posted ago by Seraphim ago by Seraphim +23 / -6

Going into the Christmas/Holiday Season can be rough for some of us. Many people who have awakened to the bitter truths of our world end up feeling isolated and frustrated when dealing with those around them. This is not by accident.

There is a Conspiracy to convince you, the Awakened, that you are adrift alone in a sea of ignorance and self-loathing. That you are outnumbered, metaphorically outgunned and out-maneuvered. It's an elaborate illusion, decades in the making. Countless millions of dollars have gone into creating this illusion- be it through shill accounts, media, public education, etc.

But you aren't alone- you were never alone. Sometimes it may feel that way, but there are more of us out there than you think. There are as many of us as there are of them. Wherever you go, we're with you- and we're in this together, down to the bitter end. And more are waking up every single day, because we show them the truth- because we are patient, considerate, factual. Like a benevolent virus of the mind- spreading itself simply through contact.

Things are changing- so hang in there. Be strong. You are loved and appreciated, we are all united by purpose.