Olds77 3 points ago +3 / -0

They'll be calling for euthanasia in a few years when the horrible bill comes due for the lockdowns and shutting down our economy, but the media created a hysteria and it's not like they give a sudden shit about peoples lives, just when it suits them to get what they want.

Olds77 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not for real. It's just a sample and who knows how random it's to be.

Olds77 12 points ago +12 / -0

I feel horrible. This girl thinks she wants to do the right thing to protect her patients and may have just fucked up her body.

Olds77 1 point ago +1 / -0

I remember some great video years ago showing how innocent a lot of James Bond villians were by historical standards and yet this sinister, theatrical, cartoony garbage the villains did at moments in their movies have nothing on a lot of our powerful folks that more and more of us are starting to realize.

Olds77 1 point ago +1 / -0

The sad thing is, is that Hollywood is full of predators and desperate messes with serious problems, lots of addictions and no outlets to turn to once they piss through their money. I can't believe I ever looked up to folks in Hollywood as they're never the folks they seem to be and it's never the job I thought it was as it's so seedy and fake.

Olds77 3 points ago +3 / -0

Google used to be a tremendous search engine and now it feels like they've just become so good at burying a lot of sites. It's almost as if they're a part of the media who is happy to steer you on to certain information, but like the media they'd prefer your focus to be narrowly confined lest you wander and learn too much about things they'd prefer you not to as heaven forbid you ask questions or challenge their current narrative, crisis, hysteria or whatever they're currently pushing.

Olds77 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hopefully. Having a guy that valuable with lots of the worlds secrets could make him a good asset to the government. Maybe the rest of the world is horrified as China's tilted their hand way too much and revealed their massive ambition.

Olds77 2 points ago +2 / -0

Absolutely. China does far worse than the Russians did. They ended Democracy and free speech in Hong Kong and have concentration camps, but we let the Chinese get away with giving us a terrible disease that they refused to quarantine for until it went worldwide and denied us help and information about it early on and we reward them while sanctioning Russia for a tiny fraction of what China does, pushing Russia to be even more dependent on China who can buy them up for a fraction of what they could is they weren't sanctioned.

Russia is a broke superpower, desperately trying to hang on to their military technology production as every year every nation catches up with them bit by bit while their economy stagnates. The idea that they, with less than the combined GDP of PA and OH could somehow dominate and control us is beyond laughable on it's face, meanwhile pay no attention to the country that's infiltrated Hollywood and our media and is the second largest economy and growing every year.

Olds77 3 points ago +3 / -0

We bailed out our own farmers with a fraction of the proceeds gained from tariffs. Our metal industries are doing so much better without Chinese dumping and all those employees are very grateful for their jobs.

Olds77 3 points ago +3 / -0

He's cracked down on China harder than any president before him. The claims against Trump are heavily exaggerated and the stuff she insinuates was never substantiated. He's always backed Taiwan and fought China on their BS claims on the South China Sea. The 30 percent tariff on Chinese goods didn't exist before he came around.

Olds77 2 points ago +2 / -0

They just invented new mental disorders to write prescriptions for. People need meaningful human interaction and it's harder and harder to come by for most folks, so big pharma will happily fill that as will so many other businesses eager to fill that hole inside of you.

Olds77 3 points ago +3 / -0

They have enough ambitious people ready for harvest at any moment. I feel like these folks are just brands for whoever is pulling the strings behind them.

Olds77 3 points ago +3 / -0

It was amazing how much they sucked Bill Gates off. I wonder how little of his fortune he had to spend to get the media to worship him, including reddit.

Olds77 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good catch as I was too embarrassed to correct myself after I noticed that. I actually plugged that spreadsheet into excel and it does check. We'll see if those numbers are real long-term as I'm sure they'll be revised. I'm curious as hell how the CDC will talk about 2020 in 2022 as they seem to lag by two years and how they'll explain away the spikes in suicide. I wonder about how we're dooming the youth with proven excess suicide and so many to alcoholism and drug dependency that will take years off their life and things have become so antisocial that who knows if anyone is checking up on them.

Olds77 4 points ago +4 / -0

Nevermind all the poor bastards that will starve from the fallout of the lockdowns in other parts of the world at rates significantly higher than we lost.


Olds77 5 points ago +5 / -0

I believe the CDC is showing that we're 77k deaths behind 2018 with 16 days to go, with way more suicides than normal and a population that's aged. Who knows how many people have killed themselves from the isolation and turned to things like opiates, but this is beyond ridiculous.

2.763 million dead as of the 15th. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/index.htm

Olds77 2 points ago +2 / -0

Since there's no link. He was breeding a super bee resistant to a mite that had killed a ton of bees.


It sounds like he just lost his equipment as I imagine he was spreading the bees he was creating. Good on him for being so devoted and smart, though the arsonists can die in a bee swarm.

by Dudean
Olds77 1 point ago +1 / -0

I saw this plane of his years ago and wondered who he was. Something always did seem off, but I guess that's the Canadian Lolita Express.


Olds77 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's not a dude. The woman that killed him was crazy and somehow traveled across the country to kill him having no connection to him. The guy was beyond connected, accomplished and had magazine articles written about him before his money laundering and bribery got exposed.

Olds77 2 points ago +2 / -0

Was that before or after they openly took hundreds of millions from the folks running concentration camps and ethnically cleansing large parts of their country while ending Democracy in Hong Kong?

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