Susietoon 1 point ago +1 / -0

I used to wonder why this 2000+ yr old book was kept.

It’s for one message to all of us….love. Love. Love is all that matters in the end. And as we approach the end we will be tested for our love capacity. Love until death, to protect, to save, to sacrifice yourself.

It’ll be a ride. Screaming allowed at the scary parts.

Susietoon 3 points ago +3 / -0

Patience people. New people are waking up every day…we don’t know what wakes them. Even all of us have a different awakening story that brought us to this place.


The more awake the better.

Susietoon 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Earth is our schoolhouse, and those of us that are true souls are here for our lessons. It begins with our placement…rich, poor, loving parents or abusive….it MAKES you. The rest of life experiences all ultimately teach the same lesson: love is all that matters. Whether you learn it or not.

Division cripples this “life” process. We are herd creatures, we need each other. Even in families they can create the division. Get your shot or you can’t see the kids. You must chose : Ukraine & Israel. Trump bad. Climate change.

They, TPTB,have sold their souls to the devil and now prepare for the devastation. More tragic earth changes are coming giving them excuse to smash chains on us because they are afraid. Afraid we will find out. Afraid we are many.

It is a slow sneaky attack. Guard yourself and those you love. Belong or build a small community of support, and guard it too. You will need it.