RandomPhD10 0 points ago +1 / -1

You have simply never suffered and then gotten what you really wanted. To afraid. Too weak.

RandomPhD10 0 points ago +1 / -1

Suffering is a part of life. All the good things are worth suffering for.

RandomPhD10 0 points ago +1 / -1

They have served me well. Perhaps you are merely brainwashed to think that desire is wrong? Desire for knowledge? Desire for freedom?

You are just weak.

RandomPhD10 0 points ago +1 / -1

You are so weak, it's disgusting. No principles, nothing. No desire to take agency over your life. Weak. You weren't kidding about the under developed brain.

I'm afraid you won't accomplish much in life with that attitude.

RandomPhD10 0 points ago +1 / -1

Comment threads can't go that deep. This is what I was going to respond.

And that is why you are weak. If you can, you take back what's yours. If you can't do it alone, you organize others to take it back with you, others harmed by the system.

Tell me, are you happy with your job? Or are you a college student who has no idea what he is going to do in life?

RandomPhD10 0 points ago +1 / -1

This doesn't have to be a complicated high level civilization, it can be a caveman tribe, the example is the same.

RandomPhD10 0 points ago +1 / -1

No what ifs. It was stolen from you. You know it was stolen. You know the judge is corrupt. What would you do?

RandomPhD10 0 points ago +1 / -1

The highest court available to you. A thief has stolen something from you. You go to the court you have established in your society. And that court is either full of criminals or intimidated by the criminals to do nothing. What do you do? You, personally. What would you do?

RandomPhD10 0 points ago +1 / -1

So it's not violence because we didn't get what we want. It's righteous justice to reclaim that which was stolen. How do you deal with a thief? Do you politely ask him for your things back? Politely ask him not to steal things from you next time? Or do you knock his teeth out to teach him a lesson?

RandomPhD10 0 points ago +1 / -1

Sometimes blood shed is necessary. We are not some evolved higher creatures. We are no different than the people who fought WW1 and WW2. There is no 2024 if this election is stolen, because it will just be stolen again. It's over. The USA does not exist. Ask yourself if you are ok with that. I'm sure you will rationalize it, that human lives are not worth it. To some people, there are more important things than life, and certainly more important than the lives of their enemies. Rather suffer as a free man than live the life of a comfortable slave. You wouldn't understand.

RandomPhD10 2 points ago +3 / -1

Whenever they actually face push back they fold like a house of cards. They are the left, the anti 2A group. A 17 year old kid killed one, crippled another. They will be crushed.

RandomPhD10 2 points ago +3 / -1

And how many people do you think will lay their life on the line for Biden? Trump supporters believe they are fighting for this country and the constitution. They are not fighting for themselves. It doesn't take much.

RandomPhD10 3 points ago +4 / -1

There is no fold, because there is no nation otherwise. Maybe you are comfortable living in a false reality (ironic for someone on a conspiracy forum) but what percentage of Trump supporters won't take it? 0.5%? That is an army of 400k.

RandomPhD10 0 points ago +1 / -1

Did you not see antifa getting curb stomped yesterday in DC? Normal people don't punch pack after being pushed. You push, push, push, and then they eventually snap.


RandomPhD10 0 points ago +1 / -1

Lols, if you believe in all of these conspiracies about evil elites running the world and taking your freedoms, how did you think things were going to end? By you kicking them out with sunshine and rainbows? Change requires action. Martial law is one of the faster and more peaceful ways of solving this. It's either that or civilian militias, which might get messy. Who knows, we might still end up at Civil War 2.

RandomPhD10 2 points ago +3 / -1

If the presidency of the US can be stolen, then the entire country is a lie. Some people refuse to live in the matrix. Martial law will be very short. It will just be enough time to round up highly connected politicians linked to the CCP. The 2 million CCP spy drop is to prepare the normies for the idea that highly connected politicians are compromised. The lefties will be allowed to save face. CNN will be used to tell them they were manipulated by the evil CCP. The country will be united around an external enemy and we will enter a new cold war. It won't last long as with the natural disasters that took place in China last year, the starving population will overthrow the CCP internally and we will resume relations.

RandomPhD10 4 points ago +5 / -1

It happened with Lincoln, so I am open to it. At this point, over 50% of the country knows there was election fraud, and the system is failing us. They are refusing to look at the evidence or telling us the evidence is "deboooonked" even when it hasn't been. There is no other course of action imo. I think the 2 million CCP spy leak is to prep normies for the fact that a large portion of the government has been compromised by the CCP and this is the only remaining course of action.

RandomPhD10 3 points ago +4 / -1

The military will keep the resulting riots in check and make the necessary arrests of CCP operatives. That is assuming the supreme court punts again. All of this can still be settled peacefully, but it appears to me that the corrupt politicians don't realize every chance they've been given to make things right is not a chance for us, but a chance for them to save themselves.

The reality is we are already under foreign occupation by China which has bought and compromised prominent left leaning politicians. Next step will be seizure of foreign assets and military tribunals for traitors.

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