Russian Man Good
which witnesses?
Trump's lawsuits didn't c!aim that there was fraud.
in court, Trump's lawyer specifically denied that they were arguing that there was fraud.
any explanation for that?
and many, many Trumpists have believed his ridiculous claims about election fraud.
Qtards will claim that this is a ruse by genius Giuliani to "expose the evidence for voter fraud" during the trial when in fact, he will either try to settle or get utterly crushed.
Afterwards, Qtards will claim that the judges, lawyers, PAs and probably Giuliani himself were all part of the Deep State.
Mark my words.
Look who's there!
What happened to all your predictions?
Nothing to contribute again?
Remember how it was claimed that Trump would declassify an interview in which Steele "admitted" that his dossier was fake?
Whatever happened to that narrative?
It was fucking hilarious how they claimed she spoke 5 languages and then seeing her trying to talk to a French child in broken French. She was barely able to get 2 sentences out.
I heard that Barron speaks with a Slovenian accent because her English is still so bad.
so he is dumber than you?
Trump already claimed years ago that vaccines cause autism.
So Trump accelerated the roll-out of a harmful vaccine while they would have delayed it for years.
Yet Trump is the good guy.
Makes perfect sense.
Why do you think Trump peomoted this?
In English? Your sentences seem to be incomplete.
Why do you want the people of Yemen to suffer?
No, I mean Trump.
This war causes death and famine.
Hardly anything to laugh about. How the fuck do you think this is funny?
So? Why would you expect them the same day as they ate signed?
Did you agree with Trump droning Yemen and delivering weapond to KSA so they could mass murder the people there?
Makes me wonder what evil motive the Deep State has behind this
Then why are you getting upset about Biden's EOs?
Iahve been hearing about how THEY will openly take over "soon" for 30+ years.
In the 80s and 90s it was the UN.
In the 2000s it was the Illuminati.
From 2016 it was the Deep State.
Since last year, it's China.
Somehow the "soon" never arrives.
Plenty of people here and on are claiming that
But if Biden is s fake president and the military is in charge why is the whole executive branch unaware?
Yes of course. This is a discussion forum, is it not?
Nazi Punks Fuck Off