RollOnThicc -1 points ago +1 / -2

They were both using numerology to jam eachothers signals. Incredible display of power. Im trying to get a handle on it. 1 God spirit 2 cain or abel 3 cain or abel 4 christ 5 judas (one and done) 6 simon (no trespassing) 7 God 8 confirms heavenly feminine 9 man gains holy power 10 God spirit

Something still hidden. Maybe hera? Great movie, it was great at the intro when she was told F you ! Oh i loved that! Thanks POTUS and abc for the lesson in humanity and how to deal with despicable women who sink their fangs into the one who wants to protect them from their sinful desires ! Everyone go back and write down your numbers.

RollOnThicc 1 point ago +2 / -1

Conspiracy + weed = awakening. Where do you get on/off?

Didnt you watch the original zeitgeist? Govt already grew weed , marihuana tax act 1937, harry j anslinger, fbi ...

The wrong moves have already been made by the greedy. All thats left is a boot stepping on the face of humanity. Or. We could all take a big step back, remove the splinter, and see that the war on drugs has proven to be an antilibertarian moneymaking scheme with the intent of preventing people from waking up to their own potential.

Cannabis oil is amazing stuff, i dont think you ought to anoint yourself with it but it has the anti cancer potential we need to take down big pharma.

Once people get their creative juices going, with fewer barriers to hinder their productivity, we will have a renaissance awakening and it will go WW. It will be bigger than anyone could possibly imagine.

I mean, youre never going to get anywhere without first taking down big pharma. We need entheogenics and cannabis. Homemade hashish has been studied to have a greater pain relief effect than morphine. Bet ya didnt know that did ya, Pops? How about some nice fentanyl instead maybe thats what you want? 16 americans dead on the street for every 2 helped. Yeah no thanks. Bureaucracy gets us nowhere. Booze is over. Fentanyl and meth are where we are headed. Its time for a nationwide intervention.

Having grown up in the pac northwest i see the damage trust me! The illegal grows, the trafficking, the theft, the lack of respect. all because of a trainwreck policy by the disunited states of ameri-juana.

I dont have a fancy degree from Oaksterdam U but I can grow better organic with the knowledge i have obtained from gurus and greenthumbs and people like Cervantes, instrumental pioneers of cultivation, not just blanked out windmill chasers!

Best quality weed is still grown on the west coast. Best way forward is to initiate a program like the peace corps.

The rfk jr 2025 FDA creates the Weed Corps for Health. It becomes the new sears and roebuck catalog. It is the cannabible on (phyto)steroids. Everything. Every strain gets brought into the ark. A new hemp based production line is fostered and hemp based polymers are released congruent w Henry Ford's vision. All products become reviewable and brought in line with proper dietary and supplementary guides. Cannabis, Keto and You becomes a best seller.

People are consuming non psychoactive cbd every day for antioxidant. And pain relief. The benefits outweigh the costs by a long shot. Especially for the future generations. Autism reductions?

And forget about low sperm count. The stoniest mfers have the most kids! Clearly we have to mitigate the racial, class, income boundary but with proper aim we can eradicate a large part of poverty with educating people to grow their own gardens, and becoming independent creators of their own medicine is the first thing on most users minds. I feel blessed to have been around this plant for my adult life and there is no doubt that future generations will experience even greater blessings when given the freedom and liberty to make their own decisions about it. We have the ability to mitigate damage and maximize public utility with proper civic-minded guidelines drafted and codified by a knowledgeable, well heeled body of responsible users, not lawmakers. Thats why the peace corps/ missionary method is the best choice. We have to teach and re train the people.

Pays northwest growers full market value Tests the product Packages the product Stores the product Cures the product! Strategically reserves the product to preserve the market. multi tiered structure. Hemp, non-medicinal top shelf, medicinal, and finally, cosmonaut.

By subsidizing top shelf you guarantee health. You put the fda to work doing what it is supposed to do. Currently what are they doing? Trying to figure out ways to add moar fake sugar to foods while calling them suga-free! F TO THAT!

The best thing about dietary canabis consumption is long term blood sugar regulation and improved bile production. Just takes a little practice! Of course there are side effects but they can be mitigated more easily once the person finds their true motivation and voice of authenticity.

Most rookies think you just get the munchies but the reality is you get the ability to see thru fake personages which can be quite the double edged sword, let me tell you. It will shoehorn us into the next wave of Consciousness that wants to be born into this world. Its here, just waiting!

Besides POTUS said the other day we are gonna be "growing" in a big way pretty soon! Unless i misread the comm, the show-er state will be a perfect place to put the Fort (of Hard )Knox of cannabis.

A guy could be happy with an odd job here or there, because cannabis propagation at its root is a pioneering way of life and it needs to be protected, regardless of false pretense. Look at the stupidest institution of them all! Booze! Totally protected and boosted by the corrupt US Govt. Crimes against humanity my dudes!

Thank you POTUS Trump and all the Trumps!

RollOnThicc 5 points ago +6 / -1

I see what u did there! Mo mary mo problems ? Nah. A metric needs to be applied that includes stats on black market sales, arrests, demographics, demand, education and cultural acceptance. Honestly the best way is to nullify any govt input and put police resources into prevention and education . The more educated populace wins and the more accepted populace wins. These are conflating demographics and therefore middle ground must be created like a manmade island with a bridge reaching from both sides. Then the real awakening will start! Could be scary but we have to press on!