If you are new here or are just trying to put the pieces together, this may be a good read for you. Here is how the globalists have brought us to the brink of neo-feudal slavery step-by-step.

Fake News

You cannot enslave a man that acts on his own behalf.

Fake News is where it all starts. Public consensus drives laws that are counter-beneficial to freedom. A mob is formed, and injustice is enacted through a lack of foresight on the consequences they naturally incur. Followers are rewarded with stories about their ethics and heroism and shielded from tales of woe.

Fiat Currency

You cannot enslave a man of riches.

Fiat currency robs the population of their material goods with an offer of trust. This trust is gained by stories of rescue from the Fake News. After the goods are stolen, the promises are slowly stripped away. Taxes and inflation are introduced to abate disasters. The promises of Fiat Currency are found to be never met. The promises were merely a grifter appealing to greed.


You cannot enslave a man that thinks freely.

Public education is the only viable option for many who cannot amass wealth. The Fake News and Fiat Currency brought about the dual income household leaving many unable to provide homeschooling. Public education reinforces Fake News in the free schools, and in turn promotes it in expensive colleges. With the rise in illegal immigration, once well-paying manual jobs have very little value. The system naturally perpetuates itself through college sports instilling pride on the alumni.


You cannot enslave a man that speaks freely.

The swift rise of the internet was the biggest stumbling block for globalism over the past 100 years. Democratized information threatened Fake News, Fiat Currency, and Education in major ways. People were able to access historical information easily, wealth was generated by outsiders, and a new middle class boomed from those gifted in computers. Censorship is the key to controlling Fake News, Fiat Currency, and Education. It has been an ever-growing presence in this plan, and its amplification is why liberals lose their minds when unsanctioned thoughts are spoken.

Artificial Intelligence

You cannot enslave a man reliant on God.

Artificial Intelligence is the ultimate plan to replace God. Books and Hollywood films depicting AI as ruling over all of humanity are propaganda are only trying to normalize the neo-feudalism it will bring. The fact is that automation and reliance on technology will allow AI to make decisions about our standard of living.

Without censorship, this would not be possible because these AI machines will train on data collected after the censorship filters it. It will be applied to develop ethics and apply rewards and punishments to individuals based on behaviors. Non-compliance will yield negative results from a “Higher Power”, so to speak, and you will be unable to seek just recourse.

Education will be led by AI instead of humans. Siri, Alexa, and the likes will provide education to conform to what is ethically good for humanity. This will be based upon a fake news feed that provides positive and negative bias for the ethics engine.

Fiat currency will naturally be taken over by AI due to scientists discovering it is more efficient. This will lead to changes that nobody likes, but they are willing to agree to due to trust that the AI knows better (SCIENCE!). The changes will seem beneficial at first, but they will become more radical and nobody will know who to blame.

Fake News will be the final blow to it all. AI will be able to generate fake news stories down to the broadcasts, interviews, and celebrity gossip. These news stories will trickle in and slowly gain momentum as people who decry them will be censored. They will also be used to train the AI ethics engine to make decisions with only a fictitious person to blame.

The people in control of the AI are ready to pull the trigger once the technology is finally there. Their bunkers are ready at a location that is mysteriously absent on a large amount of maps. They want the world to burn until they have a class of slaves across their global empire. This is the danger of AI.