspot only uses 5W of energy."

Notice, each one of these antennae "only uses 5 (watts) of energy." Gee... that's nice. Multiply that 5 watts by all those dots, and then stir and knead thoroughly, and what you get is an enormous amount of energy usage to produce ... what, exactly, besides lots of air bubbles?

From what I can tell, what you get out of this whole process is not much. And by the way and while we're at it, where's that angry screeching little Swedish girl what's-her-name when you need her? You'd think this would be right up her alley. "How dare you?" and all that, but she's nowhere to be found apparently.

But anyway, I wonder exactly how crypto-"currency" is supposed to be the wave of the future, especially in the context of electrical substation attacks could take down portions of the "network" supporting all this nonsense and non-production, and one EMP burst could literally wipe out all that "money".

To put it country simple, and in the form of an equation that even the silly shrieking Swedish girl can understand: crypto-currencies = environmental disaster. So the next time someone wants to blame climate change on "fossil" fuels or cow farts, we now know the true culprit.

Crypto-"currency", a "money" that only a central bankster could love, or invent.

It's the "Science."

axolotl_peyotl 1 point ago +1 / -0

Done! hopefully?

axolotl_peyotl 4 points ago +4 / -0

Should hopefully cut down on loading time...sorry if this was causing issues...is this better?

axolotl_peyotl 8 points ago +8 / -0

Good list, cheers!! Let us know what you discover.

axolotl_peyotl 3 points ago +3 / -0
  1. Sabotage of the Nordstream Pipelines – Back in late September, the world woke up to truly horrific news – both the Nordstream 1 and 2 pipelines were reported to be leaking gas into the Baltic Sea and into the atmosphere – after what looked like a deliberate act of sabotage. While the media played dumb, pretending not to know who carried out this attack, sane onlookers were well aware of the only entity who had the motives, means and opportunity to carry out this state-sponsored act of terror – namely the United States and its NATO partners. Incredibly, the entire western media quickly began blaming Russia for blowing up its most important energy infrastructure project. The result of this attack was a further devastation of Europe’s energy supplies and hyperinflationary EU and UK consumer prices for the fall and winter – not to mention the millions of cubic meters of methane which were released into the Earth’s atmosphere. Despite all the vacant US denials, the facts are clear as day: Joe Biden and Victoria Nuland were both on record beforehand promising they would “end the Nordstream pipeline.” Of course, this is a hugely dangerous red line which the US and its allies have crosses: by declaring a no-holds-barred geopolitical energy war, the gates are now open for further escalations – which may lead to WWIII. History has shown this can happen. Consider the Anglo-American energy embargo and strong-arming of Japan which led up to the Attack on Pearl Harbor which opened the door for the US to enter WWII. Think of the Nordstream attack as just that, but worse – as it was also direct attack on the day-to-day energy and finances of people living in the EU and the collective West. Indeed, the West is playing an extremely dangerous game, which is really the Great Game 2.0.

  2. The Energy Shock – In the future, we will look back at 2022 as one of the most consequential years of young 21st century history. If you live in the collective West or the EU, you know that the energy crisis is now a reality. The real question is: is all of this by simply by happenstance, or is it being done by design? And can it be traced back to a much older global agenda, and forward through to the WEF’s Great Reset? The answer to all those questions is course, yes. But this is only the surface of this issue. For Brussels and Berlin, this ‘green’ road to energy scarcity pure economic suicide. Rather than change this policy course and work to stabilise global energy and agricultural markets – the gallant virtue-signalling West has opted instead to double-down on their precarious stance by further tightening anti-Russian sanctions, as well as pursue even deeper commitments towards de-nulearisation and the not-so-green ‘Net Zero’ carbon reduction agenda. The cancelation of Russia, coupled with the disastrous ‘green’ energy policies are only accelerating inflationary cycles globally. All of this is a recipe for disaster – all due to policies directly created by western governments. By blocking inbound energy supplies from the Nordstream and other Russian pipelines which supplied them with affordable and reliable gas and oil into the EU, Europe has painted itself into a very perilous corner. Behind the energy wars and even beyond Klaus Schwab’s globalist facade – you will find hardcore geopolitics at play. The main Anglo-American objective: the deindustrialization of Germany and EU, the separation of Russian resources and political leadership from western markets. We live in truly perilous times.

  3. The Ukraine War – In late February 2022, the unthinkable happened: Russia launched its military intervention into neighboring Ukraine. War is hell, and while Russia seems intent on seeing its “Special Military Operation” through, the US and its allies are going to have to decide just how long they plan to fight Russia down to the last Ukrainian. How many dead Ukrainian soldiers and lost territory will it take for the West to instruct Ukraine’s President Zelensky to finally sue for peace? Welcome to NATO’s ultimate proxy war of attrition in Ukraine, driven by the greatest western media propaganda campaign of all-time. Suffice to say that Russia, Ukraine, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) alliance are now at war – with each party firmly in the belief that they are fighting an existential war, not over any particular political or territorial dispute, but for the future existence of their countries, or in the case of NATO, over their ability to maintain regional hegemony for the Atlanticist power bloc. Will this near frozen conflict escalate to a WWIII situation, or a thermo-nuclear exchange between the great powers? The US and British invasion of Iraq nearly two decades ago is a particularly pertinent and telling counterpoint to events in Ukraine. Then, as now, the ‘free and democratic Western World’ was supposedly faced with a dangerous, unhinged despot in Saddam Hussein, who, like Putin is said to be unwilling to compromise. It’s a well-worn script for the West, and will likely remain the justification of another endless war. Of course, Zelensky could end it all tomorrow if he declared his intentions to disavow any NATO aspirations, demilitarize the country, and declare Ukraine a neutral state. Such a declaration would certainly be welcome by Russia today, but the West are determined to keep this proxy war going, and cancel Russia from the global economic system. Besides, business is just too good for Ukraine who have managed scrape more than $100 billion from the US and EU treasuries so far, not to mention the billions in profits for shareholders in the US defense industry. Oh, and on the backend of this war, the WEF and BlackRock are eyeing Ukraine’s remaining assets, as private oligarchs hatch their plan to carve up and reshape the post-war landscape there. The future world order is at stake.

axolotl_peyotl 4 points ago +4 / -0
  1. US Midterm Election Fraud – Considering all that is going on in the US and internationally at this time, most Americans would agree that the 2022 Midterm Election was one of the most important and consequential elections of their lifetime. Both the House of Representatives and US Senate were up for grabs, and there was a real opportunity to correct a serious imbalance of power in Washington. However, before Nov. 8th there was a real air of trepidation, as the shadow of the controversial 2020 Election still loomed large, with accusations of widespread and systemic election fraud still unresolved. The sum of all fears became real again in the key swing state of Arizona: on election morning most of the voting machines in the state’s largest population center, Maricopa County, just happened to malfunction. Officials claimed it was just an unfortunate coincidence. That was only the beginning, as boxes with thousands of ballots continued to mysteriously turn up after election day. In short, the Arizona election became a national and international embarrassment. As it goes, the state’s election and processes were being controlled by Democratic Party operatives – who then slow-walked the vote counting for two weeks after the election was meant to be over. Not surprisingly, the favorite in the governor’s race, Republican, Kari Lake (image, above) barely lost to an unremarkable Democrat candidate Katie Hobbs (if you believe the final contested result), and to add insult to injury, the person in charge of the state’s election debacle… was Katie Hobbs, who happened to also be serving as Arizona’s Secretary of State. Kari Lake sued the state to demand a recount and a run-off, but political and media pressure on the courts prompted the judge to dismiss her challenge – despite having truckloads of evidence proving foul play. Lake has appealed the decision. What’s important is that this time the world saw what happened, and the state and Democratic Party machine was widely exposed – effectively vindicating millions of Americans who still hold well-founded suspicions about the infamous 2020 Election which managed to install the corrupt, deep state candidate Joe Biden into power. Similar anomalies were observed in 2022 – in states like Nevada and Pennsylvania. In the end, the Republicans still managed to flip the House of Representatives by a slim margin, while losing the US Senate by an even slimmer margin. In a country where half the population still do not trust the democratic process, civility and stability are now teetering on borrowed time.

  2. Monkeypox – As the Covid gravy train began to break down, the globalists’ Government-Media-Pharma Complex grew desperate for a new ‘pandemic’ to maintain the structures of control and human surveillance which they erected during the contrived Covid-19 ‘state of emergency’. Enter a relatively unknown and exotically-titled alleged pathogen, Monkeypox. Attempts were made to portray this mythical epidemic as some sort of universal threat, and when that failed, the Establishment then pivoted to try and promote it as a new “gay disease” in an attempt to emulate a familiar template used to reproduce the perennial (and highly questionable) HIV crisis. In the end, their fear campaign never really took off, but not before a brand-new vaccine was created to “protect the public from another potentially deadly epidemic.” And after all that failed, efforts were then made to use it in order to harvest some political capital – by sacrificing this brand at the altar of political correctness, as social justice clerics demanded the mythical virus be rebranded due to fears that name “Monkeypox” was somehow racist…? But how? Against primates? No one was quite sure what they meant. Oh well. Introducing “MPOX”. Rinse, and repeat. Welcome to the world of Modern Virology (aka Big Pharma’s main meal ticket). Meanwhile, we’re all waiting with bated breath for Bill Gates’ self-confessed “next pandemic.”

  3. China Lockdown Redux Just when the Chinese were beginning to get a taste of freedom again, the Central Party decide to fire-up the pandemic control grid again. In February 2022, an alleged COVID-19 ‘outbreak’ was announced in the city of Shanghai. Central Party claimed that the alleged ‘outbreak’ was caused by the Omicron variant. The state then proceeded to decree a new “Zero Covid” policy, before locking-down more cities, and dragging the country back into the authoritarian hell of February 2020. As it turned out, the real reason this new ‘Covid wave’ materialized was because of nondiagnostic PCR testing ‘case’ data generated through more meaningless mass COVID-19 testing. Finally, after 8 months of Covid madness, foreign investment began drying up, and China’s already fragile economy was destabilizing. The state’s overzealousness then triggered mass protests against Orwellian government restrictions, with millions of Chinese taking to the streets across the country to demand their basic freedom. This prompted Central Party to quickly abandon its failing social control program, and not surprisingly their economy began to rebound as people and business got back to work. Rather interestingly, the US government seemed unhappy that China was taking its foot off the authoritarian pedal, and so Biden then levied an administrative punishment against China by slapping a new mandatory Covid test travel restriction on any Chinese travelers arriving in the USA. It really seems that as the world’s most populous nation, without China’s total compliance the globalists’ New Normal agenda will quickly fall apart. This incident should tell us all we need to know about the so-called ‘global pandemic.’

  4. The Trans Agenda – On March 17, 2022, Lia Thomas (formerly named William Thomas), 22, became the first openly transgender athlete to win America’s top college sports title – following a cringe worthy victory in the women’s 500 yard freestyle. Let us explain: because Thomas believes he is now a woman, some institutions like the NCAA – who have come under political pressure from the radical leftist wing of the political machine – now feel obligated to allow a biological male like Thomas to compete against physically inferior biological females (aka real women). The victory was short-lived though, as the woke bombast of the Thomas debacle quickly became a lightning rod in the debate about so-called “trans women” in sports – triggering a massive backlash against this extreme ideological invasion of womens’ competitive sports. Not long after, international sporting organizations ruled that biological male athletes like Thomas can no longer compete in top races. FINA, the world swimming’s governing body, also announced plans to create a new “open” category of competition to include “transgender women” (aka men who believe they are female). Now that the debate has been blown wide open, expect further course corrections as people gradually return to their senses on the issue. But do not expect radical leftists to surrender just yet, as the culture wars will continue to rage on.

  5. FTX and SBF Ponzi Scheme – Like the S&L scandal of the 1980’s, and the Eron and Bernie Madoff financial scams – this latest iteration of the classic Ponzi Scheme managed to destabilize markets and rob countless investors of their life savings. Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF), a 30-year-old crypto celebrity icon and celebrated savant, founded what he claimed were two separate companies: a hedge fund called Alameda Research and FTX cryptocurrency exchange, before going the whole hog by hyping his own fiat crypto token and then used it as collateral to create hundreds of millions of loans for himself, before robbing his depositors to embezzle and gamble away untold fortunes on the markets. And that’s just the beginning. It turns out that SBF was the number two political donor to the Democratic Party, and used his laundered proceeds to bankroll a sizeable portion of the Democrats’ 2020 Midterm Election campaigns, not to mention his mother just happening to be a chief organizer for the Democratic Party as well. Not surprisingly, the Biden Administration waited until after the Midterm Election to begin an investigation into the floppy haired SBF and his FTX ponzi empire. SBF was eventually arrested in the Bahamas and awaits federal trial in the Southern District of New York. The trial is sure to be both shocking and entertaining in equal measure. But the real question remains: how will this drama effect the government’s role in the world of cryptocurrency? More crucially: is the FTX takedown really a controlled demolition of crypto designed to pave the way for an oppressive Central Bank Digital Currency global ‘cashless’ takeover? We shall see…

  6. CBDC – 2022 was the year the CBDC has made landfall, and is currently waiting in the wings of the halls of power. For the last few years, elites have been gathering at globalist confabs like Bilderberg and the World Economic Forum in Davos to wax lyrical about the need to abolish the ‘old money’, or ‘dirty cash’ – and to make way for the central bankers’ new Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) – turning the planet into a full-blown cashless society. In the US, this technocratic overhaul is being hatched under the guise of “Project Hamilton” as a joint effort between the Boston Federal Reserve Bank and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to design and plan the release of a “digital dollar” – which will destroy the value of old dollar in order to force people onto the new monetary matrix. As cash disappears from the economy, so does privacy. Essentially, CBDCs are meant to be an electronic form of fiat money in a particular country or region, but unlike Bitcoin, this digital coin is centralized and regulated by the governments and their central banks. Without ever putting this matter to a public vote, elites and technocrats have simply been moving ahead to implement this authoritarian monetary system. While the mainstream media and globalist think tanks claim that the CBDC is designed to reign in crypto currencies, and supposedly tackle crimes like money laundering, and tax avoidance (something which elites partake in daily), the reality of the CBDC is something altogether different. They plan to issue a programmable currency whereby the bank can control where and what you are allowed to spend your CBDC’s on. They can also shut your money off. Imagine this digital money system combined with a Chinese-style social credit score, or a vaccine passport/digital ID. This dystopian digital control grid will transform commerce and human society in ways we can possibly imagine. For these reasons, many rightly believe that this is the road to digital slavery. The window of opportunity to push back against this massive authoritarian assault is now closing.

  7. The Twitter Files – This is the biggest tech scandal in modern history – and it’s gone mostly unreported by 90% of the mainstream media because of the partisan nature of its revelations. The Twitter Files have provided an unprecedented look behind the dirty inner workings of the firm’s opaque censorship regime, and exposes an openly fascist merger of Silicon Valley’s ‘Big Tech’ companies and the bloated National Security State. In early December, under new management of owner and CEO Elon Musk, Twitter HQ began disseminating a massive trove of internal documents revealing the direct collusion between former CEO Jack Dorsey’s corporate regime and the US Federal Government – to censor and cancel users from the platform for speech or political views which went against globalist or government policies. This included copious evidence of election interference. It seems that in their desperation to conjure up proof of alleged “foreign influence” on Twitter, FBI and other federal government officials doubled-down to try and save their sinking Russiagate narrative, and creating a monster in the process. New revelations also exposed the FBI’s role in leaning on Twitter to expedite illegal censorship operations, and how so-called ‘public health’ officials strong-armed Twitter into sanitizing all speech relating to COVID-19 and the experimental mRNA ‘vaccine’ injections. The FBI were also drawing-up shadowbanning and censorship blacklists in an attempt to cleanse the platform of effective opposition to the Biden campaign in 2020 and later into his first term. Even worse: the FBI paid off Twitter to the tune of millions in taxpayer dollars as “compensation” for complying with the governments’ censorship and spying directives. Under Dorsey, the platform became an open cesspool for spooks and government operatives – many of whom appeared to be allowed to spy on users’ DMs, and to dictate terms of censorship on the platform. Watch this space. This is only the beginning.

axolotl_peyotl 5 points ago +6 / -1
  1. The role that the intel community and the Justice Department played in fomenting violence through psy-ops on Jan. 6, 2021, will be exposed. Sadly, in their expected counter-investigation responding to the Pelosi-run Jan. 6 committee, even House Republicans may withhold state secrets from us. But the FBI’s damaging partisan conduct has generated a multitude of whistleblowing defectors who should be willing to shed light on the dubious allegations of right-wing extremism and violence at the U.S. Capitol—and in the 2017 Charlottesville riot that was its dress rehearsal.

  2. The deadly impact of the COVID vaccines will become undeniable. Initially, I had considered writing about how the GOP House will expose Anthony Fauci’s role in developing the COVID-19 virus, but that already has been scrutinized to death, and without any accountability to back it up, it makes no difference. But there are plenty of other COVID abuses that will keep on yielding new storylines. And none may be greater than the decision by pharmaceutical companies to suppress therapeutics and overplay the importance of their untested and experimental new vaccines. The evidence is mounting that the vaccines themselves may have been as deadly and damaging as the virus—something to which many life-insurance actuaries may be able to attest. Whether the vaccines do, indeed, have nanobots that self-assemble and transmit wi-fi, there is a lot of reason to suspect that they are harmful on some level.

  3. The scope of China’s control over the U.S. government will become clearer. We know about the various financial ties between the Biden family and the CCP. We know that other top leaders, including Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell are heavily invested in Chinese industry. But what we have yet to fully explore is the way that China-linked companies like BlackRock have also completely infiltrated the White House and are effectively writing U.S. foreign policy.

  4. The true nature of David DePape’s relationship with Paul Pelosi will be revealed. While court hearings have kept a tight lid on the evidence in the Paul Pelosi assault case, including body-cam footage, it will be harder for Nancy Pelosi to flex her authority after stepping down as House speaker. It is very clear that the assailant, David DePape, is no right-wing extremist and that there is more going on that meets the eye.

  5. We will find out what Trump’s purloined Mar-a-Lago files really contained. Punting the DOJ probes that resulted in the unprecedented raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort to corrupt special counsel Jack Smith was a good way to keep them out of the reach of GOP oversight in the U.S. House. But, eventually, the clock will run out and it will be necessary to explain why, exactly, this norm-violating measure was taken. Odds are it was a CYA operation by the FBI to prevent Trump from exposing the Russia-hoax documents that he already had publicly declared to be declassified.

  6. We will learn what the Democrats intend to do with Joe Biden and who will be tapped to replace him. Will it be Michelle Obama, as I and others have long predicted? Or could they pull out another yet-unknown figure who has been carefully vetted and groomed in secret, like her husband, Barack? Once the Democrats finally decide that Biden has outlasted his usefulness, their reasons for installing him in the first place may become clear. When Barack Obama was overheard telling a Democrat donor “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f**k things up,” there is a good chance it was a sales pitch more than a warning.

  7. We will discover the truth about the U.S.–Ukrainian partnership to research and develop bioweapons. Congress has allocated in excess of $100 billion to defend something in Ukraine, but it sure ain’t democracy. While their personal investments in Burisma—or in weapons manufacturers like Raytheon—may be prime motivators, all indications are that the country is a rat’s nest of CIA operations.

  8. The Left’s plans to normalize and mainstream pedophilia will come to fruition. The initial push to sexualize and groom children in schools and on kid-friendly mediums like Disney may have fallen flat, but leftists will only redouble their efforts to foist this onto the population because the ability to control and manipulate young minds is pivotal to their long-term plans for control. By acclimating children to sex at an early age, they can add it as another weapon in their quiver, which also includes cultivating ignorance and racial grievances, so that the plebian class is as pliable as possible.

  9. The World Economic Forum will lead the way in trying to turn humans into glorified Matrix-style batteries. The convergence of artificial intelligence technology, the metaverse, the decline of office culture, growing clamor about digital passports and currencies, guaranteed incomes and an ever-increasing scarcity of resources suggest that the global plans to collectivize all nations under a one-world government are being gamed out as we speak.

  10. As the relationship between Big Tech and the spy agencies becomes clearer, we will learn that our personal devices are tracking our every move. Knowing what we know about the interest that the FBI and the CIA have in manipulating technology companies to perform extralegal operations, and what we know about the reprehensible virtue signaling of Google and Apple, is there really any doubt that they have empowered our intel community to conduct warrantless domestic surveillance from any device at any time and that our phones are being used to monitor us, in true Big Brother fashion, around the clock?

axolotl_peyotl 3 points ago +4 / -1

Yeah, it's not about money, and it's not really even about "power" is it? There's something bigger at play here (it's a war for your MIND lol)...exciting times no doubt.

otherwise good and evil mean nothing.

I dunno, having free will means we are free to be evil. Take that freedom away and perhaps we lose. We need to incapacitate evil, with the recognition that "eliminating" it isn't our right. I do feel we are at an all or nothing phase rn...

axolotl_peyotl 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Jan 6 committee just wrapped up and I made a post about...why are you so invested in what I post about? Who tf cares? Curious...perhaps you're the one who needs to move on...

And if you think I want attention from the people who just incarcerated a bunch of dudes for 2 years in pre-trial detention you're a fucking goober lol.

axolotl_peyotl 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you've been following the research of Catherine Austin Fitts or Dr. Mark Skidmore of Michigan State University in the past few years, you'll know that there's incontrovertible evidence of a lot of missing money, particularly in the American federal "budget". But W.G. spotted this story about the Bank of International Swag Settlements (BIS) finally noticing the same thing:

‘Huge, Missing and Growing:’ $65 Trillion in Dollar Debt Sparks Concern

There's something here that caught my eye however, and I hope I'm 100% wrong about what it might indicate, but - banksters being banksters, particularly at the Bank of International Swag Settlements - I fear I'm not.

In any case, here's the story:

There’s a hidden risk to the global financial system embedded in the $65 trillion of dollar debt being held by non-US institutions via currency derivatives, according to the Bank for International Settlements.

In a paper with the title “huge, missing and growing,” the BIS said a lack of information is making it harder for policy makers to anticipate the next financial crisis. In particular, they raised concern with the fact that the debt is going unrecorded on balance sheets because of accounting conventions on how to track derivative positions.

The findings, based on data from a survey of global currency markets earlier this year, offer a rare insight into the scale of hidden leverage. Foreign-exchange swaps were a flashpoint during the global financial crisis of 2008 and pandemic of 2020, when dollar funding stress forced central banks to step in to help struggling borrowers.

To be sure, the debt is backed by an equivalent amount of hard currency. To understand how the system works, consider a Dutch pension fund buying assets in the US. As part of the transaction, it will often use a foreign-currency swap to exchange euros for dollars. Then, when it’s closed out, the fund will repay dollars and receives euros. For the length of the trade, the payment obligation is recorded off-balance sheet, which the BIS calls a “blind spot” in the financial system.

It’s that opacity that puts policymakers at a disadvantage, according to BIS researchers Claudio Borio, Robert McCauley and Patrick McGuire.

Now if the arrangement outlined sounds a bit familiar, it should, because it's one and the same arrangement that lies at the heart of the FTX scandal and the shenanigans of Mr. Bankkman-Fraud Bankman-Fried, just substitute, say, "Bitcoin" (or other crypto "currency" of your preference) for "euros" and you'll get the picture. The rest of the article continues in much the same vein.

But wait a minute... the opening paragraph is talking about derivatives, not swaps, which are not exactly the same thing. After opening the article with one sentence about derivatives, we're suddenly, and for the next few paragraphs, talking about nothing but swaps. Indeed, I've written often on this site, and in a couple of my books, that there is somewhere between 14 and 17 quadrillions of dollars of derivatives sloshing around in the system, based on the credit default swaps of the late 1990s.

Basically, derivatives are securities issued on a swap, using the swap as the collateral to back the derivative, which derivative can then be bundled into a further tranche of securities, and then we have derivatives of derivatives, and so on. And here you thought bookkeeping was only about addition and subtraction, when in fact, it's about calculus, first, second, and nth order derivatives and massive noodle-baking range sums. The signs at the personnel office used to read "Wanted: bookkeeper with financial accounting experience, apply within" now read "Wanted, PhD. in Higher Mathematics specializing in Lie algebras, graph theory, partial differential equations, tensor calculus, and linear algebra. Experience in higher order topologies also helpful."

In short, the financial system is a complicated "incomprehensible" mess. There's so much bad paper sloshing around in it, so many disparate accounting procedures, that even the Bank of International Swag Settlements does not know what is going on, and notably, it cannot appeal to digital currency as a solution to the problem, thank you Mr. Bankman-Fraud Bankman-Fried.

Which returns us to that strange opening sentence, and its mention of currency derivatives. Have we just been told, in the usual round-about en passant way that the "elite" has, that there is also something in the system called "currency derivatives", sloshing around at the same time as credit default swaps, weather derivatives, planscamdemic bonds, and so on? Have we, in other words, behind this rather generalized term, just been informed that there is yet a another different kind of financial instrument floating around on the float of the swap?

If so, did the BIS just in a round-about way acknowledge something I have suspected for a long time, namely, that there's an entirely hidden financial system, and that the BIS isn't in on all of its workings?

If so, and we're dealing with a whole world of currency derivatives, in what currency/currencies are they predominantly denominated (besides the dollar, as the article indicates)? Is there a recognized off-the-known-public-books unit-of-account for these derivatives?

I really hope the answer to all these questions is a big fat "no", and that my blurry tired eyes are just seeing things where there's nothing to be seen... or maybe that what BIS's problem really is: there's nothing on the balance sheets to be seen...

See you on the flip side...

axolotl_peyotl 2 points ago +2 / -0

I just tried to log in to reddit and send this message to the /r/conspiracy mods, but apparently I can't do so while suspended.

Can someone send this message directly to the /r/conspiracy mods who isn't banned on reddit?

Merry Christmas, I hope this message finds you all well.

First off, I want to stress that I hold no ill will towards any of you. We all shared the trenches for many years. I consider some of you like brothers. But I'd be remiss if I didn't say that as a group you were all cowards in the wake of my illegitimate suspension.

In addition, you've allowed the lunatics to take over the asylum. Granted, you have no obligation to /r/conspiracy, and it's been personally very liberating to finally have the opportunity to let go. But I'd be lying if I said it wasn't difficult watching the sub self-destruct into its current abysmal state. The admins did me a massive favor, but they knew exactly what would happen to /r/conspiracy in my absence.

They also implicated themselves in a big way. They told the MSM that I personally "incited my community to the Capitol." They also failed to provide a single example, to them or to me. That's quite a statement for them to make without evidence.

I may have posted election fraud hearings (which were on youtube!!), but I very explicitly warned people NOT to go to the Capitol and that it was clearly a trap. I've requested an explanation from the admins and a justification for my ban several times over the last 2 years and of course they won't reply.

You'll also notice that the original title of that Daily Dot article was "Top mod banned from reddit after Congress complains." If that's not a damning title, I don't know what is. They changed it to say "banned after years of anti-Semitism accusations." How pathetic is that? The only example of my "years of anti-Semitism" was that stupid featured documentary from 2014 that the community voted on. That's sheer desperation on their part. That title change alone is indicative of a massive cover up.

So, to reiterate, the community-elected head moderator of the web's largest "mainstream" conspiracy forum was removed in a conspiracy between Big Tech and the Deep State. It happened at Twitter, Facebook etc. It absolutely happened at reddit. Not only that, you can't even talk about these events (or about me) without being SWARMED by bots and other miscreants. This is by design. They have to control the record at all costs.

This was your chance to do something. I would've stood up and fought for any one of you had the roles been reversed, you all know that to be true. Instead...you've allowed my years of hard work and my reputation to be tarnished, perhaps irrevocably, all to hold on to some worthless janny positions. But why? Why preserve /r/conspiracy in its current atrocious state?

Why bend over to the reddit overlords that have caused the suffering of millions through the COVID fraud alone, let alone how reddit continues to foster violent echo chambers? /r/conspiracy now exists as a forum to mock and harass anyone who dares think for themselves. It's actually dangerous now for it to continue existing in its current state, and that's on all of you.

And if you guys don't realize I was banned largely for predicting the COVID scam, then you simply aren't paying attention.

In January 2020 I made a post (that got thousands of upvotes) warning EVERYONE, normies and CTs alike, that COVID had the potential to be the greatest fraud of our time. I was right, and everyone like me needed to be banned to protect the narrative. I'm quite sure you also remember me calling out vaccine propaganda on reddit for years in advance of the COVID scam. I saw, and I knew, and I was eliminated for my troubles.

Why am I reaching out now? I'm giving you a chance to set the record straight. I'm eventually going "public" about this, and you all have the chance to be on the right side of history.

The Jan 6 report was finally released yesterday. /r/conspiracy isn't mentioned ONCE. A sitting US Senator complained that "reddit conspiracies" caused Jan 6, the reddit admins accused the head mod of their conspiracy forum of "inciting" 1.5 million ppl to the Capitol...and this isn't MENTIONED in the final report 2 years later? Give me a fucking break lol.

If you have integrity, you'll make a stickied thread at some point detailing this entire sordid affair...perhaps for the 2nd anniversary of Jan 6 if you have the balls. And you'll ACTUALLY enforce the rules in that thread. Amos is the ONLY mod I've seen doing a semblance of actual rule enforcement in the comment sections, which are obscenely out of control. It's beyond appalling the amount of rule-breaking abuse routinely hurled at our community. I wouldn't be able to sleep at night if it were still my responsibility. Abuse, manipulation and stalking is rampant on /r/conspiracy, it's a cesspool of vitriol and everything that makes reddit wicked. It's now fully infiltrated /r/con.

Did I make mistakes when I was a mod here? Duh, we all do. Did I genuinely have this place's best interest in mind for the many years I devoted my time here? You won't find any genuine individual who won't agree with that. That being said, it was a massive relief when the admins removed me. It was like a burden had been lifted. I proved my point, and deliciously, and I will take that with me to the grave. I forced a US Senator to complain about me and collude with Big Tech to silence me. Was this a violation of my rights? Courts have already determined "yes" in similar cases with twitter etc. Will I be taking legal action? Depends...someday the "reddit files" will be released just like on twitter. Don't you want to be on the right side of history when that happens?

Again, getting banned from this shithole website was one of the better things that's happened to me in recent years. It was an obligation that I never sought out (which was why I was right for the job, let's be real), and ultimately it was partially preventing me from pursuing my other passions in life, which I've now resumed with gusto.

Again, no hard feelings towards any of you personally, just a general disappointment at the lack of cohesive action in the aftermath of my removal. I just wish one of you stood up for me. Perhaps we'll laugh about it over drinks someday.

I do wish you and your families the very best this Christmas. Please know that I do love you all, and despite these unfortunate circumstances, I think you all mean well and are good people.

Please take care, -AP

axolotl_peyotl 5 points ago +5 / -0

show us what caused you to be banned or stop

dude love ya but I think you've missed the main point here.

Reddit admins told MSM I personally "incited my community to the capitol" but never cited an example of me doing that. That's the justification they gave the news outlets for my ban (it's in the articles written about me).

The implication is reddit was well aware of the impending false flag and they coordinated with the US government to take me (and others) out under the pretext of "muh jan 6".

axolotl_peyotl 10 points ago +11 / -1

I think it's pretty clear judging by the steep decline of the sub over the last couple of years. It's now a containment board and a free-for-all shill fest for the psychotic lefties of reddit.

I was actively banning the accounts engaging in extreme manipulation, and I was also bringing in AMAs with folks like Dr. Meryl Nass who was questioning the COVID paradigm, I also was stickying the election fraud hearings on youtube for discussion purposes and they did NOT want that.

I was a huge thorn and took the fall for the sub...when Congress complains about "Reddit conspiracies" the day after Jan 6 you can bet it was either me or the sub that had to go. reddit still had plans for the sub so I got the boot.

It will all eventually come out but by then I'll likely give even less fucks than I do now.

I still find it very interesting certain accounts come of the woodwork REEEing whenever it's mentioned. Just try even mentioning ONCE on /r/conspiracy and you will be swarmed. I think it's a bot thing.

Imagine, the US government directed reddit to censor its head "conspiracy" moderator with no actual evidence of wrongdoing or TOS violation and you can't even talk about it.

Peak /r/conspiracy irony right there lol.

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