by pkvi
Wolverineofmc 3 points ago +3 / -0

War criminal. I hope these regimes are toppled.

Wolverineofmc 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah I wasn't meaning to paint with too broad of a brush about Australians. There are tons left with common sense like you. We yanks have a massive problem with dumb sheep too. Half the population would drink toilet water if Fauci, Criminal News Network (CNN), or MSLSD (MSNBC) told them. NONE OF THEM will listen to any reason or logic or even DO INDEPENDENT RESEARCH!

Wolverineofmc 2 points ago +2 / -0

Screw them. They have continually taken it up the tookus for decades. And now they have almost no freedom left. The main mission of this plandemic is to make everyone distrust each other and to divide us. Australia banned most guns, and their freedoms eroded at a rapid pace since then, while crime either remained the same, or in the case of violent assaults and property crimes, rose dramatically. A textbook example of why we need the Second Amendment. It's the only reason we have any freedom left.