....Alright?? Still don't know who this is...
Idk who is he?
Okay faggot
Hmmmkay buddy cope and seeth LOL How long til you become a tranny and we can add dilate to that?
Have you read any religious book putting your self as the person they are talking to heart? Maybe if you did that you could understand how being taught that is the most important thing in their life since they were able to remember is a bad thing..... til then you're just being REtarded
.... Did I say he did it because he believed it or even was gay? no, because he doesn't have the morals in-mind because any degeneracy will poison the goyim that they are taught will be their slaves when their god returns.... What is it? every jew gets a 1000 goy?
See everyone knows this and they expect a jew to do that...... or they can't comprehend how a religion could make someone do something cause their religion is all about feels goods.....
The bottom line and jews.... Should be outlawed but grifting pastors will push the zion lie for their tax exemption..... No reason to do this and people doing it to children should be put to death..... All boomers and jews