by pkvi
TeamOrangeFB 3 points ago +3 / -0

Lol, my bad. I brain farted and forgot to archive.

Fixed, thx

by pkvi
TeamOrangeFB 1 point ago +2 / -1

CCP isn't concerned about money anymore. Every top ranking CCP member has more money than they would ever need. What sort of life-necessity products does China import? Even if they lose 500 million peasants because we stop sending them Uncle Ben's rice, big deal.

Time is right for China to execute the next major step in their plan for world domination. Cut off all exports to the Western world. USA and Europe collapse in weeks when NOTHING gets shipped out of China. No medicine, no food packaging, no car parts, no technology, no anything. Plus, compromised western media will push CCP propaganda to blame everyone except the Chinese.

The madness and anarchy in America and Europe would be unstoppable in weeks vs the Western World getting their manufacturing industries back up and running in time.

But, then again, we have nukes... As long as we can still use them and the key card holders haven't sold out to the CCP.

TeamOrangeFB 3 points ago +4 / -1

Yup, I guarantee it all swabbed humans have their DNA in China.

China has been creating biological weapons based on DNA targeting. COVID-19 was a test run. Kill all Caucasians. Kill all Japanese. Kill all Arabs and Jews. Hell, kill the Indians too.

China remains to rule the world, enslave Africa, and place their citizens to take over the lands in North America, Europe, Russia, etc.

by pkvi
TeamOrangeFB 5 points ago +5 / -0

Not Arabs, but a group of wacko American blacks who think they're descendants of the Moors and who blame white people for their failures.