SomniaVelociusQuam 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you are going to buy gold in the US buy gold coins made for circulation because when you travel with them you only have to declare the denomination not the value of the gold itself also its cheaper paying taxes on a 20$ gold coin then 1500$ in gold.

SomniaVelociusQuam 1 point ago +1 / -0

So if me and 50 of my friends voluntarily get together, and make up a bunch of rules that you and your family have to follow, or else we shoot you....

The fact your group, which consists of individuals, voluntarily formed without a government or authority coercing you to do so would make your group anarchistic in nature. What you do after that has absolutely nothing to do with the organizational principles or lack thereof of the group. I think you are conflating the idea of Anarchism with morality or ethical behavior and I don't know why.

SomniaVelociusQuam 1 point ago +1 / -0

Idiot.... It doesn't matter if the soldiers choose to join or not...

The fact that they get together,

Your immediate contradiction reflects a cognitive deficit I will no longer engage with, learn something while the internet still exists. Something other than recycling stupidity out of your face holes.

SomniaVelociusQuam 1 point ago +1 / -0

LOL no more idiotic examples of the national guard? You clearly don't understand what "anarchistic in nature" means maybe time for you to unplug and read an actual book. I recommend a remedial English course

SomniaVelociusQuam 1 point ago +1 / -0

Maybe you don't understand the gravity of AstraZenecas admission but it opens them to lawsuits everywhere. They've admitted a side effect that will destroy the efficacy statistics for the "vaccine" When a drug company admits to a side effect that is much more dangerous than what is being vaccinated against the question of gross violations of medical ethics enters the conversation.

SomniaVelociusQuam 1 point ago +1 / -0

fuck, you are stupid.

It's a volunteer military, retard. No one can make you join the military (not that you could get in, I seriously doubt it) and by joining it you are agreeing to the rules of the military, the uniform code of military justice, therefore it is anarchistic in nature because it requires one to volunteer

That doesn't mean the military is an example of a anarchist group, it means by the nature of it being all volunteer it's anarchistic in nature. How the fuck do you feel comfortable having conversations on the internet with at best a tenous grasp of the English language? What does the national guard enforcing a curfew have to do with Anarchism? absolutely nothing you literally don't have an argument so you use the national guard as an example of the US military but fail to realize they are separate militaries. The national guard are state run militaries, not federal militaries like the US Army or Marines

SomniaVelociusQuam 1 point ago +1 / -0

Retards use strawman arguments and think they're winning 🤣😂 Give me an example you fuckin waste of stardust

SomniaVelociusQuam 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's a volunteer military, retard. No one can make you join the military (not that you could get in, I seriously doubt it) and by joining it you are agreeing to the rules of the military, the uniform code of military justice, therefore it is anarchistic in nature because it requires one to volunteer

"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

You clearly have no motherfuckin' idea what you are talking about Posse Comitatus Act. If I wanted to know the opinions of a troglodyte like yourself who hides on the internet and wouldn't dare speak so disrespectfully in person because you'd get your head fuckstarted I'd ask your father who went out for cigarettes and never came back because he knew you were too stupid to notice. You reak of weakness and ignorance and you should shut your motherfucking mouth before I hop in my time machine and go back in time and fuck your great great grandfather to death in the street, stupid bitch.

SomniaVelociusQuam 1 point ago +1 / -0

We have a fundamentally different view of the world and trust as a concept. What exactly do you think "trusting" Alex Jones leads to? Do you think Alex Jones is asking to babysit my hypothetical kids? Or guard my wife while she sleeps? I think you have no basis for your polarizing view of the world other than spending the majority of your time on the internet within echo chambers of myopic masturbatory idiocy. The way you think is absolutely devoid of nuance and that betrays a very inexperienced social intelligence. What do you think it means to "trust" someone? In my opinion if you don't know or can't trust who they trust, they cannot be trusted. But I can tell it's not something you've spent anytime thinking about, you just parrot what others have said without understanding what it actually implies.

SomniaVelociusQuam 3 points ago +3 / -0













SomniaVelociusQuam 0 points ago +1 / -1

Oh can you? In our "society"? 🤣😂

SomniaVelociusQuam 3 points ago +3 / -0

"You realize, don’t you, that what’s going on in our country is the collapse not just of an empire, or an economy, but a comprehensive paradigm of human progress. The hallmark of post-war life in Western Civ was supposed to be a return to sanity after the mid-twentieth century fugue of mass psychotic violence. The wish for just and rational order was not entirely pretense. But that was then. Now that we are going medieval on ourselves, the not-so-ironic result will be our literally going medieval, sinking back into a pre-modern existence of darkness, superstition, and penury, grubbing for a mere subsistence in the shadow of scuffling hobgoblins, our achievements lost and forgotten."

SomniaVelociusQuam 0 points ago +1 / -1

Imagine having a conversation with someone who doesn't understand the meaning of words 🙃

SomniaVelociusQuam 0 points ago +1 / -1

No it's not. It could be whatever they decide it to be. It could a team or a partnership or an adversarial relationship as many marriages are.

society The totality of people regarded as forming a community of interdependent individuals. "working for the benefit of society." A group of people broadly distinguished from other groups by mutual interests, participation in characteristic relationships, shared institutions, and a common culture. "rural society; literary society." An organization or association of persons engaged in a common profession, activity, or interest.

anarchism 1 : a political theory holding all forms of governmental authority to be unnecessary and undesirable and advocating a society based on voluntary cooperation and free association of individuals and groups 2 : the advocacy or practice of anarchistic principles

SomniaVelociusQuam 1 point ago +1 / -0

Because I know society doesn't protect the individual, the individual protects the individual. Superior firepower supercedes whatever government or society one finds oneself in. You realize in America police have no duty to protect you right? Sauce

SomniaVelociusQuam 1 point ago +1 / -0

The US military is an all volunteer force. No one makes people join the military that makes it anarchistic in nature

SomniaVelociusQuam 1 point ago +1 / -0

You don't know anything about psyops if you did you'd know one fundamental goal is to make the subject lose trust in everyone not just specific people

SomniaVelociusQuam 1 point ago +1 / -0

No anarchy is whatever the individual decides it to be

SomniaVelociusQuam 0 points ago +1 / -1

Fuck, you aren't that bright are you?

SomniaVelociusQuam 1 point ago +1 / -0

Having thought about it you are questioning with a false premise that has nothing to do with anarchy. The same could be asked of any system against a "warlord" Do you think being a group of Anarchists would preclude them from forming a collective defense or military?

SomniaVelociusQuam 1 point ago +1 / -0

I can tell you've never been in the military. It's not the generals or the pentagon that run modern militaries, it's the non commissioned officer Corp. What countries did the US military "assume governance" over? Sound like a retard anti anarchy shill to me

SomniaVelociusQuam 1 point ago +1 / -0

Give me an example of someone with a better record than Alex Jones. You are straw manning Alex Jones being wrong and calling it lying with no evidence he actually knew either way. You'd make terrible prosecutor

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