Nightcrawler 1 point ago +1 / -0

The federal government went around to every gas station and business in the area and took all the tapes. For "security purposes". That is a fact. They took all civilian footage, then released six frames to the public of the "plane hitting pentagon".

Nightcrawler 1 point ago +1 / -0

This post should be pinned at the top. Fucking facts are not debatable.

Nightcrawler 1 point ago +1 / -0

WTC7 = WTF x 7

Nightcrawler 3 points ago +3 / -0

Isn't it amazing how many people around the world believe there is a virus killing people? Everyone that has died, was going to die anyway, from heart disease, car wrecks, suicides, etc. It's more dramatic when you count how many people are dying each day. It scares the sheep into submission.

Nightcrawler 8 points ago +8 / -0

America has not had an honest election since Woodrow Wilson. Federal Reserve Act December 1913.

Nightcrawler 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't know anyone that has died or gotten sick. I know someone who says they know someone who "died from covid" so they believe it's real. I have not thought it was real all fucking year. I was still looking at WTC 7 evidence and they are like "pandemic time". Fuckin whaaaaaaaaaaaa?

Nightcrawler 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is fucking disgusting how fake that is. I just saw the post on Parler. Vomitted in my own mouth a little. Pence was being given a saline injection, or some good dope, he was not taking the "vaccine". LMFAO

Nightcrawler 1 point ago +1 / -0

I do not believe the current threat to American citizens is "Chinese troops", I believe it to be UN troops and not only are they in Canada and Mexico but they are in dark blue US states as well. That's just my personal belief, in other words I have no fucking source for that other than me watching tons of live streams each night this year and have seen some things that made me think that.

Nightcrawler 2 points ago +2 / -0

That sounds somewhat delusional.Those are truly the words of a brainwashed sheep.

I have no desire to destroy democracy, I do not worship Trump, I am not a member of the National Socialist Party.

You are on a conspiracy forum, not a CNN Facebook post.

Nightcrawler 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't know how any sane person could accept any form of authority over them from the federal and state gov anymore I want to see blood in the House and Senate again, those were the days.

Nightcrawler 5 points ago +5 / -0

Look at ALL the dumbass Republicrat voters in GA ready to vote again in a runoff using the same flawed system. After witnessing that, how can you have any faith in the elections of your state? If I lived in GA I would be raising an army of peaceful protestors and demanding the state switch to a RANK CHOICE system secured with Ethereum tokens (blockchain) or something to that effect. Maine and Nebraska used this and the votes were split for each candidate based on how they did. We should not be using mail for anything this important but we should be having voting start early and counting as they are received. States should be forced to start counting as the votes are received. ALL the states that waited until election day to get a count of in-person votes FIRST before counting mail-ballots are the corrupt states. There are many ways you can fight to put the power back into the hands of the people.


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