Noticer66 0 points ago +1 / -1

Bro you’re out of your element. Your views and points are that of someone with a mindset of pre-2020.

Catch up and get with the times you’re embarrassing yourself. Things are moving faster than you’re able to comprehend or understand OR you’re a shill.

Sit the next couple of plays out and listen and don’t talk. You’re making yourself look bad.

Noticer66 1 point ago +1 / -0

They didn’t start killing the Christian monarchs until the 14-1800s. They poisoned many of them I think and others were assassinated or replaced with their lackeys.

By the early 1900s and the Bolshevik Revolution their ascendancy was pretty much complete with the last hundred years and everything after WW2 being the apex of their power.

I have a feeling it’s gonna get worse