American Samoa: 91 Votes? 6 Delegates? A Population of Under 50K? How Many Are American Citizens? What Is Even Happening Right Now?
Fake News
Thanks A.I! I Couldn’t Have Been Deceived Without You! I Also Needed to Dodge a Paywall to Get the Last Answer From an Article.
Fake News
“This Is How Isaac Kappy Acted Right Before He Was Suicided and After He Specifically Said He Wasn’t Suicidal and neither Was the Reporter Helping Him”
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Texas farmers claim company sold them PFAS contaminated sludge that killed livestock
Boeing 727 Mysteriously Disappeared Along with Two Men with No License; Never Been Found
Zack Snyder wrote and directed a scene where a crated robot, is unboxed, sitting amongst other boxes, people carried there, and is handed a box for him to carry elsewhere. The man is so stupid, he can’t even create a scene of carrying boxes. How, why is he allowed to make movies?
Simple Theory: George Lucas Was Being Transparent in His Messaging on Midi-chlorians and the Force
You Can of Course Live the American Dream, Provide That You Abandon Your Morals, or Have Won the Lottery
Official sources from the International Red Cross prove that the "Holocaust" was a Jewish hoax. 271,301 people were killed, NOT 6 million
Goodbye to Germ Theory Lecture With Dr. William Trebing November 21, 2021 Bronxville New York