I know im to retarded to go on those morning and night rides
O silly special agent sand nigger only person thats a fed is the fed pushing propaganda with a user name that is the father of anti jew propaganda that tried to recruit me and groom me
Is thats whats happening special agent sand nigger? Think hard not sure your training and preparation covered some like me
Try again agent sand nigger cope some more
Saved by the bell a show written by people rejected by mad magazine this is your source. Look how mad the feds get when they get alittle push back special agent sand nigger is furious im here outing him after ger tried recruiting and grooming me
Really why is it i can't find a single mention of Donald chump anywhere before 2015? Special agent sand nigger you so crazy.
Oh no you spell checked me i better shrink back to the shadows special agent sand nigger you to funny