Rodger 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is so sad! The liberal demonic democrats are NEVER held accountable for their Crimes. Occasionally there may be one here or there they may get a slap on the risk but those are just scapegoats and their sentence is typically no more than a few days in jail or community service. Look how long the clintons have got away with their crimes. It's blatantly obvious that s0r0s is #1 in the crime department yet Nothing ever happens to him. Just look at the obama administration with all the shenanigans they got away with yet nothing never happened to none of them people. The Republican Party has to take a HUGE chunk of the blame for this as there have been times in the past that the Republicans held all three branches of government yet Failed to do anything about obvious crimes and the reason seems to be that Republicans are either complicit in their knowledge, guilty of the same, just to inept, for all of the above.

by pkvi
Rodger 3 points ago +4 / -1

We can see bidens failure to support Israel. You know the Bible's states that God will bless those that bless Israel and curse those that curse Israel. Biden would rather suck up to the Iranians the Palestinians and Iran which sadly are the countries that hate America. You will recall President Trump was a true friend to Israel and God let our country prosper under President Trump. Biden on the other hand won't even mention God's name in the national Day of prayer. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out Biden's priorities.

by pkvi
Rodger 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well we can all thank the dumbass & his bimbo at the White House. They are the most anti-American team ever. We Also need to thank the sorry ass Republicans that allowed that fraud & stolen 2020 election to happen. Thanks to McConnell and Graham and Pence and McCarthy and all the other RINO's.

Rodger 3 points ago +4 / -1

You want to talk about costing the taxpayers money, let's look at biden and his fcked up piece of sht son hunter.