Not_my_prez 0 points ago +1 / -1

Been contacted by FBI. Not worried. Not scared. I am an American. Not a pussy communist.

Not_my_prez 0 points ago +1 / -1

You know. The country's where you faggot men wear dresses. The one where you make women slaves and make them work all day in the fields while you rape little boys. The one where you wipe your ass with your hand . The one that American soldiers walked over like the pussys that they are. Fuck Allah. Fuck you. Hypocrite.

Not_my_prez 1 point ago +2 / -1

No it was ME mother fucker.And my relatives. Not ashamed. Its called being American. Something you evidently aren't. Fucking Troll. Traitor.

Not_my_prez 1 point ago +2 / -1

Should have known you are a fucking wannabe terrorist. I have been to your country. Shit hole

Not_my_prez 0 points ago +1 / -1

Lmfao. Trump supporters are the real revolutionaries. You soy boys have your mouth wrapped around a big black socialist tyrannical cock. Wake the fuck up. Look around. Nobody's working. Prices going up. Gas running dry. The rest of the world laughing at your senile puppet. This is just the beginning. Put your diaper back on your face. YouTube how to load a gun. And stay tuned to msm. You should be fine. Fucking joke you are.