THEmodsAreJEWS 0 points ago +1 / -1

That would be an rs232 cabled and a 386 or 486 client LOCAL network?? Still kludge.

deleted -2 points ago +3 / -5
THEmodsAreJEWS -3 points ago +3 / -6

Real faith is faith that your actions please God and will be successful as a result with the goal in mind typically some sort of cause that consumes the self which is no bother since the cause is just.

Action. God will send all these boomer couch potatoes straight to hell with their pastors.

THEmodsAreJEWS -3 points ago +3 / -6

Correction, faith is something you use to be a worthless fucking cunt whenever it suits you personally. If I claim faith I don't have to do a fucking thing although fat stupid boomers forget inaction is an action and a choice. A satanic one. If you have a house and a car you are following something else besides God. Jesus was broke and believed in manifestation of the pure hearts riches.

You can't serve two masters.