
List of some people who have been marked "sovereign" (the highest class), or "restricted", "quarantined", etc. https://archive.ph/yMKmt

Twitter https://twitter.com/OculumLabs

Backup link https://justpaste.it/oculum-labs-intel-drop-12

Third party links. https://archive.ph/ys0Gv https://stateofthenation.co/?p=124606

Documentation is below my rant.

The ozone layer absorbs 98% of incoming ultra-violet (UV) radiation from the sun. Without it, surface life ends quickly and painfully. Some areas are already getting scorched. Even if you survive pole-shift, you won't be able to live on the surface.

NASA and other NWO controlled groups have admitted to spraying various chemicals (chemtrails) into the atmosphere under the guise of Earth climate science. They actually weaponized weather since at least the 1950's with varying degrees of success, mostly in the area of inducing or restricting rainfall, using floods or drought as warfare.

They went too far and have FUBAR'd the ozone layer. They, along with chloro-methane, CFC's, and other polluters, have created an unstoppable chain reaction that has put giant holes in the ozone layer that are expanding at an accelerated rate. China and India are currently the biggest polluters for ozone destroying chemicals. There are no indications that the NWO is planning to stop trying to modify the weather.

One chlorine atom can destroy over 100,000 ozone molecules before it is removed from the stratosphere. Ozone can be destroyed more quickly than it is naturally created. https://archive.ph/OgxGT

Their plan to "fix" the problem, which they are already undertaking, is to spray more chemicals in the atmosphere to deflect deadly UV radiation. They also plan to create an orbital dust cloud between the Earth and Sun that will block some light. No doubt that they will screw up both endeavors. The sprays are made from nano-particlles of aluminum, barium, lithium, zinc, and other toxic chemicals that will make life hell on Earth even if they do manage to stop the UV. Various forms of barium always cause cancer. Aluminum destroys your body in multiple ways and is not bio-compatible at all. Lithium has a dulling and toxic effect on humans at higher doses.

Everything they spray up there causes a bad effect then eventually falls back to Earth. I think they are destroying the layer on purpose so we'll need them to maintain the artificial cover. If the ozone layer is completely destroyed and we kill them then the artificial layer goes away and we all die. This is worse than vaccines really, we're being held hostage by barely competent psychopaths. Surface dwelling will be untenable. All plant life will die and the world will become a desert due to UV radiation.

If they don't replace the ozone layer (why don't they create and inject more ozone up there?), surface life will become mostly extinct on Earth within one generation. Plants, animals, insects, and aquatic life near the surface will not survive.

Some people have noticed that the Sun looks more white, where it once appeared more yellow. This is due to the particulates in the atmosphere filtering which wavelengths of light can reach the surface. If you go outside, make your hand into a fist, and hold it up to the Sun you will notice a sort of corona effect around your hand. You're viewing the light changing particulates, like looking through a very thin haze. The particulates are now covering most of the world.

How much of the ozone layer is depleted and where is it the worst? There are major holes over the poles for some reason, there are other holes in other places. Without a distributed effort of people with dispersed UV meters networked together we won't be able to get good data since the NWO is just lying about everything.

If we stopped all spraying and polluting right now I think the ozone layer might eventually repair itself but surface life may not survive until it does. Ozone is created naturally in the upper atmosphere over time as regular oxygen (O2), is bombarded by high energy particles from the sun, merging three O2 molecules into two ozone (O3) molecules.

Chain-reactions at the surface are also causing ocean warming and methane releases that will greatly heat the atmosphere and turn the surface into a sprawling desert. https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/category/methane/

Here's documentation of some of the things they are spraying. Spraying sulfur-dioxide to prevent "climate change", yeah it's going to change, but your car exhaust isn't the problem, the NWO played God with the weather. https://archive.ph/73YvI

NASA trying Lithium in the ionosphere. http://chemtrailsmuststop.com/2016/01/nasa-admits-to-spraying-lithium-into-the-atmosphere/

Trying to create a dust cloud in space at the LaGrange point to block some sunlight https://archive.ph/fKRiR

Your go-to resource for information on the subject. These guys have been screaming about it for a while to deaf ears. https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/

Ozone layer basics https://archive.ph/OgxGT

The “official” sources who tell us climate engineering isn’t happening, who tell us that we are only seeing "condensation trail" grid patterns in our skies, are the same agencies telling us the ozone layer is getting better. Yet, the increasing intensity of UV radiation can be felt on the skin, on surfaces, is scorching foliage and tree trunks, and is sunburning whales and fish. The increasingly intense UV radiation from the disintegrating ozone layer can and is being metered by experts in the field. In the video below, a former NASA contract engineer discusses the immense and immediate UV radiation dangers we face from the disintegrating ozone layer which he is personally metering with state of the art equipment supplied through GeoengineeringWatch.org https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/category/coming-collapse/


It is a mathematical inevitability that the bank will end up with the vast majority of wealth.

Imagine that there is one bank and one person in a country and the bank prints and loans $100 to the person at 10% interest.

In one year the person will owe the bank $110. Where does the extra $10 come from?

Another person must enter the country either by birth or by immigration and take a loan from the bank, which will print more money from thin air.

Then, with two people each having $100, they must compete between themselves to wrestle at least $10 away from the other to pay off the bank. One person ends up with $110 and pays off the loan, the other will end up with $90 and defaults on their loan. The bank then takes all that the loser had as collateral as real material goods (actual wealth).

Now expand this paradigm to a large country and you see that any bank that wants to keep banking needs an ever increasing population to loan money to, or must open the borders to immigration to prop up their pyramid scheme. As soon as a population begins to dwindle the holes in the system become apparent. The pyramid is built from the top down and every level must be larger than the one above it.

Not only is the entire banking structure a pyramid scheme, they need to tax everyone at higher and higher rates to take money out of circulation so that the money the bankers print will be able to buy more, and the borrowers will be able to do less against the bankers. Taxes simultaneously increase bankers wealth, control inflation, and keep the working class in their place. The more money that is in circulation in relation to the number of people in the system must be kept in check or money becomes worthless through inflation and people will stop accepting money for real goods.

Yes, the bankers can and do print money at their leisure and buy things with it. In the end of a country's economy this causes monstrous inflation as the United State is witnessing it now. Other countries have already been through it. Material assets are more valuable than paper.

Digital/Crypto currency will not be allowed on the banker owned Internet unless it one sanctioned by the Rothschild’s. They will create a "whitelist" of allowed servers on the Internet that will require personal identification to do anything. Personal unlicensed servers will be outlawed.

There is a reason that many Christian and Muslim nations of the past and present banned interest based banking. You can see at its' inception that the bank will end up owning everything. The Federal Reserve is the 8th private bank that has inserted itself into the United States and the Rothschild owned mechanism now controls much of the globe. Our ancestors kicked the bankers out 7 times before that, they simply keep coming. Banks are ultimately why most people left Europe in the first place. The USA ceased to be a sovereign nation in 1913 when Woodrow Wilson helped install our current central bank. The banks pick the candidates, or bribe, bully, or blackmail all the politicians. The stock market is rigged in their favor and they'll pull the rug out whenever they have their new digital currency system ready to go online.

The bankers start wars, fund both sides, and determine who the winner will be based on eugenics. They have historically sided with Muslims against Christians.


The reason jews want to kill Whites is the same reason jews kill the "fellow travelers" who take part in their Communist revolutions. Anyone who willingly, or unwittingly helps the jews come to power, will expect to be the beneficiaries of their own labor, that is, they will want what they have worked for, and will expect a seat at the table of power. jews have overtly and covertly manipulated Western civilization for well over a hundred years. jews do not share power any longer than they must to get what they want.

In every jew led Communist takeover, it is the jews who end up in the critical roles. There is often a front man, like Joe Biden, to make their presence less obvious, but their omnipresence is nauseatingly obvious to the awakened.

The Chinese could also be a threat to them but the jews are not trying to genocide the Chinese, they are in fact "allowing" them to ethnically cleanse their own country and expand. The jews led Mao's Communist takeover of China in 1949 and have since pushed much of the world's most critical manufacturing there. jews have decided that the Chinese are more tolerable to their rule, and will therefore be tolerated, for now. Taiwan is currently well within their grasp.

The jews have used Whites to take over the planet. From Rome, to the Dutch East India Trading Company, to British and French Colonialism, and to American Imperialism, jewish bankers have infiltrated and corrupted every White civilization and then run off with the spoils of our labor. The "job", however, is almost complete. Technology, largely invented by Whites, has allowed the jew to take over most of the World, and the jews do not want Whites to realize that everything they have worked to build is about to be taken.

For jews the Earth is a zero sum game, for them to win, everyone else must lose. Their end goal is advanced artificial intelligence and robots that will serve them and keep their few remaining human slaves in line. jews like Paul Singer work to actively move manufacturing and technology companies out of the United States to Israel and China. They are preparing for a day when the United States will be laid to waste.

jews are not White. jews hate Whites, their words and actions prove it. jews worship Satan by their own admission. jews have been planning to genocide Whites for decades and have openly stated the fact. There is no political solution, there never was.


Globo-Homo Tyranny

The plans for the World takeover are more than a hundred years in the making. Fiat banking dollars buy human kind's labor to use against him.


Just trying to summarize them, they're all over the place. Please add to the list.

  1. Move in everywhere, create banks

  2. Weaponize every type of entertainment into degeneracy, porn, films, books, drugs, music, eating disorders, create sports addicts.

  3. Weasel in to every HR type department, start putting their own kind in.

  4. Bribe/blackmail/threaten/intimidate the members of government

  5. Infect schools, turn children against parent

  6. Infect institutions, turn class against class, LGBTQTP black white, spic , if nothing to clash, import some.

  7. Tell the lower class they don’t have anything because the middle class has it all and you need communism to spread it out.

  8. Get fighting age males to go at each other until the good bloodlines have dried up.

  9. Blame the victim.

10 . Wash, rinse, repeat.

Examples: Please give more examples of jews doing things like this. Start Jesuit Order, take over Roman Catholic Church from within (Rule 3)

USA Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 (Rule 6) If there’s no problem, import one!

Jews started the French Revolution in 1789 killed 17,000.

Make jew Scofield study Bible

The Armenian Genocide called the Donmeh, Young Turks, Satanic jews killed every Christian they could find.

Take over Roman Empire with Cake and Circus, move outlanders inward (Rule 3,6)

Take over China 1948 it sticks, Chinese Nationalists head to Taiwan and remain there to this day.

Vietnam was a jew proxy war with the sole intent to kill White men

Take over 6 cities in Canada in 1917, the Canadian Army ousts them.

Take over Russia in 1918 with the Bolshevik Revolution. Kill 66 million. Mostly White Christian.

Take over Southern Germany in 1918 rename it the Soviet Republic of Bavaria.

Jews in England and France don’t want a new diesel powered Germany to dominate the trade routes so they start World War I, and blame it on the Germans. (See rule 9).

False flags, jews attacked the USS Liberty to try to get the USA into a war with Egypt.

jew Charles Lieber works with jew communist China to make Covid-19.

The jew has taken everything the White man has made, and made the White to use against himself.

Take over USA via proxy China and Israel and point their guns to his own head.

Jews worship Satan.

Jews create inequality, then bitch about inequality.


"Silver" is what your dentist says he'll fill your teeth with, but it's 50% mercury, and a mix of silver, tin, zinc, and copper. Mercury vapor leaks from the fillings and ends up all over your body. Mercury does what is called "bio-accumulate", that is, it goes into your body faster than your body can get rid of it. On average it takes 18 months to get rid of an atom of mercury once it is in your body, so it can build up to high levels from a small source. Mercury is more toxic than lead.

The American Dental Association (ADA) will never stop putting poison in people's mouths because that would be an admission of guilt. At least 40% of dentists are known to use mercury.

Here are two videos showing how mercury dental amalgams turn to vapor, flying from the tooth. It enters your blood stream directly from the mouth and collects in your fatty tissues, organs, and especially the brain. Ever wonder why dentists are the profession most likely to commit suicide? Answer, depression caused from mercury poisoning.

Here is a CBS 60 Minutes episode that uncovers the conspiracy to continue poisoning people with mercury by the ADA and the FDA. The episode aired once and was never shown again after pressure from the ADA.

Mercury poisoning causes a host of neurological problems including:

-Depression -Memory problems -Irritability -Numbness -Pathologic shyness -Tremors -Insomnia

Mercury poisoning causes many health problems that are hard to diagnose with mercury as the root cause because it accumulates in the body's tissues and blood and urine levels may be relatively low.

These diseases can be caused by mercury: -Multiple Sclerosis -Kidney dysfunction (very common) -Food allergies -Gingivitis -Persistent bacterial infections -Heart problems -Hearing and speech difficulties -Lack of coordination -Muscle Weakness -Vision problems -Auto-immune disorders including inflammation -Infertility

Unlike most other medical treatments that must be proven safe, the FDA claims that mercury amalgams have not been proven unsafe, and therefore can be used.

The average amalgam weighs 1 gram and is 50% mercury. As much as 50% of the mercury in an amalgam has been found to have vaporized after 5 years, and 80% after 20 years. Source Pleva J, "Dental Mercury -A Public Health Hazard", Rev Environ Health 1027 (1994);

Dentists put in over 100 million mercury fillings a year in the USA. Every one of those patients will be mentally and physically weaker because of it.

The American Dental Association changed it's code of ethics in 1986 and made it a violation of that code for any dentist to recommend the removal of amalgam because of mercury. Dentist's caught recommending the removal of mercury fillings are subject to lawsuits and loss of their license to practice dentistry.

Here is a resource on the dental industry's arguments for mercury amalgams, and solid rebuttals.

[Thousands of studies show that mercury amalgams are unsafe.] (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=mercury+amalgam)

Exerpt from the Luciferian Oath -We will start early on, when their minds are young. We will target their children with what children love most, sweet things. -When their teeth decay, we will fill them with metals that will kill their mind and steal their future. -When their ability to learn has been affected, we will create medicine that will make them sicker and cause other diseases for which we will create yet more medicine. -We will render them docile and weak before us by our power. -They will grow depressed, slow, and obese, and when they come to us for help, we will give them more poison.

If you have mercury in your mouth, get it removed, don't listen to dentists who say it won't harm you, they're afraid to tell you the truth.


Coming to USA

Recently banned from these countries

Austria, Estonia, Latvia, Luxembourg, Lithuania, Romania, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, The Netherlands, Ireland, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Slovenia, Cyprus, Sweden,Bulgaria, Thailand


Who runs the world? The Satanic jewish Sabbatean-Frankists through their Rothschild controlled central banks.

What do Satanists hate the most? Anything Good, specifically Christians, especially White Christians.

What do Satanists want to see to turn people against Christians? Hypocrisy from Christians mixed with violence.

What type of action plays most into Satan's hand? The portrayal of demented Christians who murder out of weakness so that the sin of all humans can be cast on them and they become a hated group.


Massage Parlor Rampage Killer Floats ‘Sex Addiction’ Claim

The Georgia man who confessed to killing eight people in a string of shootings at Asian massage parlors told police he has sex-addiction issues and wanted to “eliminate” the “temptation,” authorities said Wednesday.


Big banks and hedge funds have found that short selling stocks creates an opportunity for the concealment of the creation of counterfeit stocks. The counterfeit shares drive down the stock price.

A short sell in the stock market is a bet that a stock will go down in value. It's a three party sale where stocks are temporarily borrowed for a fee, bought for a lower price elsewhere, then returned to the original owner.

A copy of the computerized stock to be shorted is temporarily created to complete the short. The duplicate stock should be deleted after the trade has gone through but due to high frequency, volume, and lack of transparency in trading, some people figured out that they could just not delete the temporary stocks and sell them and nobody at the SEC or the DTCC would do anything about it.

A short seller's goal is to take the stock price as close to zero as possible to maximize their profits. They may also bankrupt the company and sell off it's real assets to competitors to make even more profit. Billions of dollars, companies gone, all from a small initial investment that used counterfeit assets to make sure it worked in their favor. It's been going on for decades.

These people rack up billions of dollars at this computer game and crush real world small companies when they do it.

At one point there was a 3 day window that these counterfeits could exist in. If the counterfeits are moved around they can seemingly exist indefinitely. It's like a multi-billion dollar version of hot potato. Nobody wants to get stuck with them, and nobody is willing to go in and hold the counterfeiters accountable either.

People are buying GameStop stock to try to force these counterfeit shares into the light. The bankers are in retaliation literally stealing real shares of GameStop from individual traders' accounts to cover up their fraud. There are about 70 million real GameStop stocks and an estimated 30 million counterfeits.

Abusive shorting is coordinated and carried out through collusion between hedge funds and prime brokers, with help from the DTCC and major clearinghouses.

All the information for the counterfeit stocks including who made them and who has them now is in the DTCC database. The DTCC won't let anyone in to inspect the system to see what is real or fake. A few well constructed database queries would tell you who the culprits are.

The counterfeits and the profits they have brought are spread all through financial markets; index funds, mutual funds, 401k's etc. If you've invested in the stock market at all you probably have some. Trying to pull these things out now would be a nightmare. Stopping the creation of new counterfeits however is probably relatively trivial, but the SEC doesn't have the integrity or balls to deal with it.

A number of lawsuits that involve naked shorting have named about ten of the prime brokers as defendants, including Goldman Sachs, Bear Stearns, Citigroup, Merrill Lynch; UBS; Morgan Stanley and others. The DTCC has also been named in a number of lawsuits that allege stock counterfeiting.

At any given point in time more than 100 emerging companies are under attack

The success rate for short attacks is over ninety percent—a success being defined as putting the company into bankruptcy or driving the stock price to pennies. It is estimated that 1000 small companies have been put out of business by the shorts.

The secrecy that surrounds the shorts, the prime brokers, the DTC and the regulatory agencies makes it impossible to accurately estimate how much money has been stolen from the investing public by these predators, but the total is measured in billions of dollars. The problem is also international in scope.


Discussion of Belt and Road from Epoch Times (anti-CCP site).

If you haven't read John Perkin's book "Confessions of an Economic Hitman", you should.

Synopsis: The CIA (a bunch of intelligence agencies work together, I'll just say CIA), under the guise of an engineering firm, convinces leaders of underdeveloped countries to accept substantial development loans for large construction and engineering projects, like hydro-electric dams. These projects are then contracted to U.S. companies The loans provide political influence for the US and access to natural resources for American companies.

Here's the catch, the economic data that the CIA dazzles them with is over-inflated, purposely. They take the loan and then they're on the hook to produce, but they fall short (by design), and the CIA ends up with the real assets. It's the same thing the banks have always done really, extend credit to people with unrealistic expectations, get them to work and produce something real, then if they time it right, bankrupt them and swoop in to take over the whole production. It's really sweet when the money you used was fiat and not backed up by anything.

This is just a new type of colonialism. Instead of putting White or Chinese people in your country, they just pick a corrupt family (like the Biden's) and pay them to do what they want. People don't have such a visceral reaction to a person who looks more like them and are less likely to rebel.

And the take away from reading Perkin's book is that if giving money isn't producing the results you want in your new colony, then they send in the "jackals", who make sure your small plane will crash into a mountain or your new Mercedes speeds into a light pole.

Belt and Road Wikipedia


Here are 3 huge don't-buy-silver threads on reddit that don't show up in /r/wallstreetbets hot/rising/etc even though they have 75k-90k+ upvotes. You have to do a search to find them.

People are buying silver like crazy because they think it's the next GME.

There is no silver short squeeze happening. NONE. NEVER

It's fucking awful seeing the "Silver" misinformation campaign everywhere I look

The Silver Squeeze is a hedge-fund coordinated attack so they can keep fighting the $GME fight

You can find them with a search.

jews spend centuries hoarding metals.

jews worm their way into reddit and drive up metals price.

jews exchange silver for fiat currency.

jews use fiat currency to buy up remaining real estate, food, politicians, and armies.

stock market and economy crashes and jew banks withhold fiat currency.

bartering and silver exchange can't sustain working global economy because difficulty of transfer.

people must exchange silver, remaining real property, and sovereignty for new digital blockchain Fed Coin (created out of thin air) or starve.

jew has all silver and all money is digitally tagged bio-metrically to individuals.

yolo do it anyway.


There's been a million shorts and a million squeezes over the years, but this one, in this economy...

The squeeze didn't start on Reddit originally, someone raised an army there for it though.

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