Used to be quite active on the reddit sub. I've been projecting for 25 years, the last 6 years with great frequency. I'm a spontaneous projector although over time I've learned to control it and initiate it.

Anyway just curious if there are any others here. My DMs don't seem to be working but if anyone has any questions I'm happy to try to answer. If I don't know an answer I'll be honest and say I don't know lol.

I noticed two strange details off the bat. Trump's tie is askew flopped over his jacket to his right when he makes his entrance. No way is this accidental for someone as image obsessed as trump. It made me think of the hangman noose from masonic initiation.

Second is he holds his hands in the 'merkel raute' for the first 5-7 minutes of the interview.


This hand gesture also looks like a heart to me, which could be interpreted positively or very negatively.

He later mentions merkel repeatedly and says over and over he sent her a white flag. Again this could be interpreted variously.

And, I'm pointing this out only for conspiracy interest, but he makes a huge point at the end of the interview that he uses the 'gay anthem' when he selects music as a first song. Very recently patriarch kirill of moscow stated a shadow government uses gay pride parades as the price of admission to their group.

I don't think a single word or action in this video was accidental or not thought through.

Anyone else notice these details?