Thedaythe_redditdied 3 points ago +3 / -0

This will get heat. They have given like 2 million vax. 4 people dying from them seems statistically correct.

Also for the record I will absolutely never take this vaccine. Nor do I suggest any one does. We have no clue what the long term effects are. And I think it’s bull shit. But 4 out of 2 million that’s not a shocker.

Thedaythe_redditdied 7 points ago +7 / -0

This is about the only thing that worries me about tomorrow. Not violence on the ground. But some really big false flag bull shit. Imagine a nuke. It would wipe the whole government as well as any patriots that would fight the coming invasion. (Other than military)

Thedaythe_redditdied 27 points ago +28 / -1

I too toe the msm line. They have never lied to me before.