MindlessRationality 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's definitely a problem that people are not interested in doing their best and getting high quality and have replaced the 'best' with the easiest money.

Shortsighted, greedy decision makers who choose profit over quality are definitely a large part of the problem. It costs what it costs, and haggling is not negotiation.

Haggling is terrible because ultimately it is about making it worse for the other person most of the time and has nothing to do with reality.

We need to take real pride in our work, but that is hard when the company itself doesn't want to pass along the profits to their employees who make them money by working hard and not taking shortcuts.

Bad business....it's really to blame. But I wouldn't say capitalism is at fault. Greed is not a side effect of capitalism...it exists in all economic systems from what I have seen.

Communists are greedy too.

The banking system, MMT, and the constant printing of money for oligarchs doesn't help promote real work or quality either sadly

MindlessRationality 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yeah that's clearly staged by something....

USA only....

MindlessRationality 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree we need to have some 'low tech' stuff too. I just don't want to accept the false statement that we must go back to old technology only.

I want the west to run the future and support good quality low tech as well.

I don't want my lawnmower talking to my fridge or my internet unless I control the software and the server it talks to and made them talk on my behalf, but yeah, I don't want high tech junk for no added benefit or ridiculously complex electronics inside of mundane equipment

MindlessRationality 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, they thought they could actually just force it .... Arrogance. They think their echo chamber reflects the truth.

It could also be part of the next trigger.

MindlessRationality 2 points ago +2 / -0

Unfortunately, we need to compete on quality AND price. We should be able to make it for lower cost (if we use economies of scale and start to export again to the world) if we focus on recycling products and building extensible product lines.

We should not be "replacing" stuff - because that incentivizes cheap replacement (ie. china and india)

We need to have heirloom goods like you said - but future tech heirloom goods.

We should have cameras which are made here, and can be upgraded for the next 50 years with better senors, compatible lenses, processors that you upgrade and keep the body, or swap the chassis and keep the innards.

That is how we make people invest in OUR technology. By actually having companies respect the customers and giving them truly good quality stuff that is designed to be maintained for a lifetime.

China has matched quality for replaceable stuff over the past 10-20 years. Its sad, but I just picked up some recording equipment and best enthusiast level stuff and below professional is all chinese companies.

It shouldn't cost more than buying new to upgrade it. We shouldn't incentivize printers....we should incentivize it more like the way computers are upgraded, but ultimately - we need licenses that incentivize the adoption.

Apple went all walled garden and that won't be the way we incentive local development and new factories. We need open systems, but local factories and manufacturing, and brands to work on open standards (not just one - they can compete like Playstation vs Switch vs Xbox)

MindlessRationality 3 points ago +3 / -0

Also...TikTok is designed as a synergistic sister company. They promote the desire to film, then they focus on promoting the "prosumer" style - they sell AI, they data mine, they then package it up in their physical products, and they sell software to influence, and they then have a cottage industry around it.

This is all to drown out western media influence and become the communist hive mind that they control, fund it with purchases both by their citizens first, and then through exported sales, and then they collect the data back and can tag it easily because it is known to them.

They then use this to spread propaganda, and get westerners upset, and the only way western audiences can fight back is to buy equipment to record themselves....so you either use a phone or you go and buy more professional stuff, but they manufacture most brands...so you fund them when you try to fight back even....

Then then also can tag the models they export with special watermarks which are imperceptible and use it to manage self-censorship....

Its all connected to their military funding as well....

MindlessRationality 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, but you still need to eventually do real "pr" and get it noticed by actual people who touch grass. Because if they are just bots who find it...and your bots are just the lure....then you just spend time thinking you are "influencing" people when you are just honeypotting yourself.

MindlessRationality 0 points ago +1 / -1

Do you work for advertising? I know the industry pretty well. It's a scam.

$30k is a lot of money.....for fake views......like you realise that views are not the point.....that is what they 'market' their influence as....but the real value is and always will be....'Conversions'

If you don't convert you don't spend money ....

Fake views are not conversions....they are a sunk cost with the hope that some day real people trust the message....not profit.

That is the marketing lies that the ad companies tell....most of advertising revenue is a money laundering venture for the big companies...

Middlemen take their cut from the consulting level....there are not a ton of layers beyond the first agency. Maybe two layers before it hits the real Ad network and those are regulated.

$500 should buy you 2k-5k 'followers' and then scale from there...it's still a scam and you are wasting your money.....unless you want to waste $50k every few months because you keep buying fakes.....terrible plan haha

MindlessRationality 2 points ago +3 / -1

What baffles me is not that they lie...but that they ever make using the fake it strategy. It's typically not to make money ...since they are paying for fake viewers, the goal must be influence.

MindlessRationality 2 points ago +2 / -0

The problem is they have almost completely normalized it.

People have fallen for the meme and tune out the word....even when the news talks about it, they always make it 'not chemtrails'

It's hard because the sheep all day 'climate change' now...and yes climate change is real...it's weaponized.

But....when people complain about fake science....they always get the wrong associations. The well has been poisoned.

They literally have the sheep begging for climate change now.....it's crazy.

They say we must stop climate change, so let's spray chemicals into the sky and pollute the environment with these heavy metals because we need to reflect the sun...... absolute insanity

MindlessRationality 1 point ago +1 / -0

You know it bad when the show doctors are raising alarms.

Next we will get Howard Stern talking about it.

Imagine if it wasn't doctor Phil....

Jerry Springer would have paid the illegals to yell threats on daytime TV haha

MindlessRationality -1 points ago +1 / -2

Sounds like Hamas ..... Do you remember 10-7?

MindlessRationality 2 points ago +2 / -0

Infrastructure....it's about the hard assets. Information is the decoy.

MindlessRationality -1 points ago +1 / -2

How about Jordan just takes in Gazans ...they are both 'Palestinians'....why not Jordan? I mean they are both Islamic countries.

MindlessRationality 1 point ago +1 / -0

The same thing is done for many groups these days.... Russian, Ukrainian, Jews, Muslims, etc.

The problem is first we other...then we reinforce our own superiority...

Both are slightly wrong.

We should be acknowledging differences and accepting them, whilst allowing for mutual respect. I don't ask for people to do as I do....but I ask they allow me my rituals and I will allow theirs....provided neither infringe on more fundamentals.

Values.....common values....that is all that matters, then how to communicate them to one another

MindlessRationality 2 points ago +2 / -0

I like how you do nothing but play the stooge and troll .... It's like you must be wondering why all your compatriots are getting promoted and you are still running this beat....it's okay. You are not meant to be a proper troll, you were not meant to spread information or misinformation....you appear to have the purpose of being much like those automated chinese bots that scan for my printer so that they can send me a bill claiming my network is unsafe....no bitch....we want you here.....where you are easy to spot and I can clearly mark you as worthless when weighing your opinions and thoughts.

You comment more than almost all accounts and yet the weight of your statements is worth less than this comment of mine....good work..

Slow clap...

MindlessRationality 1 point ago +1 / -0

But that only applies when you are between the sun and moon...which means it must be positioned specifically. It's your perspective that is causing the appearance of the crescent. The moon is full....if you were between it and the sun and looked at the moon straight on....relative to the sun...

But when you have sun to your right, and moon is above your head.....you are not between them...so you cannot see the full lighting.

Technically you would never see a full moon on the same side of the sun...and only can you see both when they are both 180 degrees on the Horizon.

To phrase it differently. What you see....is not what the sun sees.

The sun always sees the full moon.

MindlessRationality 2 points ago +2 / -0

See I see that different from a white pill, I see it as when people stopped...they lied for profit...because then they get money no matter what...so likely just a fraud on top of a fraud.

MindlessRationality 1 point ago +1 / -0

Everyone I know except for maybe 3 or so people got the jab. I was completely othered by almost everyone I knew and had people refusing to see me unless I got and even had people reach out to me online and through phone calls demanding I stop throwing shade and just be a good citizen and take it....

I had family members call me an idiot and laugh at me when I told them it was dangerous. I had people gaslight me to no end...they mandated it and forced people in my country if we wanted to go to any event or entertainment... Most just did it for that ...

Some even bragged with their cards online after gettingjabbed....

I saw everything but people say 'no thanks' ... Even work colleagues bragged about how much it out them down after taking it....

And I know ..many who suffered since....one guy just had a heart attack, another had palpitations, high blood pressure at 25 and he was not fat, appendicitis and removal for one who took it....family members worked people who died....after taking it....but it was just a heart attack........

Yeah people took it ..and then got fucked....

MindlessRationality 2 points ago +2 / -0

I constantly see the moon at sunset....just today in fact. It was a crescent the other day.... But not at sunrise that I can think of, but definitely other amounts - full, and possibly 3/4

The Rotation on the face of the moon changes with the phase, it is not the same point in the sky at different phases at the same time of the year, so I have tried to spot the reflection on the surface.

GeekMage did a good job of explaining the ball lighting though. Specifically "scene" or "directional" lighting would come in "mostly perpendicular" to the surface, and this would result in reflected light but possibly "diffused" by the surface properties.

This would scatter the light much like you get when you shine onto a pile of dirt - it does not reflect like it does on water.

The thing I can somewhat not prove is the distance itself. There are lots of possible combinations which could in theory provide a similar output.

So if it is reflected light, it does not mean the sun is as far away as they tell us...nor does it mean the earth is a ball....

It just means that there are multiple solutions to your linear equation.

Can we also acknowledge that both the sunlight and the moonlight come through our atmosphere as well, so it can also been scattered slightly during the transport

MindlessRationality 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sorry, but your model is fundamentally wrong.

You have overlooked the necessary components of 3D rendering....that ball is not modelling the surface properties of the moon in any way. And the sun is not emitting enough light and if they apply directional light as opposed to point light....

It's complexity that has been overlooked...your model is broken and simple. No matter your intentions, this is a bad....bad...example.

Download Blender....spend 10 hours learning some basics...and come back ..

MindlessRationality 1 point ago +1 / -0

She has come up before. She is definitely in the club.

MindlessRationality 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think the thing they know is that genetic modification is upon us and they want to experiment legally....and without consequences so they will come up with all sorts of fear mongering to make you demand they experiment on you.

Not necessarily that they plan to infect people for real...though it is possible....always possible

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