TRUMPLOVESTHEJAB 0 points ago +1 / -1

This is trumps jab. If it ends up killing All the leftist retards who have ruined this country over the past 60 years I’ll be grateful to him. But yes the “collateral damage” which many are children will always be the fault of his. War is messy and I can’t judge but trump really does love the jab…

TRUMPLOVESTHEJAB 1 point ago +2 / -1

If the trump jab actually does kill as many people as we think it will then he is a fucking genius. Honestly this past year has taught me the globalists are right. People want and need to be ruled and depopulation may be needed. Their plan is to depopulate the useful and replace them with low iq useless to use as slaves, maybe trump wants to do the exact opposite…

TRUMPLOVESTHEJAB 10 points ago +11 / -1

Why the fuck would you post a picture holding your dead baby on Twitter… this women should never reproduce

TRUMPLOVESTHEJAB 0 points ago +1 / -1

It did but not for the better… if anything it allowed ((them)) to identify and isolate us so that we can be targeted