And when you think of the eventuality of our species, what do you envision....there in our future? the blank, the black...the darkness- over years and decades and centuries?

Bear with me here. What I have to say is quite abstract, I know...I'm sorry if it doesn't make much sense. "Abstract" is who I fucking am since the brain injury- and I embrace it. Blow me, if it triggers you.

Sometimes I lay in bed as I try to sleep- and I imagine the material world that will exist in a century or so. I think of how our Civilization will change beyond our lifetimes. I think of times long past and storms weathered many millennia ago- the priceless blood, precious sweat and the painful tears of our ancestors...who gave their all for us. Great Pyramids and Tiahuanico and Baalbek- physical structures, ideological places and experienced eras that we'll never understand. I try to envision where the West will go, in all her technological and ideological beauty. The places she may have gone before, but doesn't remember- I see the light and darkness collide. As they have for ten thousand years. And ten thousand more.

Matter and Antimatter. Concepts that transcend our understanding of the physical universe. And I believe with all of my heart that She is the last and Greatest hope of Mankind. That comprehension- when I find it, and when I see it- it humbles me. It inspires an insignificance complex. My appreciation for Western Civilization. It's hard to understand our species' potential, or to wrap my mind around where we began. The whole of it makes me contemplate my own insignificance as a fiber in the thread that constitutes our self-aware fabric, woven eternal (against all odds) in a dark and hostile universe. It pits my own self-awareness against all of eternity. And in the end it forces me to understand that I shouldn't.

I could wax poetic and non-impressionistic about the war between Chaos and Symmetry, Order and Entropy...but I digress. It's all just too deep- and what I can wrap my mind around is too hard to express within the confines of written language. Consider it a bridge too far. I believe that we mere humans have a purpose- that our consciousness and perception is a quantifiable weight on the scale of all that exists. That every life and breath has an influence on what becomes.

Whatever happens to our species, we are the catalyst. The tip of a molecularly sharp spear. We're the only reason that it happens- or maybe the only reason that it doesn't happen.

It's all on us- the weight of an entire world, with The West being its' beautiful fulcrum.

I think we're more than capable...I believe in us.

Be strong.


That's all. I go to downvote a shill, transition my mouse-cursor slightly to the left of my screen by muscle-memory and then riiiiiiight before the pointer finger impulses downward pressure and the "click" resonates, I see a "0" already there. Satisfying as fuck. It's a "monica" moment, aka, "mo nica." Keep fighting the good fight. We Moderator Now. That's all. Oh, and have a good night...unless you're a shill.


Be strong, Anon. Have faith. Have the inner strength to see a thing through til its' end, regardless of the way anything looks at present. Find the ideological position that you believe is "right" and entrench- from that point on, hold it, no matter what. Let no one deprive you of it.

Regardless of the outcome, be as strong as you can. As strong as you know how to be.

You don't have to believe in God to believe in a higher power.

If I could live long enough to tell my son something 30 years from now, it would be:

That you are loved. That you are never alone. That we are all united by purpose.

Same for you, Anon. We're all in this together.


Don't forget to take a mental break from the insanity of our world. Can't effectively love Humanity if you don't love yourself, as well. Do something you enjoy, get out- go somewhere. Engage your mind in something different. Break the monotony of information overload. Then come back refreshed, with a clear head.

Me? I'll be:

Attaching an LPVO (via single-piece mount) to my 16" setup

Putting together the layout of a freshwater Aquarium that Mrs. Seraphim wants

Formulating a pheromone mixture that I've brainstormed (utilizing multiple carriers, a specific fragrance, etc.)

And my son is on a Star Wars kick, so later on when we get home he wants to watch ROTJ.


That's all. Don't be crushed within yourselves, don't surrender and don't give up.

Hope is a powerful thing- perhaps one of THE most powerful things, next to love. Why do you think our MSM and Establishment are struggling and grappling to deprive you of Hope?

Don't let the enemy into your hearts, don't allow yourselves to be broken.

Let's see this through to the end. Hold the fucking Line.

"To stand on the parapet and expose yourself to danger; to stand and fight a thousand miles from home when you’re all alone and outnumbered and probably beaten; to spit on your hands and lower the pike; to hold fast over the body of Leonidas the King; to be rear guard at Kunu-Ri; to stand and be still to the Birkenhead Drill; these are not rational acts. They are often merely necessary." - Jerry Pournelle

Just to advise- I will be holding the line, Patriots. I will continue right on along in the same ideological position. I will support my President until the end. Whether I am regarded as being stupid or smart for keeping faith in the man is none of my concern- I give exactly zero fucks what anyone thinks of my position nor my prediction of the ultimate outcome. This isn't about being able to say "I told you so." This is about Right and Wrong. Good and Evil. Love and Hate. Regardless of the end result, regardless of whether we win or lose...there is only one right thing to do in this moment- and that is to be brave, to be strong, and to support our President during a time when he most needs us.

I have many failings, but Loyalty is not one of them. So, if you want to face the night and hold the line here in our darkest hour, you won't be alone- I am right there alongside you.

And I'm even hesitant on giving them enough attention to downvote- it provides a metric that they can quantify and use to assess. It enables them to read a data signature.

They're whoring for attention because their job depends on it.

Don't let them drown out the signal to noise ratio.

Yes, I've engaged them at times- argued.

But ego isn't really worth it.

Take some time out of your day to spend with your families and kids. Really listen to them- what's on their minds, how they feel, what their thoughts are. Everyone should do this every day, but we are all imperfect and distracted- and sometimes we don't do it as much as we should. The truth is that we live in uncertain times. And in uncertain times you should never fail to do it. The instability of our world is evident, just turn on the news (actually, don't.) Treat every day going forward as a gift. Treat every moment with your loved ones as a priceless memory. Nothing is guaranteed for us at this point- the insanity of our world is evident and we live in hard times. We don't know what twists and turns the plot of this story will take- nor the twist ending of the grand theater of life.

Be grateful, be as positive as you can- remember to love those around you (your fellow man) and to love yourself. If you ever need to vent or talk, whether it be to express worry or concern- I'm always here to listen. If you love Freedom and Liberty with all of your heart, you are the same as my Brother.

Lastly, check your preps. Most of us keep some extra of everything that we need on hand- whether it be food/water/medicine (such as inhalers.) Also ensure that you are well stocked on personal hygiene products like toilet paper/soap/antiseptics/etc. If you're a gun owner, make sure you have a stash of ammo. It will be much harder to get for a while going forward- and if SHTF, you might actually need to hunt for your food.

I think that about covers it. Be strong. Never give up. Here's hoping that nothing bad comes our way; that Law and Order- and Civilization itself- is held together during chaotic times. Today is a gift, not an entitlement.


Long Live &

I hope nothing but the most prolonged, heartbreaking and miserable end to Reddit as a business. I want to see them go bankrupt and disappear into ignominy. I want them to be exposed in the public eye as a biased, censorship-driven asspuppet of the Chinese Government.

I will still use /r/conspiracy to speak truth until I am banned as well.

"Man is a rope, tied between beast and God— a rope over an abyss...what is great in man is that he is a bridge and not an end." - Nietzsche

The future of our species will forever be a work in progress. What will Conspiracy Theorists such as you and I contribute to it over the course our lifespans?


Just your favorites, not your whole stack. Here are mine:




Semax 1%

Bulbine natalensis (root/tuber extract)

I've taken some other nootropic peptides over the years, but I won't mention them because I don't want to give potentially bad advice- as there are some hypothetical long-term use issues that could arise. Not saying they have shown up, just saying that potential issues have been theorized.

Oh, and file this under misc., but for what it's worth- I also wear various synthetic male pheromones depending on the setting. Their effect on human social behavior is quantifiable.

I guess the "conspiracy" here is that big pharma doesn't want you to self-improve...


Be strong. Hold the fucking line, down to the last man.

That's it, all I wanted to say. Love you all. You were never alone and Fate is unstoppable. Let's see this through and forge a better world for our descendants.


Going into the Christmas/Holiday Season can be rough for some of us. Many people who have awakened to the bitter truths of our world end up feeling isolated and frustrated when dealing with those around them. This is not by accident.

There is a Conspiracy to convince you, the Awakened, that you are adrift alone in a sea of ignorance and self-loathing. That you are outnumbered, metaphorically outgunned and out-maneuvered. It's an elaborate illusion, decades in the making. Countless millions of dollars have gone into creating this illusion- be it through shill accounts, media, public education, etc.

But you aren't alone- you were never alone. Sometimes it may feel that way, but there are more of us out there than you think. There are as many of us as there are of them. Wherever you go, we're with you- and we're in this together, down to the bitter end. And more are waking up every single day, because we show them the truth- because we are patient, considerate, factual. Like a benevolent virus of the mind- spreading itself simply through contact.

Things are changing- so hang in there. Be strong. You are loved and appreciated, we are all united by purpose.