Than0s 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good for you.

Than0s 6 points ago +6 / -0

Just because you support someone doesn't mean you agree with absolutely everything they do or say.

Than0s 3 points ago +3 / -0

Pence has given no indication of any attempts to suddenly backstab Trump in the last minute, but that's what folks are worried about if he doesn't count the Republican electors or throw out the electors for the states that have dueling electors.

Lin seems to kneejerk react though. He posted a photoshopped picture of Roberts with a bandage above his eyebrow or whatever and it was clearly photoshopped but he used it to fuel an unhinged rant.

I get that he's trying to rile up and fuel the Maga base but he's doing similar to Alex Jones where he just flies all over the place and doesn't compartmentalize.

Than0s 12 points ago +12 / -0

I really don't know with Lin Wood. Dude seems like he goes way too hard on the conspiracy angle and he seems to be heavily against Pence now because the Mockingbird media made it sound like Pence will betray Trump. He's like in a state of reverse-TDS where he can't compartmentalize or rationalize properly beyond seeing everything in "will literally die for Trump" or "deep state swamp creature against Trump". I mean yeah most of the folks he listed are swamp creatures, but putting Pence on there seems a bit iffy unless I missed some giant red flag.

Than0s 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is it just me or has Dominion been laughably bad at their coverup attempts? It's like they know they're caught but all they have to do is blow enough smoke and stall long enough for Biden to get in and shut down any investigations.

Than0s 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes but at least here I can assume most posters are being genuine/honest and aren't just trying to brigade posts and derail threads like bad faith actors, which has been a regular thing happening on /r/conspiracy for some time now.

Than0s 16 points ago +16 / -0

Reddit has very much become a site where one goes to to post their opinion among like-minded individuals to seek out validation and get upvoted for it. It never really was a good place for discussion because of the upvote/downvote system and they forced their demographic into basically being primarily Bernie Bros/hard lefties.

At this point main subreddits are astroturfed to high hell and you can't tell if you're actually having conversations with honest folk or actors that purposely try to push their views to the top. /r/conspiracy's days were pretty much numbered because of that, as any subreddit that pushes free thought and anti-establishment views will eventually get shuttered or silenced by Reddit.

Than0s 1 point ago +1 / -0

After seeing the way TD went, it seemed like only a matter of time before /r/conspiracy was targeted, and it was already being heavily brigaded off and on by /r/politics shills/bots. Sucks that Reddit has become the shithole it is, but the writing was on the wall some time ago.

Than0s 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah usually the cycle is a pro-Trump thing hits front page and then some bitchy post about how the sub is just The Donald 2.0 hits front page and is artificially inflated. Or what's become a classic since mid-last year was showing a photo of Clinton with Epstein and then someone just pushes up a photo with Trump and Epstein. Whataboutism comments almost always get upvoted to the top of threads that talk about Biden's corruption, etc.

I get that conspiracy theories don't pick sides/etc. and practically everyone in politics or corporate America has some shady stuff. But Reddit has some real "special" posters who just post the same stuff over and over again and are basically /r/politics bots. And the radical charging of /r/politics honestly is probably overall much worse and more extreme than TD.win because they're just brainwashed stooges being useful idiots for the CCP and the corporate establishment that backs them.

Than0s 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've been following both the conspiracy sub and TD sub for some time now, largely lurked but started participating in TD.win. Looking forward to chat more freely here as well without the stigmas that Reddit pushes.

Than0s 17 points ago +17 / -0


critical error, Reddit shilling has no power here

Than0s 19 points ago +19 / -0

Friday should be spicy then, that's when the DNI reports to Trump about foreign influence per the September 2018 executive order on foreign interference in an election.